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Hey everyone!

Surprised, right? Me too!

Comics is a thing that been on my to-do-list for quite a long time now (Like... a looong time), and I decided to give it a try just the see if you would like it as much as I do!

And what a better choice than FjordNott to make this happen!! This is the lineart, as you can gather, which I already stared coloring and soon will be finished!
Important:  I would like you to tell me in the comments if me making comics is something you would like to see more or if they are not your thing.

And don't worry! If you need to scream that this whole idea sucks, please do! Let's scream together :D

Oh, and if you want to give it a try and color it up, be my guest! I also uploaded a .zip so you can download the big file right from there! (Because I made these quite big).

Mood: I could finally sleep for 8 hours, and it feels great! (Yesterday I could only sleep 4).

Listening: The Code(Devin Townsend)




This is great! I'm definitely a fan of the comics idea and hope to see more like this.


Yes more comics!

John Folmer

Oooo that's awsome!


More comics, you've got a great eye for the flow of a panel, love the work!


Definitely more comics!


Oh, thank you so much!! I really hope that the next ones will be even better since this is the first couple of pages I've ever done! I think there is so much potential in this!!


Thanks a lot!! I will do my best to bring even better ones in the near future !! I shall not let you down! ❤️


I'm not too much of a fan of comics. Just generally seems like the artist has to drop the detail and quality of their art if they draw comics. For me personally, the way you've been making a short story scene with various edits from one very high quality "main" image is the perfect mix of story and high quality art Looks like I'm in the minority though


This is a super valuable feedback! I am super thankful you took the time for giving input on this! And no worries! I am trying new things, and even if comics become a thing, I wouldn't stop making short-stories at all, short stories are here for good :3


I can NOT wait for the full version of this, its bound to be my favorite piece you've done


I’ve always loved nsfw comics! They are my favorite! Please keep making them!


Yeah comics are great. Please keep making more.


I really love comics! Dialogue and story are weirdly a big part of my enjoyment to these things, lol. It's fun!


Oh wow! I wasn't expecting this at all! I will make sure that the color version lives up to the expectations!!


Will do! Also with the promise that they will only get better with each delivered page :3


Exactly! Dialogues and stories are also a thing I enjoy a lot while doing these pieces, I think comics might be a really good balance between each! Imagine a 100-pages art-piece 👀