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Chapter 5 – Penis Merchant V

It was almost freezing above the clouds.

Well, we were at a high altitude, so the temperature and pressure were much lower.

Especially as I was now naked.

It’s not like I had a choice.

My clothes were soaking wet, and I would freeze to death if I kept them on.

“Do you want some coffee? It’s cold, though.”

The female pilot who offered me a can of coffee from the plane was as naked as I was.

“Thanks. I’ll owe you this one.”

“The coffee can?”

“I owe you my life.”


The female pilot laughed lightly.

She probably meant don’t worry about it. She’s a nice person, after all.

Then she pulled the pull-tab from her own can of coffee and released it.

After taking a sip, she placed her hands on her hips, raised the can and gulped down the contents with gusto.

While she was doing this, the entire time, her large breasts were proudly exposed. The youthful tits were round like a bowl, supported by a base of pectoral muscles that, together with the protrusions in the center, gave them a magnificent presence.

In contrast to the soft breasts, her hard clavicles wriggled along with her throat as she drank her coffee. There’s also the golden necklace that glittered, adding to the loveliness of the tits.

“Puhaaa…!! O-oi! You’re staring at them too much… or rather, you’re staring way too close!”

These were the words of the person who saved my life, but for some reason, I decided to ignore them this time.

How long will it take for our clothes to dry?”

“The sunlight is strong here, so I’d say about an hour and a half.”

I stared into her eyes.

She has dark, beautiful, almond-shaped eyes.

“W-What is it?”

Her frayed sidelocks fluttered against her cheeks, and I ran my fingers over them to her ears.

When she didn’t object, I gently touched her chest next.


The female pilot turns her face away in shame as her ample shoulders shrink femininely at my touch, with her animated eyebrows drooping.

“You won’t get what you expect from touching my breasts, you know?”

She dared to say these lines, but it only amused me more.

So instead of stopping, I cupped her tits and squeezed them harder.

She has really nice tits.

They’re smooth and elastic.

It’s no wonder I was unconsciously rubbing them during the flight, even though I was scared to death back there.

I wouldn’t have minded rubbing them until our clothes were dry, but I knew that wasn’t going to happen.

She looked away, never even giving me a flirtatious look or anything. But every time I rubbed her, her hips would wiggle, and her thighs would squirm.

That means she’s getting sexually aroused.

I held her close and pressed my cock against her belly to provoke that feeling further.

Despite the size of her plump breasts, her abdominal muscles are so well developed that they look like a sculpture. And when I poked it with my cock, I got a hard sensation.

“A-are we really going to do this?”

“It’s cold, so…”

Seeing she’s still skeptical, I suck on her lips.

Her body was hard for a woman, but it was still warm as I lay on top of her.

Looking at her genitals, it seemed like it wasn’t her first time, also seeing those big flaps stretching out from her hole. But it didn’t look like she had much experience either.

On top of that, her flaps were quite thick, and it took a bit of effort to make my way through her hole while spreading with them.

However, when I stuck my cock inside her, all of that changed.

These thick flaps, which were an obstacle at first, became something that contributed for a somewhat obscene experience. This is because the thick, fleshy labia had become akin to another external genitalia sucking on the cock in a flirtatious way.

Meanwhile, the female pilot became very girlish as soon as she had a cock in her, a far cry from her usual carefree demeanor. Her voice rose a pitch higher, and her tone became sweeter.

She also started to wrap her arms around me and often demand to be kissed, where she would wrap her arms around me no matter what position we were in, just to keep my dick stuck inside of her.

She would lift her chin a little and make her mouth purse, which, if I’m allowed to use an analogy, makes her kisses resemble a carp’s mouth, well, in the way she opens them.

Her lips are plump and elastic, her tongue is soft and slippery, and when she gets excited, saliva immediately gushes out of her opening.

I tried to kiss her in time with these lip movements, but it was quite tricky and took a bit of time. And because it was taking me a little longer than usual, the atmosphere inevitably took on the tone that we were having slow and passionate sex. Thankfully, this slow pace also meant that it was difficult to heat up our senses to the point where I could ejaculate.

As for the connection between our genitals, it’s fine as long as they’re, well, connected, with my part working hard to stir inside and scrape her walls in all sorts of different ways.

Of course, I also tried my best to prolong my ejaculation. I had the feeling that if I came early, this passionate act of ours would end, which strangely enough reminded me of a similar feeling of not wanting to get out of bed on a winter’s day.

――Lost in these thoughts, before I knew it, I was staring at her ass, basked in the vermilion of the setting sun.

It occurred to me that the day was already coming to an end since I had begun my penetration.

“This is bad! We have to leave now.”

Our clothes should be dry by now. If I take any more scenic routes here, the 30 days I have will be gone in no time.

I quickly pulled out my penis.

“Fufufufu. Now, now. You don’t have to be in such a hurry.”

But the pilot pulled me back with her arms to stop me.


I was about to resist, but when her breasts pressed against my chest and the necklace around her neck caressed my neck with its metallic feel, I changed my mind.

(Well, I think it’ll probably be all right if I take a little break here?)

Thinking this, I grabbed the female pilot‘s vermillion ass again, this time with a clawed grip as if a birds of prey had taken a hold of her flesh.

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