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Chapter 5 – The Merchant VS The First Deva Gahotho V

“Oh, the female warrior.”

The female warrior’s friendly greeting seemed to put Nigel in a good mood.

“Why are you talking at the entrance? What’s going on? Aren’t that bad manners towards a guest?”

“Well, you see. He’s saying things I don’t understand, so I don’t know how to react. Wait, you know him?”

“Never mind that. What exactly is he saying?”

“Just now, he said something like, ‘The dimension has transcended.’”

“Ah, I see.”

The female warrior nodded and thumped her palm with her fist.

“Welcome, Nigel. You’re looking very lively. Please come in.”

“I see. That’s good to hear.”

Wait, she understood him?


When I invited Nigel in, he and the female warrior began to chat happily.

“Now that we’ve put the Dark Sea Cucumber in the cage and it has gone silent, it will no longer interfere with the host’s pathos. You can be at ease now, female warrior.”

“Hee, I see. Nigel really does know everything, doesn’t he?”

“Heh, but try not to get too close to me. You’ll get burned by the black flames.”

That’s the kind of conversation they were having.

Curious, I asked the female warrior to translate for me.

“Hey, what was he saying just now?”

“What an idiot.”

The warrior sighed and whispered.

“Even if I translated it for you, you couldn’t possibly understand it.”

She’s saying that, but I can see from her face that she’s just as clueless as I am, and she’s trying her best not to show it — based on the wry smile and scrunched forehead she has — which made the opposite even more true.

Seeing that, I felt relieved.

It also seemed that while I was trapped on the deserted island, I had heard that Nigel had taken care of the female warrior to some extent.

I wasn’t sure what kind of care he provided, but from what I heard, it seemed to be the reason why they had become close.

Therefore, I should be grateful to Nigel. Thank you for helping the female warrior.

But when I saw them chatting like that, a simmering resentment began to rise in my chest.

“Oh, excuse me. I’ll make some tea.”

I couldn’t stand it anymore and got up from my seat.

In the kitchen, while I was putting tea leaves into the teapot, I could hear their conversation from behind. They sounded happy and giggly.

I knew the true nature of the uncomfortable feeling in my chest.

It was jealousy.

It’s a very cheap emotion, but I believe it’s important to acknowledge such embarrassing emotions.

Because no matter how low the emotion is, it’s hard to keep it under control, so you need at least the pride not to show it to others.

And in order to control your behavior, you have to be aware of those base emotions.

Yes, right now, I was jealous of Nigel because of the way the female warrior was acting on him.

And such ugly emotions must be hidden from others.

After all, it would be shameful, isn’t it?

“Here is your tea.”

I returned to the room with a calm face and served the tea to the guest.

“Here you go.”

“Thank you.”

I set the teacups in front of them and poured the tea from the teapot. I did this while taking deep breaths to calm myself.

“Hot, hot! Hooo, hooo!!”

But just then, I heard Nigel’s scream.

I thought something had happened, but it turned out to be nothing.

Well, it’s not really “nothing”.

Unbeknownst to me, I had spilled the tea from the teacup all over Nigel.

“What are you doing?”

The female warrior was the first to criticize me.

“Ah, no… it’s not what it looks like.”

“What do you mean, it’s not what it looks like?”

“But you were having such a nice conversation with him…”

“Hmph. Jealousy, huh? How unsightly.”

Huh? I had put so much effort into not letting it come to this. Why did it turn out this way?

“Uh… sorry. That was shameful of me.”

“Just apologize to Nigel. I’m fine.”

“Nigel, I’m sorry.”

“Heh, don’t worry about it.”

Nigel said this with a slight smile. He was surprisingly forgiving.

Maybe he’s a good guy after all. Even if it was unintentional, I may have done something terrible.

Well, because of my blunder, Nigel had to take off his shirt. It was soaked from the spilled tea.

I didn’t understand why he was so excited about taking it off, though.

But what surprised me was Nigel’s naked body.

There was a tattoo-like black dragon print running diagonally from his right shoulder.

No, it wasn’t the fact that he had a tattoo that surprised me. It was that I recognized the image of that black dragon.

Yes. Now I remember.

Back then, during the time when the Female Hero was still revered as a “Hero,” I had a memory of going with my father to deliver supplies to the front lines.

The Female Hero, who had fought a hundred battles, fought many different enemies, and even as a child, I sometimes watched her battles from a distance.

One of those battles with the Black Dragon came to mind.

When I told Nigel this, he nodded his head in agreement. It seems that the black dragon was none other than Nigel himself.

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