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Hey everyone!

I took the three characters that won the last poll and studied them up a little bit further!

In the case of Beau and Yasha, I had a few ideas that I wanted to implement (mostly in terms of facial features). Which will come really handy for the next artworks involving them (Oh boy!)!

And when it comes to the first two characters of this post... Well-You already know Eria--yet the second one (Malxus) is making his first apparition ever and anywhere! And you got to see him first!! 

He is the second official main character in Popcorn Universe! And you shall know very soon what I have planned for them *Evil laugh*!!

Note: It may be that you are thinking and getting worried about the fact that this is not smut/NSFW content. And if that's the case, WORRY NOT! For I am already working on that! So this week/weekend you can receive it!! Woop woop!!

Note2: If you have any kind of advice, correction or improvement to give/make feel free to drop me a comment! Or send me a private message! Or simply catch me up through Discord! I would love to hear what you think about these!!

Note3: It is very late right now when I am posting this so it is very likely that I had and am having orthographic mistakes or misleading wording in this post. Sorry if that was the case. I will check all this out again as soon as I wake up!...

Note4: ...and I did! And for the surprise of nobody, it was full of mistakes and weird writing... I also uploaded a compressed file with all the images so you can easily download them! Now if you excuse me, I gotta get onto my popcorn carriage back to work! Good stuff is coming boiz!

I love you all!




I love that first Yasha expression! And Malxus looks really cool, looking forward to seeing more of him.

John Folmer

Those are really cool!


Awesome stuff, keep em coming!!


Thank you so much! If things go well, there will be much much more from him (And Eria) Coming by! The real question is... in which format 👀


These are gorgeous!