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Translator Notes: This is a bit late of a greeting, but Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Everyone!!

Chapter 2 – Cleanup after the Monster Stampede 2 ※

While doing his training, dealing with the aftermath of the stampede, and helping Alana, Yoichi also occasionally visited Samantha’s workshop when he had free time.

When it came to upgrading his weapons, he could leave most of the work to her. Still, occasionally, she would need Yoichi’s opinion, so it’s not much to say that he was usually bombarded with questions whenever he visited.

If he had time, he would sometimes help her with her work, but on this particular day, he was assisting Samantha with other things.

…The other things that is not being his weapon upgrades but the development of her own “product,” that is.

“Nhaaa! Mmmm… I knew it. The real thing is still better…”

Samantha, who had Yoichi’s penis inside her up to the base, marveled this as she looked at the part where they were joined.

“I’m so glad you like it.”

At first, Yoichi had mixed feelings about being forced to have sex while developing a product based on his penis. But after repeating it over and over again, he finally got used to it.

It is because any unnecessary things like fretting would get in the way of prototyping and testing anyway.

When the two of them have sex, they are both completely naked and facing each other.

Which means that, if Yoichi shifted his gaze a little, he could easily see Samantha’s modest breasts rising and falling with her breathing.

“Mmmh… next is… pull out your penis… slowly and steadily… H-hey!”

Following Samantha’s instructions, Yoichi slowly moved his hips and pulled his cock out of her pussy.

But halfway through, he reached for her breasts and rubbed his fingers over her pink nipples.

Pinching the plump, hard nubs in the center of the slight bulge, Samantha responded by twitching and arching her back.

“Ahnnn! N-nooo, you can’t… if you do that now, I won’t be able to analyze… nhaaa!”

Samantha screams as she tries to escape by twisting her body.

But Yoichi pushed her down. Then he got on top of her and continued to attack her breasts.

Squeezing one breast with his hand, he brought his face close to the other breast and stuck out his tongue to lick around the nipple.

“Hiiinnn… my breasts, I’m weak at my breasts, so… nhho…”

Samantha’s breasts were small, which meant that what he was doing was more like fondling than rubbing. But perhaps because they were small, they were more sensitive, so she responded in an interesting way when he gently caressed them.

As Yoichi relentlessly attacked those breasts, he increased the speed of his hips, which had been moving slowly.

“Ahhahhaahhhhhh! Noo, if you move that fast, I’ll… No, I can’t, I don’t care anymore!”

These days, Yoichi enjoys interrupting Samantha like this.

“That’s it, Yoichi! So good!! More…!!”

And Samantha also enjoys being carried away by the sensation, as she would put aside her analytical work and immerse herself in sex whenever Yoichi does this.

“Nhhuu… Yoichi, it’s about time… do “that” again…”

Lately, when Samantha’s excitement gets the better of her, she starts begging for certain things.

Whimpering in a sad tone, she looked ahead.

There, she saw the “Yoichi 2.0” – the dildo and her “product” that had undergone several modifications.

“Dear me… you really did busy yourself with such strange things.”

Aghast, Yoichi put the dildo, which was a short distance away, into the [Infinite Storage+].

Then, after wrapping his arms around Samantha’s back, which he was currently hugging, he held her body up.

“Hyaan… it just went deeper…”

Now in a position where they were sitting face to face, Samantha gave a happy moan as she accepted her partner’s girth more deeply.

Then, facing each other in a crossed position with her arms around his neck, she pulled her body back a little and looked at Yoichi.

“Hey… hurry up…”

With an upward glance, she cajoled him with these words.

Yoichi, who saw Sam acting like this, was already prepared for the next step.

In Yoichi’s hand, he had already taken out the dildo he had put away earlier. The difference from before was that this time, it was generously coated with lube.

Yoichi then pointed the lubricated dildo at Samantha’s ass.


And Samantha moaned happily.

With the tip, Yoichi stroked the dildo with plenty of lube on her anus, and when the liquid was wholly smeared all around, he pushed it in.


In the next scene, Samantha was moaning hard and clinging tightly to Yoichi.

But even with that reaction, she tried her best to endure the pleasure of having the dildo inserted into her anus while a penis was in her other orifice.

“I knew it, this… the best…”

From this point on, Samantha began to experience a great deal of disturbance inside and outside of her body.

“Aaaaahhh! That’s it, Yoichiih, push it deeper into my pussy even more! My ass, yes, my ass, so good, fuck it more with your dildo, ahhhhh!”

It started with Yoichi thrusting up from below while they held each other in an embrace.

As if that was not enough, Sam also rocked her body up and down to enjoy even more pleasure coming from inside her pussy.

And because this sensation also caused the dildo to slosh in and out of her asshole even more, it led to even more stimulation, causing Samantha to shake her hair wildly as she moaned.

“Aaaahnn! So good, yess!! Cumming, I’m cumming!”

Lately, this series of double penetration plays has been Samantha’s favorite.

“Haaahhh!! Yoichiih, you’re about to cum, too, right? You’re going to cum soon, right?”

“I, I don’t know…!”

“Nfuuhh! You say that… but I know… I know you’re about to cum, I can feel it! After all, I have analyzed your penis very well!”

Just as Samantha had said, Yoichi was about to reach his limit, although the dildo moving in and out of his partner’s anus, stimulating his penis through the wall of flesh between it and her vagina, also helped.

“It’s okay, Yoichii! Cum, let it all out in this Samantha’s pussy! I allow it. I allow it, so just cummmmhh!”


――Splurururuut! Spluruurururururt!! Spluurururt!

just like that, Yoichi came.

And sensing her partner’s climax, Samantha immediately clung tightly to Yoichi, pushing her crotch even further into his and catching his cum in the deepest part of her vagina.

The dildo was also pushed all the way inside her anus, making the flesh walls of her vagina even narrower, which also allowed her to feel the slight expansion of the rod caused by the pulsation of ejaculation more strongly.

“Aaaaahhhh! You can’t, Yoichiiiiii, don’t move, don’t move it anymore!”

As he ejaculated semen into Samantha’s vagina, Yoichi moved the dildo that was inserted into her butt, turning it at different angles as he pushed it in, making it rub the inner lining of her pussy thoroughly.

Then, when it reached the base, he slowly pulled it out and repeated the process.

“Nhaaaahh! I said you can’t, but you kept going… I just came, but now I’m cumming again…! I’m cumming from my ass being rammed inside!!”

Samantha, who had climaxed almost continuously, clung to Yoichi again.

At the same time, the vagina surrounding Yoichi’s cock tightened.

Together with the dildo pushing through the wall of flesh separating the vagina from the rectum, which also sent vibrations to the underside of his penis, it squeezed every last drop of cum out of him.

“In the end, the day ended with us having our regular sex.”

“Nfuh… I don’t know what you mean by ‘regular sex,’ but this time I was able to collect the necessary data properly.”

“Oh really? That’s impressive.”

“Hm-hmph, who do you think I am?”

Samantha, who had been clinging to Yoichi, stood up, straightened her back, and puffed out her chest as she said this.


“As expected from the best alchemical blacksmith of the frontier.”


Yoichi moved the dildo that was still in her anus, and Samantha let out a short scream along with a huge jerking of her body.

“H-hey, take it out already…”

“Haha, my bad.”

Yoichi slowly pulled out the dildo. But halfway through, it ejected on its own, perhaps by the extreme pressure from her sphincter.

“Mmuh… meanie…”

“Oh? So I’m a meanie, huh? How about this, then?”


Yoichi put some weight between his legs and wiggled his fleshy pole while it remained inside her.

This caused Samantha to moan happily, and at that moment, a gap appeared between their joined parts, where soon the semen that had accumulated in her vagina slowly leaked out.

“You know, I’d like it if we stayed like this for a while.”

The alchemical blacksmith spoke with some relief.

Then she entrusted herself to Yoichi’s body, like a child asking to be pampered.


On another day, after finishing his work, Yoichi [returned] to “Grand Court 2503”.

When he entered the living room through the front door, he found that the room light and the TV had been left on.

“Huh? Did I forget to turn them off… no, it’s probably Karin.”

He usually checked everything carefully before leaving the house, hence his confusion, but then he remembered that Karin was staying with him now, so he thought she must have left it on.

Karin also did a lot of cleanup work after the monster stampede.

Though not as good at sorcery or magic as Misato, Karin is good at manipulating the magical power in her body and enhancing her physical abilities, so in the otherworld, she is often tasked to do the heavy lifting.

And thanks to the physical enhancement provided by magic, it is not uncommon in other worlds for women to do manual labor.

There’s also the fact that she had become one of the admirers of Alana’s grandmother, François, the former Guildmaster of the Mage Guild, so it is not wrong to say she’s also using these chances to visit her.

There, she often receives archery lessons from François, who is a master archer.

But on this particular day, she was in Japan on business for the company she worked for.


Yoichi suddenly heard something else over the sound of the TV.

But after listening intently, he realized what the sound was and looked at the bedroom door with a smile.

Yoichi, whose training with Celestin had taught him how to walk and move in a way that would be useful for covert action, approached the bedroom quietly.

Killing the sound of his footsteps, he opened the door and peered inside.

“Ahhhh…mmmmmmm, so good…Yoichiiiih…!”

There, he found Karin on the bed, masturbating with the dildo that had been modeled from him.

Dressed in a blouse on top and naked on the bottom, she was badly disheveled, probably because she thought no one was watching anyway.

“Ahhhhahhhh! Yoichiiiih… more, moree… this Karin’s pussy… ram it into me mooreee!!”

Indeed. What Karin was pumping in and out with her hand was the “Yoichi 2.0” that Samantha had created.

This dildo has already completed its prototype and is now for sale.

Although the price is relatively high because it is the craftsmanship of Sam Smith, the alchemical blacksmith, it is still selling well among some wealthy people and female adventurers who have made a lot of money from participating in the said stampede.

Of course, the members of the TOKOROTEN, having participated in the development of the product, received the product for free.

[Aren’t you embarrassed to be given something like that?]

Yoichi remembered that Karin had said this line with a wry smile when it was handed to her.

But seeing her now, it seemed like she was making full use of it as well.

“Hey, you look like you’re having fun. Can I join you?”

“Hyaaaa!? Y-Yoichi!?”

Karin, who was suddenly approached by a voice out of nowhere, let out a muffled cry in surprise.

At this point, Yoichi was already naked on the lower half of his body, similar to Karin. He got on the bed and came towards her.

“Hey, wait… no… this is not what you think… no, don’t look at me…!”

Confused by the sudden turn of events, Karin was, of course, embarrassed to the extent that she even resorted to covering her face with her hands, though for some reason not hiding her crotch, which was still gaping from the dildo that was lodged in it.

Yoichi, who found Karin’s appearance funny, immediately closed the distance between them and pushed her down.


“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, is it?”

Yoichi climbed on top of his lover, pulling away the hand that covered her face with force, and then looked down at Karin with an evil smile on his lips.

“Of course it’s something to be ashamed of!”

But Karin muttered that and turned her head away to escape Yoichi’s gaze.

Yoichi, seeing this, laughed a bit in his mind, as if finding it cute.

“Anyway, seeing Karin in such a naughty state, even I won’t be able to resist… so… hey… Is it okay?”

“Uuu… I don’t know! Do whatever you want!”

Saying this, Karin turned her face away from Yoichi. But her eyes kept moving towards him.

It was as if she was expecting something.

Then, Yoichi looked down.

There, he saw the dildo that was still in Karin’s vagina.

At that moment, the corner of his mouth, which was smiling wickedly, widened even more, but Karin did not notice because he was out of her line of sight.

Taking only the contents of the lubricant from the [Infinite Storage+] into his palm, Yoichi applied a generous amount to his already hard penis.

Then he aimed the opening of the lubricant at Karin’s anus.


Karin, feeling discomfort in her anus, turned her face, which had been looking away, in Yoichi’s direction.

This time with her eyes wide open.

“Y-Yoichi, what are you doing? That place is…”

“But there’s already ‘someone’ who came before me.”

“Someone? No, wait, just pull it out!”

“Well, this guy is like my alter ego now, right? So I just can’t bear to pull him out like that…”

“What kind of stupid thing are you saying? No way, wait–nhuuuuuhhh!”

Karin resisted, but Yoichi, who had thoroughly lubricated her anus with lotion, slowly pushed forward with his hips, ignoring her attempts to stop him.

“No way… take it out…”

“Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it soon.”

After he had inserted his rod into her anus to the base, Yoichi began to move his hips.

He went slowly at first as if he wanted her to get used to his size.

Then he continued by scraping the walls of her anus with big strokes.

“Nmmhh… that feels… strange… nhaahh.”

At first, Karin was unwilling, but after a few pistons, she began to make lustful noises herself.

As the inside of her anus was rubbed with large strokes, she enjoyed the stimulation coming from the inner walls that are far different from the vagina’s, and this caused the muscles of her sphincter – the muscles that you use to hold your poo – to tighten.

“Nhhh… ahhh, ahhhh…”

“Do you feel good now?”

“Mmm… I don’t know… idiot… mmmh, mmh…”

Originally, when Alana and Misato joined her in a threesome or foursome, the women rarely focused on each other’s asses.

In other words, her anus was not yet fully developed, even after all these time.

When Yoichi saw his partner’s expression relax and she began to move her hips herself, albeit slowly, he thought it was about time.

So Yoichi, realizing this, grabbed the dildo that was still in her vagina and began to pump it in and out of her orifice.


Karin let out a scream and a gasp.

This was in response to the stimulation she had never experienced before, having been filled with cocks in both her front and back holes.

“No, you can’t! This, any more than this, is not good, Yoichii!”

“Really? Even though Karin’s butt hole feels nice and tight to me?”

“Idiot! Ah, I can’t…! Cummiigcumminnngcummiiingg! Mmmmmmhhhh!!”

Karin’s body stiffened, and clear liquid began to flow from the gap between the dildo and her vagina.

After confirming that she had climaxed, only then did Yoichi stop his movements.

“Haaan… geez, get it off me already…”

“I guess I have no choice.”

Saying that, Yoichi pulled out the dildo.

“Nfuh… that’s it. Now do it the right way, from the front this time ―― haaaaaahh!”

But he still ignored Karin’s pleas and began to move his hips violently while still inserted in her butthole.

“Ahh ahh aahhh, wait, Yoichi, stop… in front, the front hole…”

Meanwhile, Karin was shaking her head vigorously while being penetrated in the ass, begging repeatedly.

Still, even with that, Yoichi ignored her and continued to move relentlessly.

“Aaaahhhhh! No, I’m cumming! I’m cumming from my ass being penetrated!”

“Karin! Me too, I’m…!”

In addition to the sensation different from the vagina, Yoichi was also excited by Karin’s innocent reaction.

Soon, he was about to reach his limit again.

“Aaaahhh! No, you can’t… take it off!”

“I’m going to cum in you like this!”

“Noooo! My ass ish no good――”

――Blurururut! Blurururut!


Just like that, sperm was pumped into Karin’s asshole a couple of times.

Karin also jerked and squirted out of her slightly open vulva, which no longer had anything inserted into it.

“Nhuuuuu… even though I said you can’t… Yoichi, you idiot…”

As she said this, Karin looked at Yoichi accusingly.

But even in the midst of the rebuking tone, there was a faint smile on her lips.


The next day, Yoichi and Karin woke up in the early afternoon and sat side by side on the living room sofa, watching TV.

“Oh. Come to think of it, there’s an election coming up soon.”

Karin was the first to speak, though it was more like the words of someone talking to themselves, as she sat next to Yoichi, who was absentmindedly watching the news about the general election for the House of Representatives that was being broadcast on a wide-ranging afternoon TV show.

Although Yoichi is not interested in politics, he at least knows who the current Prime Minister is. However, he does not know whether the election is due to the expiration of the prime minister’s term or a snap election, and to be honest, he does not care.

“Sigh… I guess I might as well cast a blank vote instead of randomly choosing someone from the list, even though it won’t really change the outcome of the election.”

Yoichi nodded silently, with his eyes glued to the TV.

It was a fact that Yoichi’s and the girls’ lives were almost entirely revolving around the other world these days, so they knew very little about the current political situation in the country, even though they were Japanese citizens themselves.

Still, Yoichi decided he might as well vote and cast a blank ballot to at least follow the compulsory voting participation, at least for now, just like Karin.

“These politicians really have their work cut out for them, don’t they?”

In addition to the prefectural and metropolitan areas, the show also introduces those who ran for office in the Kanto region, with explanations that are easy for viewers to understand.

“Ah. I wonder how Mrs. Yasue is doing.”

“What’s the matter, bringing that up all of a sudden?”

“Mm, a premonition, perhaps?”

Yoichi just stared blankly at the images on the TV, paying no attention to them, when suddenly a woman came to mind.

――Yasue Todou.

She is the wife of the other Yoichi Todo, who was involved in a truck accident on the same day as Yoichi and was reincarnated in another world.

“Now that I think about it, you said that she was pregnant at the time.”

“That’s right. I wonder if she had a safe delivery.”

The moment he started worrying about it, it became the only thing that occupied Yoichi’s mind.

However, he felt too bad to use his [Appraisal+] to look into it, so in the end, he didn’t.

“Since I’m not busy anyway, I might as well say hello and see what’s going on.”

Thinking of this, Yoichi turned off the TV, stood up, and got ready for the day.

“I’ll take care of the house then.”

“Then I’ll leave it to you.”

“Ah… what is it? Mmmh…”

But when she walked him to the door, Yoichi hugged Karin, and their lips met.

Karin’s eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly lowered her eyelids and accepted Yoichi’s actions.

“Mmpuha… this is… quite out of the blue.”

“But it’s nice to do these kind of things every once in awhile, isn’t it? I’ll be going now.”

“Yes. Take care.”

Smiling at Karin, who blushed happily, Yoichi left the house.


“Go back where you came from! And don’t come here again!!”

Arriving at the house where Yasue lives, Yoichi heard a woman’s hysterical voice.

When he looked at the front door, he found her arguing with three men and women at the door.

One was a middle-aged man in an apparently fine suit. The other was a middle-aged woman in a modestly designed but still expensive-looking kimono, and the last was a young man in a “modern-style” suit of the latest trends.

“It looks like she’s in trouble.”

But as Yoichi ponders what to do, someone walks past him.

“You guys are back! You really haven’t learned your lesson, have you?”

It was Yasue’s father, the same person who ran up to Yoichi and hit him with a right hook the first time they met.

Sensing the presence of more people, Yoichi turned around and saw Yasue’s mother trotting towards him, looking a little nervous.

When her mother noticed Yoichi, she smiled amiably, nodded, and slowed her pace.

(Maybe another right hook is coming?)

Yoichi looked back at the father, half expecting that in his heart, but unfortunately, the man only stepped between Yasue and the middle-aged man and did not shake his fist at him.

“I said I would hit you if you came here again, right?”

“Hohou, do you think you can lay your hands on me and get away with it?”

The middle-aged man replied to Yasue’s father in a provocative tone.

His voice was soft and articulate, like that of a stage actor.

“Then should I turn this into an incident? Cause if I cause an incident at this time, I wonder who will be in more trouble between us?”

“That kind of thing――”

“――is impossible because you can cover it up? Ha, that changes nothing. Listen. I could beat up the three of you, and it would be no problem for me. Of course, unlike you, I am a good citizen, so I will turn myself in. But before that, you will never be able to recover, and I mean physically.”


A short groan was heard from the middle-aged man.

As for the father, he was smiling wildly and holding his fists up, breathing into his clenched hands as if to warm the surface.

“We’re leaving.”

The middle-aged man turned on his heel and started to walk away.

“Yasue, you too. If you are a mother, what is happy for that child is――hieeee!!”

The middle-aged woman in the kimono started to say something sarcastic. But Yasue raised her eyebrows at her words, and when her father raised his fist, she screamed and backed away, following the middle-aged man at a trot.

“I’ll be back.”

“And next time, I’ll hit you without warning.”

“Oh, how scary~”

The last one to speak was the young man in the suit, who teased the father by exaggerating his fear, then turned and walked toward the middle-aged man and woman.

As they left the compound, the middle-aged man noticed Yoichi in his work clothes.

But after a moment of a somewhat condescending look, he quickly shifted his gaze.

Behind him, Yasue’s mother stood unobtrusively by Yoichi’s side, watching the inside of the house with him.

“I will come back. And I’ll be expecting a good answer from you next time.”

“And our answer will remain the same. So don’t come here ever again.”

Perhaps expecting the answer, the middle-aged man, unfazed by his mother’s firm response, nodded and left the scene.

The middle-aged woman who followed him gave her mother a slightly stern look but gave up and walked past, while the young man completely ignored both of them and walked away.

“Hmph. Don’t come back ever again!”

At that moment, Yasue’s mother unexpectedly stepped forward, took out a handful of salt from goodness knows where, and threw it at the three of them as they walked away.

It was a fantastic windmill throw. Had she been a softball player in her youth?

“Gaahh! What the hell are you doing, you stupid hag?!”

The salt flew into the air with considerable force, hitting the young man at the far end of the line the hardest.

“Leave it, let’s go!”

But the middle-aged man just rebuked him, lightly wiping the salt off his coat with his hand, in a direction away from the young man.

“Kuuh… I’ll remember this.”

Just like that, the young man left the scene after the two people who had preceded him, leaving behind a pathetic villain line in his wake.


“Sorry. We showed you something so unsightly.”

After brushing the salt from her hands, the mother bowed in greeting to Yoichi, her lips smiling a little shyly.

“Fufu. How was I? Believe it or not, I played softball when I was young.”

“Ah, y-yeah. I see.”

Yoichi, who had learned information that honestly didn’t matter right now, didn’t know how to react. But he didn’t forget to at least smile amiably.

“Mr. Todou, right? It has been a long time.”


“If you don’t mind, would you like to come upstairs and have some tea?”

“O-oi, Yasue!?”

The mother’s words overlapped with the father’s call.

Hearing this, the mother turned around as fast as she could in Yasue’s direction, but as if she remembered that she was being rude, she turned to Yoichi for a moment and bowed slightly before sprinting to the door.

“Sorry. I’m okay.”

Apparently, Yasue had stumbled a bit, but the father, who saw it, took it for something serious, and so he expressed his concern, though with a bit of exaggeration.

(No, it wasn’t exaggerated at all.)

Of course, Yoichi’s gaze also turned to the front door.

Because over there, supported by her father, was Yasue. And she was clutching her belly, which was already swollen to its maximum(?) size due to her pregnancy.

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