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  • No Haven

Still working on digging myself out of that hole I made for myself that was this hotfix. After digging downwards again for awhile, and then experimenting with sidewise, it turns out upwards was the way to go.

Just finished off today the two patron funded uniques coming in this update to go with that lovely commission that Opal did of the night goblin and his drow 'friend' with their new aspects and lore pages. 

  • The No Haven Conversion / Picarto Streams

So you know how I mentioned last time how some parts weren't reading right with the examine? 

Well, that ended up annoying me enough that I took sometime off from the hotfix and not during a stream to work out what the hell was going on there. For the life of me I just couldn't find where certain breaks were being added in the RAGS version that weren't in the Twine version and yet were clearly there in the actual game. 

Turned out for some reason I had them in entirely different places for you compared to other characters (I'm sure it made sense at the time...), and for the other characters it was hidden near the bottom of the height description timer. With that found I've added them to the Twine version and the Examine mechanic looks to be mostly done with it being pretty much what you'd see in RAGS. 

So next stream (ideally Friday depending on technical issues/hotfix work) I'll be going back to finish off the UI with the character display. 

  • Commissions

March+April Commission Poll -  Some Enchanted Nightmare: Not seen anything since that rough sketch. Will give them a poke if not heard anything before next one of these. It is a hugely large and complex comm so I'm definitely understanding it's taking awhile. 

May - Bio-Bun : and May+June - Nest of Vipers + Cutprice Roses : Will arrange both of these when the hotfix with the rest of the content is our.

July has about a week left to go. 

So Centaur still out in front, but a bit of a late surge for Alley Gossip so maybe not a foregone conclusion quite yet.


As always I hope that was worth the read, seriously, seriously appreciate your patience, and thanks again for your support!



Thank you for all the information and for keeping up to date on how progress is going. As for the next stream, I hope your plan will come true.

Max Ptash

Quick question, not asking for a promise or even a realistic timeline as i intend to continue support anyway. But considering current conversion progress when do you think a playable twine version will be available?


Honnestly don't know? Theoretically it could be done in under a month if I dropped everything else. Everything is 'converted' into Twine format, the UI is mostly done, and when that's finished it will just be case of seeing what does and doesn't fall over. More realistically as there's been plenty of surprises probably be something playable by end of year I think?