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 Hey everyone!

As you might have already heard from me previously this is the first comic I've ever done, and there are still A LOT of things to learn from this new world!

The most important thingies are the ones related to style and optimization of workflow, so the quality follows the timeframes! I believe we can get there really fast!!

I am very optimistic about the possibilities of comics, I think this might be the beginning of something really big and awesome!

But worry not, because if you are worried about me doing only comics I am happy to say that it won't!: I don't plan to stop doing any of the previous artworks, but I do plan working my bun-bun off to produce more because I am not happy with the number of artworks created on the time given (Even though life has been a bitch lately).

With that said, I gotta a cake to bake!

I wish you a Merry-Merry Christmas and lots of happiness! And as for the end of the year... I will be around to wish it too... with some presents ;)




Even better is this going to be expanded on ?


Brain exploded!! Nott's, not mine, lol ^^


I'm really hoping this is going to be a full comic, I would very much like some more goblin booty.


Thank you! It will all depend on what you want, soon to be a poll about the matter =))


I love “Cock Drunk” so much. Keep it coming!