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Hey everyone!

Ever wondered how lingerie works on Tieflings? Me too!

And I also felt like drawing some asses. So I hope you enjoy these with me!

Truth is that I am willing to define some practice. You know, the 2020 decade just got started, and it is already hitting me hard: I have the need of getting better, much, much better and further than ever before. And the cool thing is that it will all be smut practice (With a few exceptions of course, because not everything in life can be naughtiness... OR CAN IT?... DON'T TRY ME! Actually, go ahead, try me) for your joy (And also mine).

A side note, for those that like the news channel of the Popcorn Universe bandwidth: I already got started with the recording of my painting processes, and it will be released all together once we hit 300 Patrons! Can't wait for it guys!

Let's keep this improvement trend fresh throughout the year and the decade, I believe we can achieve amazing things together. I will do my part =)



John Folmer

That's really good! You do fantastic work!


Thank you so much!! Even though I plan on practicing on a daily basis, I am thinking about gathering all the practices/studies together and post them less often, so I don't spam you guys =)


Minor physiology comment: I think that the middle tail is the best, as it appears to be an extension of the spine (the *tail*bone), as opposed to the other two, which seem to be coming from the lower back.


Thank you so much for this observation! You are right, it should be going out from lower on the side sketches. I messed up :/