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She took a deep breath and vanished into the pool filled with clean water, where soap was decorating the surface, and exquisite flower scents were wafting in the air.
To say that the pleasures the noble house offered were staggering for Callista would be a colossal understatement. She had heard stories of the joys of bathhouses, of servants filling corners as living sculptures, and palaces made out of ivory and gold. Yet all these enjoyments were so foreign to her that, under that hood of confidence and enthusiasm, an insecure girl was starting to rise and break the surface.
Callista knew she couldn't allow these thoughts to interrupt her focus and charisma. They very well might disrupt the negotiations ahead and the token of peace she keenly was after.
But there she was. With a sack full of tragedy on her back that made her the person she finally became. Her history had been infested with sacrifice and abstinence she and her blood had been forced to overcome. Hers was a path born out of despair, pain, and loss.
"That's all in the past," She thought to herself. Forcing herself through the thoughts of her mother's extraordinary achievements and the clever feats of her father. "Our present and future shall be brighter than that."
And from under the foamy bathwater, Callista reappeared with grace, ready for the royal appointment. King Frederick was in front of the stairs leading out of the bubbly surface, appreciating the exotic entrance from the tailed ambassador.
"Lady Callista, what an honor to meet thee," King Frederick stated. While, behind such gracious hips emerging from the water, the slow swing of the tail was fighting a battle for the ruler's attention. "Please--Mine house, thyne h--" Callista interrupted the monarch with a silent and defying gaze while keeping her arms crossed. Though Frederick was towering over her, the ambassador could read his eyes full of perplexity.
Immediately after, two servants approached with towels and stroked her gently to remove the wetness from her body.
Once dry and fresh, and without taking her eyes from the lord, she winked at him and took his hand. Her tail caressed the ruler's chin and torso while on their way to a marble podium next to the royal guards—those guards whom weren't peeking over their shoulders at all.
Callista grabbed Frederick's hands and softly kissed them, giving back the authority she borrowed from him the moments before. "This is the day our people become friends. The day our paths connect. And this--" She paused before putting her hand to her chest, summoning a small incorporeal blue flower, and guided it into the King's chest, where his heart was. "--this is the moment I become yours."


This lady's diligence is impressive and inspiring, and with the second king aboard, we still have one more ahead! Also, by the looks of it, we can go a little bit deeper into Frederick's token of peace--but only if you want, my sailors!!

This horn(y)ed lady is indeed a pleasure to bring to life, and her story is so interesting that I could write a whole book just about her origins, adventures, and duties.

Her body is a work of art, her mind a fortress, yet her heart remains a mystery. I am so grateful you've given me the opportunity for Callista to exist. She is our creation, and with your breathtaking presence on this ship, we can bring many more adventures of hers to life!!



Listening: Stellar Shadows (Eve Online OST) 

Thinking: Calli is such a treat. My crew is the best!!

Feeling: So satisfied!




OMG, me want my green!!!


I thought this was nott at first


The piecing are my favourites 😍


She’s great all over, but that face is so beautiful I find myself staring over there lol

John Folmer

That's a fascinating ring, is there a story behind its wearer? Great piece as well, just saw a detail piece that I figured would be good to ask about. Especially if it leads to a dramatic reveal of a Captain Popcorn Cinematic Universe.


I...want to be the man in this image so bad. Callista god DAYUM <3 <3 <3 <3

Jimithey Nolan

Love the story you've written, can't help but imagine Callista fresh out of the bath and her guiding King Frederick. Both such seductive moments in the story.


Hihihi, the devil's in the details, my sailor! ;)


Hihi, don't worry, me hearty! We shall also give a lot of love to our favorite goblin ;)


Hihihi, a lady such as Callista wears only the best ornaments! Such a prize for kings needs to remain immaculate and unique! 🍿😩👌


Hihihi, I am so happy you like her this much, me hearty! I would love to bring her to the crew more often; she has a special place in this Captain's heart 🥰🥰🥰


Precisely, me hearty! Each of the kings of the Triumvirate of the West carries a symbol of their integrity and constitution: a Lion, an Owl, and a Deer. Together, they represent the best traits of the fellow human race. I developed a general idea for that particular kingdom and the Political set up of their throne and their lands... I really hope we will get to develop much further! :3


Hihihi, you are not alone in the feeling! One can simply not get enough of Calli!! 😋😋😋


Awww I am so happy you liked it! She definitely knows how to take a man's heart prisoner of her will. Also some little cantrips here and there can help quite a bit! hihihihi