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Very sorry it took this long and I very much appreciate your patience for sticking with me! This was to put it lightly a thing. 

Without the way I swear the whole fire and ice thing this hotfix has going on. It was just how the commissions ended up getting done in order, and I'm pretty sure at the time I didn't think of it, or that both would end up being Rare Defending Great Plains assignments. 

Likely will be another hotfix soon, and this time I do mean soon, like several days at most, to purely clear up any issues with the new content in the changelog below. After that we can all breathe a sight of relief (especially me) and it's onwards and upwards to 0.96.



-New assignments:

---A new Rare Great Plains Assignment that will be needed to progress the Biomancy storyline chain of Assignments. Has vignettes for all results for some extra variation. To reflect it being part of the storyline on any other result other than a Critical Success. The Assignment will immediately become available allowing you to try it again without needing to re-find it. Repeatedly if needed though that could get costly in terms of Woundings and Removals as this one isn't kidding about that INSANE risk rating. Also has a very long expiry. Has two versions of a commission for the art. Uses a similar multiple different wounding description system from Meddling Fools. Though this one has more bite as some are Badly Woundings instead of regular Woundings.  Can reward a very valuable semi-unique slave with a new Aspect which helps out with both Biomancy and Corruption.

---A new Rare Great Plains Assignment themed around Elementalism: Fire. Uses another version of the commissions that were used for various Dark Elf examines. Does have an improved chance to find a Dark Elf and not male to reflect the art, but can also be other races and genders. Has vignettes for a bunch of different gender combinations if you do find out what happened here. Has a reasonable reward even on the Fail result, and can extend length on the Disaster result. Has some different specific text for the two positions for Submissive players on the Disaster.


---Can be found in the Marshlands under your Personal Assignments.

---Has a commission generously provided by a patron.

---For the cost of the day's visit and a few supplies can provide some new customization in hair cuts, hair colours, eye colours, and piercings. Do plan to expand on all of these in future with the idea being to have some basic functionality to start off with.
---Adding earrings specifically from the new piercings will overwrite the third part of any character's look while keeping any bits that are importantly mechanically like pouty lips or fel makeup. So if you want to remove a slaver's lowly history of being a rat catcher for example then now is your chance.
---To reflect the new piercing options the earrings part of the outfits it is possible to get them from sissy training have been moved to now being part of the updated look.

---Expanded the previous piercings' descriptions a bit and made them work for guys too.
---All piercings now add to Estimate Value, and will always be worth more in extra Value than what they cost in gold to buy. This includes ones who either always got them or had a chance to get them on generation.

---Also applies a short Makeover buff after a visit that allows a max of one of Trading, Diplomacy, Exceptional Beauty/Feminity, Beautiful, Feminine, Seductive, or Terrifying to count as Fully Favoured along with an increase to Value Estimation. May not apply if the Inflamed Lusts penalty is active.

-Tavern and Town additions:

---More than doubled the number of tattoos obtainable from the Tavern with some new body locations for them to be applied.

---Entirely redone and expanded the alternate Dominant result for the Tavern Tattooist to better reflect how such a player character wouldn't fall into the same vulnerable position in the first place.

---Instead of sobering up if a conflicting tattoo would be added now there's a new different tattoo that will be applied each time instead.

---New Tavern event that improves based on the number of Encampment Rank and Special Upgrades you've earned which if you do well can add a new scaling buff to Great Plains Assignments. If you don't do as well then there can be consequences along with a special Submissive option.

---New Tavern event to help with the Ever Forest in terms of a generated Assignment and temporary region buff.

---New Tavern event to help with finding better quality Deep Mountains Assignments.

---New Town event that's hard to find without the trait Connected (Con). Can unlock the same bonus or the City of Aversol as the slaver dilemma bribe without needing to spend any gold to get it.

---Reduced the cost of a Tavern visit from 10g to 3g. In setting that still makes you a very generous tipper, but a more reasonable cost for a day's worth of drinking than before.

---Updated the Blessing of the Frozen Queen from the Town Shrine on Assignments to note that it is a Critical Success bonus.

---General punching up and tidying up of all the existing texts in the Town and Tavern along with improving various bits of the formatting.

---Both the Tavern and Town now have an intro the first time you visit with options whether or not to engage with the various random events or not. You can turn off this option each visit, and then they'll work like they did before from then on.

--Alternate result for the Tavern event with the Goblin and his 'artefact' for Golems and Lizardman as for lore reasons they wouldn't be taken in, and also there's now a chance to resist based on the number of Aspects you have with the trait Crafter: Enchantment (C: En) helping too.

---Losing the fight in the Tavern you're not more likely not to lose morale for the whole encampment rather than it happening every time.

-New Uniques:

---A new Night Goblin Male playable start, and a recruitable Drow Female. Both with commissioned art generously provided by a patron. One of which is also used for Night Goblin Males Examines until I can get one done for that race that's more generic. Both also have lore pages and new aspects.

-New commissions:

---Wandering Lonely as a Cloud, which is a special Assignment in the City of Aversol. Generously provided by a patron. Also used for the unique obtained from that Assignment.

---Alternate for Golem Encampments. Generously provided by a patron. So big I've done four compositions out of it. Three as alternate Finish Day pictures for Golem Encampments, and one for Broken Human Examines (Elves will still use the old placeholder for now). I've made it so you'll see them when playing a Golem and not just on the Scenario Metal and Flesh.

-Miscellaneous additions:

---The Great Plains Bribe will no longer apply to Encampment Assignments.

---Added 'flawless obsidian' as a possible skin colour for Drow.

---Added some extra description for male muscular chests for goblins and hakh to reflect they can only be so impressive in that regard in comparison to other races.

---Increased the maximum possible potential length of region specific buffs you can get from slaver dilemmas from 8 days to 14.

---Added some more text to try to explain the logic of why the roll would be set to 0 on the help page for Forced Encounters when the Character is using a strength difference to make it happen. Definitely agree that before it was super confusing.

---Were slavers will now be unavailable for one extra day after a full moon to ensure they don't pop off and then come back on the same night.

---The Aspect Iron Will has been improved with the following addition:  Will not be affected by Untruly (Unr) personally regardless of position on assignments including during Ragestorms.

---Reworded the lacking in supplies warning as it was confusing where it would set the required supplies on the assignment to all supplies remaining implying you had the exact right amount to avoid the penalty.

-Bug fixes:

---Fix for Bles missing some of her slave checks, and Alice's slave checks if you don't start with her.

---Fix for Nike's history going missing if you put her through Keldan Alley.

---Fix for Meddling Fools where the fourth and fifth assigned slavers would not gain any experience.

---Fix for the you specific text on Weald Autonomy if you went in the second position.

---Fix for the slaver obtained from Temple Takeover not being dominant enough.

---Fix for the Ground Shatterer centaur start being broken.

---Fix for the extra text results in Gem's True Coast which could also lead to at once having a slave while also not having the slave.

---Fix for wearing a maid outfit overwriting the specific art for two of the drow uniques.

---Fix for Slave Driver and Strict Supervision for you where it wouldn't recognise your existing bed warmers unless you reassigned them.

---Fix for Imperial Muses where you could get the improved Crafter: Devices trait on a normal Success result.

---Fix for Treachery Most Foul where it could incorrectly give a Male or Futanari.

---Fix for characters with a guaranteed Magic or Elementalism trait like the ones from Private Passage always getting the same result if their gender is not set to be random.

---Fix for Tessa Versteckter's aspect not working with Sympathetic like it says it does.

---Fix for Rynhart's aspect to double make sure it doesn't trigger again when she's not present.

---Fix for Kyssandra's short traits.

---Fix for a broken text variable for a name during one of the forced encounters.

---Fix for the Start - Extra Options - TF Edition Gender Options menu.

---Fix for Basic Obedience Training Stubborn removal where it would refer to the slaver's race instead of the slave's.

---Fix for the Life in Coiled Tentacles Slave also getting the history from Nest of Vipers. Her history would have also been lost if she'd go through Keldan Alley but that was a separate issue.

---Fix for the Male Fallen Centaur start using the Female Fallen Centaur portrait.

---Fix for Fulfil Opportunities not checking traits correctly.

---Fix for Wargold, Adazantine, and Mythantium gear to have a 1/10 chance to have a missing description.

---Fix for former Slave turned Slavers being so proud of their blowjob training that they list it twice. Also tidied up the formatting of Former Trainings in general to be more consistent.

---Fix for the QAYL listing entirely the wrong name on a Success that was not their old one or their new one.

---Fix for some gender description issues on Into the Depths.

---Fix for the traits checking on Temple Turncoat.

---Some text fixes.



Hey bud, are there any special requirements to unlock the new e:fi assignment? Ive been trying for two days already and the only rare assignment in the plains im getting is the raid eveln farm one. I went through 27 months ingame so i doubt im just unlucky?


Great spot, and you're right rare GP assignments were indeed limited to just the elven farm. Will sort!