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Hey everyone!

This is a sketch I made as a personal reference for the (Spoiler alert!) artworks to come next week. I wasn't really thinking about posting these but rather just keep them close to me for when needed.

But then I thought "What the hell? Why not share it?".

I guess my only fear was (And at the moment of writing this still is) that I do not want to spam you with too many things.

Anyway, back when I made the first outfit design for Eria I didn't really know what she would be up to, nor I had a proper idea on her attitude, personality, way of speaking, aspirations, backstory etc. But that is something that the amazing Patrons of mine and I been working on together on the official Popcorn Universe Discord! And honestly, it was lots of fun!

Basically I changed her Big two-handed sword and the secondary single-sword for two scimitars. dressed her a little bit less weirdly (You know, now you can introduce her to your parents) and took that non-sense corset (Nonsense since she'd have to run, jump, do the snu-snu, I mean snooping around, etc) for a 'leather-ish' compound shirt.

As for Malxus, the poor bastard is simply a low-budget peacock with a mysteriously expensive lute. That's it.

I will probably work on a more rendered version in the future. When that happens, I will upload it in this post and let you know about it through a notification =)

For now... Yasha is callin'!

Stay awesome!




Why have I never noticed that Eria's breastplate has nipples?


Definitely late cuz I didn’t read the comment on this one, but you can absolutely run, jump, fight, etc. in a good corset. I wear mine for a full 18 hour day semi regularly for back pain and they‘re a must if you’re gonna be lifting people at cons :P


Buy good corsets everyone!! You get what you pay for and an $80 plastic boned shit show cannot imitate $200 of spiral boning in style or comfort and any corset you cannot sword fight in is a bad corset


Oh damn, I didn't think about it! I mean I always had this image of cosets of the 1600s which had no other functionality than compressing the wearer's ribs to the point of no breathing. I declare myself guilty of stereotypes! I'd totally love to be enlighted in the subject as I know so little about it 😂