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Many sailors have suggested bringing back the naughty Nott to the ship. And to those I say: Hell yeah! 

I can't wait to see how Nott reacts to the hate-love relationship she has with Fjord--I think it could make a great animation 🤭🤭🤭

Time to choose, me mateys!

Also, I wanted to let you know that yer Cap'n is quite sick and It is very hard to focus and get the most basic things done with such a head pain and muscle soreness throughout the whole body. Said this, I will do my best to stay on schedule. Because you deserve all my efforts, me mateys!

Finally, not all news are grim and sad, for I got a little peek in for us to taste 🍿😩👌

Boi look at that tail ❤️👀🍿



Nott deserves this, for a bunch of reasons

John Folmer

All these are good! Whatever you do is gonna be awesome, you are a great person


It is crazy how a fairly generic jester is almost beating out Nott who hasn’t had a piece done in years, and beating Pike who is just so smol and perfect, like I know jester is hot but damn

Aiden Holm

Would love to see either Pike or Nott 😍 .... I might have a thing for short stacks 😬

Aiden Holm

Also, and this might just be me, I always thought that Nott had way bigger breasts. Like not just generic large breasts, but really huge ones. Maybe comparable to Fearne or Farah. (Not in actual size but in scale). I do realize that that might not be everyone's cup of tea, and you are the artist. So do what you want :)


Focus on your health please I love the work but don’t put your health at risk


I would love to see a part 2 with Pike, but when you put Nott as an option I have to go with my favorite little goblin


Take care of yourself


Nott’s giant rack is actually canon too, they talk about it in C2 lol

Garrett Carter

The problem with Nott winning is that I just can't imagine an actual woman playing Nott's voice. To me, anyone but Sam will just sound wrong.

Jimithey Nolan

You better be taking care of yourself Captain. I’m sure you won’t get any complaints if you say you’re sick and things are a week or so late.


Hope to see Notts long tongue again, if your not feeling great captain you will not get any complaints from me if you need time to get better.


Aww, thank you so much! As usual, you are so kind and lovely, me hearty!! 🥰🥰🥰


Thank you, me hearty! Honestly it is even hard to breathe lately 😂😂😂 But here we are and got almost a whole pharmacy on my desk! I can't wait for my body to get rid of this infection :3


Worry not, me matey! For Pike pt2 shall have another shot! For I'd love to see her happen as well hihihi


I'll do my best, me hearty! So far I am slowly but surely feeling better! I hope next week I will be back as a whole--at least now I sit and paint with mild breathing issues! =))


Oh, I might take a bit of an artist license right there, so we can enjoy the whole idea without getting to weird places 😂😂😂 Yet you brought an excellent point, my sailor! 🤭


Thank you so much, me hearty! Though my pride doesn't allow me to stop even if I am this sick--my crew needs the spicy sauce, and I would feel so guilty if I didn't deliver! This must be done 🍿🍿🍿!


Thank you for being so patient and supportive, me hearty! I just really want to make these thingies happen, despite feeling so bad; You deserve the best out of me, and I can't dare to give less than that ❤️❤️❤️