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Chapter 3 – Penis Merchant III

“Have you got your seat belt on?”

“Er, yes.”

I am now in the cockpit with myself and the pilot, who is old gramp’s granddaughter.

All I can say about the cockpit of this plane is that I can describe it with one adjective. Hazardous.

The two-seater magic plane has magic ore intricately scattered all over it, and each of them is connected by haphazard wiring made of metal charged with magical properties.

If that wasn’t bad enough, the two-seater was particularly cramped and full of magical equipment.

The pilot sits in the front seat, and I sit slumped in the seat directly behind her.

When I heard that the pilot was the granddaughter of the old pig, I thought, ‘I’ll probably get a woman who looks like a pig anyway,’ but I was surprised when I met her.

She was pretty… no, you can already call her a beautiful woman. I think she’s in her early 20s or something. She has lively-looking eyebrows and dark but healthy-looking skin. She also looks good in her grey jumpsuit with a gold necklace that shines slightly on her slightly revealed cleavage.

I can’t help but feel wonder of the mystery of genes.

But even so, it is the pilot’s skill that counts, not her looks.

Even if the pilot is beautiful, it means nothing if she is not a good pilot.

“With your skills, how long will it take to reach the Hermes?”

“Hm? About three hours.”

“Three hours? The old pig said it would take about seven hours -”

“And we’re off!”

While I was thinking about it, the plane took off.

And then I found out what those ‘three hours’ meant.


No. Before you say anything, that scream wasn’t from me enjoying the ride, and I’m certainly not frolicking.

Because right now I am scared out of my mind!

As soon as the plane seemed to take off, it roared through the air, several times faster than when I saw the old man maneuvering it.

“Ha-ha-ha, what a funny voice you have! So pathetic!”

The female pilot says something like that, but it can’t be helped.

When you’re terrified, you have to scream.

But what’s strange is that even though I’m showing my pathetic side here, she’s just sitting there, smiling faintly.

Does she enjoy my suffering so much?

To make matters worse, a frightening sound catches my ear.


“Uwaaaaa! Oh, oii! My seatbelt’s broken! What do I do?”

“Seriously? That is definitely a problem. Just hold on to anything you can!”

She says to hold on to anything you can, but the cockpit is a jumble of magical equipment that you probably don’t want to touch because it might end badly.

In other words, there was nothing to hold on to.

I had no choice but to hold on to the front seat as tightly as I could.

“Hyaan… Hey, where are you touching?”

I heard those voices, but in the midst of the storm of horror, I couldn’t quite make out what it was or what is she saying.

There was also something squishy in my hands, and the softness in my palms, for some reason, relieved me of my fear, so I continued to rub them desperately.

“Yhaa, haann… so intense… H-hey, stop it. If you don’t…”

However, each time I did this, the shaking of the magic plane became more intense.

And the more it shook, the more scared I got, which made me squeeze whatever that soft thing was more.


When I woke up, I was still in the cockpit, and there I realized I had blacked out.

“Ugh, that was terrible.”

I groaned and looked around for the pilot, but to my surprise, she was not there, and I was the only person in the seat.

Had we already reached Hermes, and she disembarked first?

With this thought, I lifted the hatch of the magic plane and looked around.

A cold shiver ran down my spine.

The reason was that we were still in the sky.

The whole area was covered in clouds. I couldn’t see the ground.

Had I died?

But the clouds surrounding me in the pilotless plane didn’t seem out of this world.

And for a heavenly place, it was strange that there were no spirits to be seen apart from me.

I kept my cool and looked into the underside of the plane. There, I saw that the magic plane had ‘landed’ properly.

Suddenly, a joke crossed my mind. If we landed in the clouds, shouldn’t it be ‘clouded’ instead of ‘land-ed’?

Ha. Good one, me.

From the looks of it, I wasn’t dead yet.

And these clouds… if I’m not mistaken, are called ‘coagulated clouds’ and are a unique form of cloud.

Here’s the theory on how they form.

Just by living, humans and demons emit mana on the ground. This mana dissipates into the air on one end as a magical phenomenon and on the other as a fine energy. It then rises into the sky, riding the air currents, with most of it dissipating higher up but some being caught by the clouds and accumulating inside them.

This leads to the formation of these very dense clouds of mana and water vapor, which are then called ‘coagulated clouds.’

Essentially, it is a cloud so dense that you can ride on top of it.

And because our magic plane landed properly on the cloud, we didn’t crash, even though we basically made an emergency landing (I think).

But even though the plane is safe and intact, we still can’t take off, well, because there is the missing pilot problem.

If there is no pilot, the plane is as good as a giant piece of junk.

This is going to be a problem.

Where did that woman go? I need to find her and tell her to get the plane working so we can get out of here as soon as possible.

As someone on a one-month deadline – and with my dick as collateral – I’m afraid to waste a single moment. Because even if I could make the princess my wife, if the deadline passes, it’s all over.

So having no other choice, I crawled out of the plane and stepped onto the cloud with trepidation.

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