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Chapter 6 – The Merchant VS The First Deva Gahotho VI

“First of all, there are only three dragons in the world right now. Me, the Black Dragon, and then there’s the Blue Dragon and the White Dragon. That’s it…,” Nigel started narrating his story.

“Wow,” I replied, pretending to be interested in the nature of these creatures just to be polite.

“But there are so many dragon-like creatures in the world, right? There’s also a bunch of them flying around the Demon Castle. Are those dragons fake?”

The female warrior chimed in, obviously fascinated as a warrior herself.

“The other dragon species are all still dragons, just not from the same tribe. Of course, they can’t compare to a true dragon like me. But still…”

Nigel suddenly began to tremble as he muttered to himself as if he was suffering from flashbacks from the past. “That Female Hero was strong.”

I felt a little sorry for him, but I also couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride, even though it wasn’t me who was being called strong.

“Oh, by the way, did you hear about the recent battle between the White Dragon and that Female Hero?” Nigel asked.

Suddenly, I was taken aback by Nigel’s unexpected revelation. I asked, “W-What? I had no idea. Is it true?”

“My subordinates reported it. I don’t know who survived, but the White Dragon is my brother. His power surpasses mine by far, but facing this Female Hero… I’m worried. If you get any information about what happened after the battle, I would appreciate it if you let me know.”

If Nigel’s words were true, it meant that the Female Hero was still alive.

Well, her fate was uncertain again depending on the outcome of the battle with the White Dragon. Still, at least this confirmed that she had survived the incident with Andersen.

Even though it wasn’t easy for her to die, it was still good to hear any news about her, even if it was just rumors.

From then on, I was finally able to have a conversation with Nigel.

At first, I thought communication would be difficult, but once I realized I could ignore meaningless words and gestures, we could communicate easily.

He was a surprisingly charming guy, and without me realizing it, we seemed to be having casual conversations in a familiar way.

Finally, I had the opportunity to discuss the matter I had originally intended to bring up with Nigel.

It was the controversial “shunpon” issue. However, I slightly changed the subject from discussing it with Gahotho.

“… and so it seems that one of the Four Devas, including Lord Gahotho, is supporting the ‘Citizens’ Association for Protecting Children from Harmful Books.’ It’s despicable that this group would bring such an influential person into our fight. I’ve tried my best to get along with them, but they just won’t budge on their stubborn beliefs. That’s why we, the ‘Citizens’ Association for the Protection of Shunpon’s Freedom of Expression,’ are considering having Lord Nigel as our advisor,” I explained.

“I see. I’m not interested in those Shunpon media, but I think it’s important to protect the creators’ freedom of expression. Very well, I’ll support you from behind and act as needed. Keep up the good work,” and hearing that, Nigel agreed.

And just like that, and although there were some bumps along the way, I thought our meeting was ultimately productive.

After chatting a bit about world events, Nigel stood up.

“Well then, I’ll take my leave for today.”

“I see. Please come back sometime.”

“Sure. And Female Warrior, I’m glad to see that you’re doing well.”

“Hehe, thank you.”

But when I saw the female warrior gently touching Nigel’s arm, I couldn’t help but feel frustrated.

My heart raced, and without thinking, I threw the shirt I had been drying in his face.

Nigel walked away, and the female warrior gave me a disapproving look.

“I’m disappointed in you…”

“Well, what can I do? I just did it reflexively.”

She sighed.

“By the way, this jealousy of yours… Could it be that you actually like me?”

“What? Don’t be so self-conscious.”

“Don’t dodge the question.”

“Well, it’s not that I don’t like you.”

I answered reluctantly. After a moment’s pause, the female warrior smiled softly. Seeing her expression, I realized once again how beautiful she was.

For some reason, my mood suddenly lifted, and I pulled her closer, hugging her well-trained shoulders.

Her eyes sparkled as she looked at me. And at that moment, our lips barely touched.

Unfortunately, the doorbell rang and ruined the timing.

“Mou… Let’s just ignore it,” she suggested.

“That’s not going to happen. I’ll be back soon, so just wait.” But I ignored her suggestion and went to open the door,

…and there stood an even stranger figure in front of our house.

The other side was a woman, but even though it was broad daylight, she was dressed in a tight, body-hugging shapewear that was almost like lingerie.

Although, I have to say that I have quite a few women in my life who dress strangely like that.

“Um, who are you, if I may ask?” I asked.

“This mistress here is one of the Four Devas, the fallen angel Proditus. Is the female warrior here?”

Just as the visitor replied, the female warrior appeared from behind.

“You! I told you not to come anymore!” she scolded.

“Don’t say that. This mistress is only concerned about you,” Proditus replied.

“Hmph, yeah, right.”

“And what about the aftermath? Is that thing between your legs still bothering you?” Proditus taunted.

“Shut up!” the female warrior snapped.

In response, she kicked Proditus, sending her flying into the sky. As always, she had incredible strength.

“You seem to have become quite popular while I was away,” I commented.

“Shut up! You’re annoying!”

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