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Hi Everyone!

It's the start of April and a fresh new month! I've got some work to show off in terms of the next game in development: The Dungeon RPG!

Watch the Video!

I've put up a short video showing off the prototypes progress in Unity. It includes some music in the game as well so turn the audio on! Give it a watch here! 

Dungeon RPG - Early days with lots of promise!

My efforts over March (after spending 1 week dedicated to filing taxes and making advertisements) was focused on the concept and prototyping of the Dungeon Exploration aspect for the next game.

Originally the prototypes I had worked on last year had the camera perspective as isometric, but after reviewing how it played it was decided that a more square layout proved to be better. 

And so I started out with concepting that out:

From there it was a process on working on the art needed to bring the concept to life. I started with the environmental assets and created some tile sets in Unity.

And then creating the art for the objects in the dungeon. So far I've created and animated the player character, an enemy cultist and a chest:

So to summarize progress made in March:

  • Concept work for the Dungeon.
  • Environment Tileset Art created.
  • Animated characters created.
  • Music in-game.
  • Player movement controller working.

What's coming in April due to your support?

The focus for the Patreon right now continues being developing the 2nd game so that I can deliver a playable demo as quickly as possible.

As a commitment to quality I do want that playable demo to be worth playing of course and that means there's much more gameplay to get into the prototype before we get there.

Optimistically I hope to deliver something to the Patrons by the end of April. But that all depends on the rate of progress. 

Here's to getting something fun and sexy for everyone to play soon!

Thank you all. <3

- Caroo



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