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Edit: These tracks were re-uploaded with a different track number. The new # is 328_ and that is what will appear on the site. The files are otherwise identical. You can simply rename the tracks you've already downloaded. - Tim

Greetings Patrons,

I woke up feeling a bit low-energy one day last week (It definitely wasn't the wine the night before!). I sat down in the studio and began writing some simple legato violin parts. A few hours later I had sketched out a basic idea and thought it sounded pretty good. Something about it reminded me of Benjamin Britten's War Requiem, a piece I've always loved. I figured he wouldn't mind if I co-opted his title a bit.

Many of you know how much I love the 'in-between' places and times as vehicles for storytelling. Battle Requiem is about the after, it's about the 'what's next'? Maybe the battle ended in victory, maybe it didn't. There is always loss in war.

So here's a battlefield after a battle, flames burning, crows pecking about, carts being loaded with the fallen, tattered flags waving.

This is in sneak-peek mode for Patrons, so I've included the mixed-version (on the site next week) and ambience-only and music-only versions. As I was mixing the final track I went back and forth on the fire sounds. Mostly I liked it, so it's in the final, but I also included a mixed version and an ambience-only version without the fire sounds. I hope you find these useful. 

Thank you all, as always, for your continuing support.







Incredible work as always!


Just to be clear, there is no 322 through 327, is that correct? Want to make sure I'm not missing out on anything!


322-327 are the Distilled Tracks. The original Battle Requiem track had to be renumbered and is now 328. The numbers on the site are all correct. If you have Battle Requiem as 322, as I originally uploaded it here, you can simply rename it to 328 and there will be parity with the site.