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Chapter 4 – The Merchant VS The First Deva Gahotho IV

On the outskirts of Newland was a small town that I had built.

After visiting Gahotho, I returned to my own house in this town, only to find the female warrior approaching me.

She said she was hungry, so I made her some soup and served it with bread and cheese.

“Delicious! It’s been a while since I’ve had something that actually looks like food.”

“ I-is that so?”

Man, she’s making a big deal out of this. It’s just a simple menu.

But seeing her, with her sexy and luscious lips, in stark contrast to the way she was wolfing down the food, I started to get hungry too, so I decided to eat with her.

“It’s been a while since we ate together.”

“You totally got that right.”

“Eh? Just what were you eating while I was away?”

“Leona’s cooking. Or so she called what she prepared for me.”

“Oh, that girl can cook?”

“Didn’t you hear what I said? Of course, she can’t.”

“Huh? And you ate it anyway?”

“Well, it’s hard to deny her goodwill, and believe me, I’ve tried. But she just can’t seem to make edible food.”

“So, what did you eat?”

“Things that were not really edible. But she tried her best to make them for me. I couldn’t just not eat them, you know.”

“Sounds like you had a hard time.”

“Damn right I did.”

While we were talking, the doorbell rang.

“A visitor, huh? I’ll be right back.”

I quickly swallowed the bread in my mouth with some water and went to the entrance.

“Hello, may I ask who is calling?”

“It’s me.”

“And who might ‘me’ be?”

“It’s me, myself.”

Hmm, this guy seems suspicious. It reminded me of the “It’s me, it’s me” scam that was popular some time ago.

“‘Me’ doesn’t tell me who you are.”

“Hmm, I see. It can’t be helped. Those without the black flame in their soul will never understand…”


What’s going on?

I’m just trying to respond in a standard, common-sense fashion, and yet this guy is talking to me like I’m some ignorant fool.

It’s really frustrating. However, I didn’t know how to respond, so I could only stare dumbfounded.

“Then there is no other choice. But to destroy this obstacle that is this door!”

I was shocked to hear him say such a rude and outrageous thing. But I didn’t want to get caught up in the other guy’s speed and end up losing this game.

“Hah, try it if you can. This door was custom made by a carpenter I know. It won’t break just by exerting a little force.”

“Hah, foolishness. Then you better back away if you don’t want to be part of the collateral damage!”

As he said that, there was a huge explosion from the other side of the door, and the ground shook slightly.

He must have used some kind of magic. And one that was so strong that I could feel it even through the specialized door.

But even so, his power couldn’t compete with the door’s performance. Or rather, the door didn’t even budge.

It seemed that my “purchasing power” as a merchant was one step ahead of this guy’s attacking power.

“Kuh, I have no choice… I am Nigel, one of the Four Devas.”

Yes, I did it! I won since he introduced himself!

But my momentary elation was short-lived. I immediately remembered his name and scolded myself for getting carried away.

He had indeed said Nigel. He was rumored to be one of the Four Devas who was a fan of the Shunpon media.

In other words, he was exactly the person I was planning to visit.

“I understand. I will open the door now.”

I opened the door, and there stood a stunningly handsome young man.

So this is Nigel, the Black Dragon.

I had imagined him to be much more formidable, or if I may be rude, a little more rugged looking, so I was surprised when I found out he was the opposite.

“The door of destiny has finally opened. There’s no turning back now.”

He said something incomprehensible and unbuttoned his shirt, striking a few more incomprehensible poses.

Honestly, if not for his introduction, he could easily be mistaken for a pervert.

“Um… What business would it be for one of the Four Devas to visit this humble abode of mine personally?”

“Well, it’s not like I have any special reason to come here.”

Nigel muttered meaningfully, like a prophet proclaiming a gospel. Every word he said annoyed me, bit by bit.

“Actually, the other day, I witnessed the transcending of dimensions(2D)…”


“The dimensions have transcended!”

“Yes, I heard you. I just don’t understand what you mean.”

“I see.”

This is hopeless. We can’t have a real conversation. I’m starting to feel exhausted.

I finally gave up and thought of just asking him to leave so I could close the door. But at that moment…

“Oh, isn’t that you, Nigel?”

The female warrior who had finished her meal came up behind me and greeted him casually.

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