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Chapter 1 – Clash With the Four Devas! I

The holy knight lifted her silver saber to the sky, the blue blade reflecting the sun’s rays.

There, she squinted at the luster and found no nicks in the blade.

The corner of her mouth twitched with a hint of satisfaction at this finding.

With her other hand, she shifted her grip to the black leather hilt and from there, she started making swinging motions with the sword.


A polished sound echoed through the air.

A proof that this sword had been swung millions of times by the experienced warrior.

“Not bad.”

She murmured, flipping her white cloak around and returning the sword to its sheath.

On her silver breastplate was a golden eagle crest. And on her head, her golden hair was neatly bound.

This alone gave the holy knight, who had pledged her virginity to the Messianic Papal Court, an androgynous sense of order and cleanliness.

“But even with this, it looks like I’m still not good enough…”

However, when she stopped, her cheeks began to heat up.

Her tight white pants clung to her slender, long legs.

Despite her immaculate appearance, there was an undeniable femininity in the way the outfit hugged the contours of her body.


A faint yet quite voluptuous-sounding breath escaped her determined expression.

It had already been half a year since the merchant had been exiled to the island.

During that time, wild delusions danced in the holy knight’s head more than ever before.

Contrary to her outward appearance, she has a masochistic temperament, which means that her lascivious fantasies are filled with depraved and intense thoughts that go beyond the imagination of an ordinary person.

In fact, she was so sick right now that the moment she stopped moving, erotic fantasies would immediately flood her mind.

In truth, she had always been hypersensitive to fears and anxieties of “what if this happened” and “what if that happened” since she was a child.

And while this trait had made her stronger, it had also created an incomparably serious-looking face on the outside, but constantly filled with lustful thoughts on the inside.

To the extent that even the vow she had once made to God to remain a virgin became the ultimate aphrodisiac for her, as if it gave her fermenting desires a vessel on which she can cook even more depraved fantasies with her wild imagination.

Indeed. What really drove her to this state was the thought that came into her mind after she made that religious vow. That is, “What if this vow is broken? What will happen to me?” and the thought of that made her imagination run wild and made her the woman she is today.

It was ironic that the religion that was supposed to free her from carnal desires turned out to be the one that gave her the ultimate delusion of lust instead.

And what is even more ironic is that when the merchant broke that vow, it paradoxically cured her of that disease.

Indeed. As the desires that swirled in her fantasies became a reality, her inner turmoil was subdued, and she stabilized, becoming more saintly as she is supposed to be in the first place.

But now the merchant who was supposed to “cleanse” her regularly has suddenly disappeared.

As a result of losing the “cleansing” of the merchant, her fears, masochism, and fantasies that were supposed to be suppressed within her began to build up and ferment again, making her vessel mentally and physically unstable over time.

And now that the merchant has been gone for six months, all of these delusions have reached a level that is absolutely frightening.

Right now, the holy knight is blushing as she seductively adjusts the crotch of her pants.

What kind of passionate fantasy was going through her mind at this moment?

Even if it was something that one will never know now, it must have been something that ordinary people would have a hard time imagining.


At that moment, a woman’s voice called out to her, bringing the holy knight from her wildest daydreams back to reality.

“Shall we spar to hone our skills? Just a friendly match between us.”

She turned to see the female warrior with her Blue Dragon Sword raised.

Her eyes were shining with determination.

Inside, the holy knight thanked her in her mind.

After all, the best way to relieve depression is to keep your mind and body busy, all to reduce the time you spend thinking about it.


The holy knight said in a soft voice before drawing her saber.

Then, without even taking a breath, she swept the blade toward the female warrior’s chest.

It was a move that was precise and devoid of wasted movement.

But what followed was a clang that echoed under the blue sky.

“Wait. You got faster again?” The female warrior said.

“Damn it. I’ve been blocked. Again. As expected, I’m still a long way off.” The holy knight replied.

(Engaging in a clash of blades is disadvantageous. The female warrior is stronger. In this case, I must create distance… )

While these thoughts were running through her mind, the holy knight realized that her judgment was a step too slow.

Because at that moment, she felt an overwhelming physical power from the warrior’s muscles to the hilt of the Blue Dragon Sword and then to the intersecting blades of her saber.

In the next scene, the holy knight’s body was lifted for a moment before being thrown into the air.

“What brute strength…”

“Ahahaha! Time for the finishing blow!!”

As if she wasn’t done yet, the female warrior jumped to the place where the holy knight was thrown, intending to deliver a final blow as she said.

“How naive.”

However, the holy knight gracefully twisted her body once and dodged the attack.

Although she lacked the power factor, her sense of balance in the air was superior compared to the other party.

Thus, using the momentum of her spin, the holy knight swung her saber at the incoming figure of the female warrior.

But her opponent was unfazed.

“Bring it on!”

As proof of this, the female warrior also shouted this as she tried to defend herself against the attack.

Soon, their figures clashed once again.

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