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Hi everyone!

This week was spent creating and putting together a Tilemap set for the Dungeon. Lets get into what that is and how it looks!

1: What's New

So to recap: last week I created mock-ups for what the new dungeon aspect of the game looks like. 

With that new design in mind, it was time to get to work making the art assets to prototype and bring the concept to life.

At a bare minimum there's three sets of assets that need to be done to prototype out the gameplay:

  • The Dungeon Environment - Level design assets
  • Objects in the Dungeon such as the player character, enemies, prisoners and enemies
  • A user interface for the dungeon.

It doesn't matter which one I select to start with, just as long as I got started. 

So this week was a focus on making assets for the Dungeon Environment:

Being a 2D game I opted to create a TILEMAP for the environment.

A tilemap are separate sprites that are stitched together to create an enviornment.

Once imported from Photoshop to and into Unity. This is how these assets look put together:

And to get a better view of it:

I think for a weeks worth of work we now have a clean and easy to use environment tileset that's enough to prototype with. 

My hope with assets like these is to later down the line commission other artists to enhance the quality of these tilesets: adding more texture and flavor to them.

You can even watch a video of the assets being placed in Unity here.  (Taken from an art stream. Thus the Isabelle at the bottom of the video.)

My fave asset made this week was the bondage themed floor mural:

2: What's Next

Next week I aim to get to work done on making a range of objects that exist within the environment that are not bolted down to it. Such as:

  • The Player Character
  • Enemies
  • Traps
  • Chests
  • Prisoners

These assets won't by any means be final quality or polished, but they will be a few steps above the assets previously seen in the Isometric prototypes and I aim to make them fit nicely into the environment above for when a playable demo is possible.

Any thoughts or questions about what was posted this week? Feel free to leave a comment!


- Caroo




Looks amazing and well done. I have some questions how long is the game, how many levels is there, how many type of enemies are there, is there any bosses, is there more ways to see the prisoners tied up and is there going to be different games modes.


Thanks SimDark23! For answers to your questions. It's too early in the games development to tell. My goal with this game to improve over ticklish tessa is to create a game with a lot more game time play value to it. So the answer to your questions are "Yes, but I don't know how many or how much yet."