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Chapter 4 – Penis Merchant IV

The ground, or rather the cloud, was surprisingly solid.

It was indeed a pure white, comparable to cotton itself, but when I stepped on it, it felt like a grassy field.


I shouted loudly, but my voice didn’t echo.

The sky and clouds at this altitude are supposed to give a magnificent view, but for some reason, I felt oppressed.

I got off the plane and looked around a bit more, and there I saw a figure in the distance. As I got closer, I saw that it was indeed the back of a female pilot.

Her top was rolled down and hanging around her waist, and she was wiping away the sweat with a towel.

Her hair, tied in a single knot at the top, was swinging about, revealing the flowing nape of her neck.

And her dark skin, covered in beads of sweat, looked smooth and flawless as she breathed.


As I called out to her, the female pilot, exposed through her tank top, responded with a jerk in conjunction with her shoulder blades.

“The hell, that came out of nowhere! Oh, it’s you. I didn’t expect you to find me here.”

“I don’t have time for a leisurely chat. You’re supposed to take me to the Hermes. Where is it, here?”

“Well, sort of. There’s been some turbulence, so there’s nothing we can do about it. The plane is out of order at the moment.”

“Damn, and to think it’s going to get worse. This never happened to me when I was with the old man! I shouldn’t have trusted a rookie to do the job.”

“Ha, you should rather be thanking me for being alive right now! Thanks to my skills, I was able to spot a coagulated cloud and make a safe emergency landing on it, a feat that only I and Gramps could do! Besides, isn’t it half your fault that the plane went haywire?”

“What did I do?”

“That… you… on my… breasts…”

The lively female pilot suddenly starts to drift off her words.

“What? Say it out loud.”

“It’s because of you! Because you kept touching and grabbing my breasts at that time!”

I was surprised by the sudden shift into a loud voice, but was even more surprised by the contents.

From here, I was told that I had been clinging to her tits since the seatbelt cut on the plane. I had nowhere else to hold on to, so instinctively, I grabbed the safest place that was protruding.

“I’m sorry!”

“Eh, I’m not really bothered or anything. Past is past. Besides, it’s not like it was on purpose, is it? And it’s not like touching my breasts would give you any benefits or anything.”

What a tolerant woman. Maybe I was wrong about her, and she was quite a nice person.

And yes, while it’s true that I wasn’t able to enjoy the benefits of the sensation of her breasts because I was literally clinging on for dear life at the time, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt for the other party.

I looked at her again.

The top of her jumpsuit was pulled down, and she was wearing only a tank top, which highlighted her ample breasts.

The scene almost made me drool.

If I got down on my knees and asked her, would she let me rub them a bit more?

No, let’s not do that.

“W-well, let’s not dawdle any longer. I still have a schedule to keep.”

“I know, but wait a minute. Look, touch that solid cloud.”

She put her finger on a spot of cloud and said.

I followed suit and put my hand on it, and it felt cool. When I lifted my hand again, my fingertips were wet.

“The coagulation here is shallow, it’s almost like a spring above the clouds. You’ve been unconscious for a while, haven’t you? So you must be feeling weak. Why don’t you at least drink some water and rest? The water here is clean.”

“Mu… I’ll accept your offer then. But only once.”

I formed both hands into a bowl and dipped them into the ‘spring above the clouds,’ as I was told.

Although it was only clouds, it made a sound like water as I scooped it up.

From there, I put the ‘water’ in my mouth.


I realized for the first time that my throat was parched.

“O-oi, you don’t have to rush. Take it slowly…”

She says, but I can’t resist and have to put my mouth directly on the spring.

With each swallow, I feel the clean water seeping into my body.

Ahh, it’s so good to be alive――

“Ugh… cough, cough… cough, cough, goho, goho, goho.”

“See? What did I just say?”

I was so excited that I drank more than I could swallow.

Perhaps because I fainted earlier, my body is weakened, so I have no strength in my abdomen.

I’m in pain, and it’s as if I’m drowning.

The moment I thought that…

And when the sun’s rays, closer than usual because we’re above the clouds, hit my eyes, electricity crackled in the depths of my pupils, and all the strength in my body suddenly disappeared.

Only later did I learn that it was dizziness from suddenly standing up, but in any case, I was too careless.

“Ah. Watch out!”

I heard the female pilot’s hoarse voice warning me in the distance, but my body didn’t react.

Just like that, I fell limply towards the spring above the clouds.


When my body hit the surface of the cloud spring, it felt almost exactly like jumping into ordinary water on the ground.

It was cool and cold, and it acted as a wake-up call for me, who was dizzy on my feet.

Under the spring, however, was not the same.

Normally, people float in water. But this ‘cloud spring’ was unique because it had a peculiar structure that made it impossible to float. It might have something to do with the density of the clouds, but that logic was not crucial at the moment.

Because right now, I keep sinking and sinking.

If I struggled hard enough, the rate of sinking would slow down a little, but then, as if in exchange, it would become harder and harder to breathe.


But it was only when I looked down at the bottom of the ‘spring’ that I realized I was in real trouble.

Because right now the bottom was getting more and more transparent, and I could see the ground far below.

Yes. In the end, this spring is just a cloud. Once you pass through the bottom, you are doomed to fall to the earth.

But even as I thought of my imminent death, for some reason, this time, I had the feeling that my body was floating.

I wasn’t floating. I was being pulled upwards, to be precise.

Before I realized it, the female pilot had jumped in. Her left arm was holding my side, while her right hand was wading through the clouds at tremendous speed.

I see. Now I understand. It takes a lot of physical strength and athletic ability to fly a magically moving plane. Probably because they are trained in this way, the female pilot was able to climb steadily to the surface while carrying me in her arms.

What an amazing strength.

No wonder her grandfather has retired.

After we managed to crawl out of the spring and onto the solid cloud, we both collapsed on the spot.

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