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Due to the various twists and turns the Veil commission took I ended up with a free commission from Mavazar to play with. Couldn't be too much as I was getting it gratis so I ended up asking for a futa asanei as I know some people very much wanted that particular examine placeholder gone.

You can find a link to the rest of their work here.

Wasn't sure what to do with her otherwise, and figured I might base it on the outfit Mavezar came up with... and she ended up wearing a similar outfit to Tessa*. Also no background though do have the transparencies. For amusement I did try putting her on the background I also happen to have from Savage Hunt where I also ended up with the transparencies but I'm not sure it quite fits her :D

As such don't think she'll be in the needs to be out basically now final hotfix as I think it's going to take some more working out that unusual to get the composition looking good. Maybe for a extra final tidy up definitely no extra content hotfix if one is needed to sort out any of all the new content that's coming in the actual final hotfix turns out to be in anyway borked. 

(*In retrospect I should have been surprised as now I think about it the exact same thing happened with Burning Passions with the Drow from that wearing the High Elf armour from Household which is kind of amusing really)




Really great, i love the new look asanei.