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Hey Everyone!

This one was an idea I was owing to you for quite a bit of time, and honestly, I am super happy about the fact that it is done! 

I am not entirely sure if everyone is into NottCaleb, but I needed to give it a try, and if you really like it, I could develop the idea and story further! If you are not into it, please also let me know! So I can hit myself on the face for having worked on this for the whole week :D

I also wanted to share with you that the last couple of months been particularly hard for me and I have been trying to keep up with the proper attitude and workflow. But indeed the later got very much affected. Luckily enough, things are getting back to normal!

Thank you so much to all of you for your support, and expect more stuff very soon!!


Thinking: Can't wait to start animating in After Effects. BUT I SHALL HONOR PATREON GOALS.

Listening: Sunson ( Nils Frahm )





*waves a hand* not into it


I love this!! Nott looks gorgeous omg. And flustered Caleb is so cute. (Hope you're okay captain!! Please take care of yourself! ♡)


*Watches their fist, prepares, aims to the face*: BOOM! Thank you so much for your feedback!!


This is Great, Love everything about it. Personally I have nothing against the NottCaleb pairing but i can see where others might.

John Folmer

That's great! Hope you feel better


Hey, she got a nice eyes massage cream on her. Absolutely AWESOME!! Keep Caleb cumming on her.... I mean... keep em coming!!


Yeah this was awesome. I would be very happy to see this continue :)


I think this is my favorite portrayal of sexy Nott I've ever seen. (Also your animating skills have been improving quite a bit.)

William Miller

Absolutely amazing! Loved the animated bits too


Thank you so much for your wishes, I will do my best to recover ASAP and reflect that in the upcoming pieces! If Nott is a good shot, she might deserve her own design sheet page 👀


Thank you!! And I agree, maybe NottCaleb isn't the best idea for everyone, but worth the shot to realize it! I think it might be better to go with a wholesome NottAnythingElse... Right?


Thank you so much! And I hope you enjoyed it!! I am slowly recovering... It was something way more serious than I could have ever imagined. But I am alive and as long as there's air in my lungs I will fight! ❤️


Thank you! I am super happy that you like it! Also, thank you so much for your feedback!!


Aww thank you so much!! I am super glad you like it!! This frame-by-frame animating is a great practice for when I pick up the After Effects (When we reach the goal), so I hope by then I will be better at all this hihi (Thank you ❤️)


Thank you!! They take a little bit of time, but in the end, they are super worthy =))


Not a blowjob person, but frame 12 stopped me in my tracks for a hot minute. Unexpected enjoyment out of that one.

Primordial Cosmic Horror

Love it! I love goblins and long tongues. Love your portrayal of both Nott and Caleb. The detail on the tattoo is really nice, too, especially since even though she's got it now you could easily have left it out to save yourself time. Fantastic work as always, cap!


This is so nice! Thank you so much and I am super happy you enjoyed it =))


Thank you so-so much! It was a super fun piece to make! I think there is not enough naughty Nott art in the world, we have to change that!!