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“Here is for a great Alliance between our people!” King Gerald exclaimed enthusiastically, raising a glass of wine in honor of his guest.
The ambassador Callista elegantly got back on her feet, kissed the man on the cheek and, without saying a word, left the room for the royal bath waiting for her. She was in the company of her personal adviser, who was giving guidance for her next strategical consultation while making their way through the glamorous corridors.
These were peaceful times, and Callista knew that. This was a perfect opportunity to create new alliances with the kingdoms of the West. Her people were counting on her; to join the trade routes with the South and bring peace to the clans.
Getting word from his three assessors, the next ruler was already by the portal leading to the bath. He was the youngest of the three leaders who constituted the Triumvirate of the West.
Eager for the negotiations that were about to unfold, King Frederick’s expectations ramped once he saw Callista approaching with a graceful and seductive gait. Making her tail swing from left to right in a luscious rhythm.
She confidently acknowledged the tall young man with a smirked wink before vanishing through the steamy portal leading to the baths.
“She walks as if the palace is hers!” the King’s advisors hissed between teeth. But in Frederick’s mind, there was only a pleasant desire to know more about this green-horned lady and how she kept her composure in front of such an authority.
A terrific entrance for a game of power where more than a simple discussion was about to occur. Callista knew she had the upper hand for the second part of the negotiations.
Once under the warm lavender water, she thought to herself: “One success--now two more to go.”


Finally! She is here, and she is making good use of her all her glorious shades of confident green!

Yet the question remains: Are the Kings and leaders ready for her? And most importantly: Are my sailors ready for some more green? 🍿👀👌


Listening: StarChasm (Devin Townsend) [Some weird sheit, my sailors--don't even bother :P]

Feeling: This weather makes me feel so alive!! 😍😍😍

Thinking: I can't believe how much I enjoy writing for my crew!! 

Tinkering: 3ode rEmailD🦜




Oh Cap'n, my Cap'n. Please more of this tale. And more of that tail.

The Chain Warden

Now I'm interested in seeing her meet someone who can play the game as well as her.


That's one way to unite the clans of the west, a rather fun way❤️❤️❤️


Best way to eat your green is adding your personal sauce!


Uniting the clans by spreading those cheeks


Tails can be very hot


This is so hot!

Jimithey Nolan

Can't wait to see where this goes.


You bet there are some others ambassadors around the continent waiting for her ;)


And so much more of her is coming, me hearty!! 😍😍😍


Pacifying the Kings was never so good! There is our girl avoiding wars to come 🥰🥰🥰


And wait to see more of her, me hearty! She is ready to bring peace to her people in the most convincing ways! 🤭🤭🤭