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Chapter 5 – Demon Lord, V

“Uumu. I’m a bit confused. Let me think for a moment. By the way, Priestess, would you like something to drink?”

“Hm? Oh, well. It would be a waste not to accept one’s kindness. I’ll take it.”

“Oh, I won’t give you this semen. This is my exclusive treat.”

“I don’t want that pervert’s juice. I want milk.”

What a terrible thing to say. It even makes me feel like the demon lord has more humanity towards me.

When the demon lord gave the signal, the secretary brought the milk.

“Here. Drink to your heart’s content.”

“Sorry to bother you. But really. I have been drinking milk since I was a child, but my breasts have never grown as big as yours. I wonder why.”

“Persistence is power, you know. Isn’t it too soon to give up?”

“Hmm, maybe it is like you said. Gulp, gulp…”

During the meeting, which now had the air of a blowout, the priestess gulped down the glass of milk in a friendly atmosphere, though it only lasted for a moment.

I don’t think drinking milk will make your breasts bigger, but then again, who’s the idiot who planted that misconception in her head?

“By the way, Priestess. That thing about Andersen’s army moving, that’s actually a lie, isn’t it?”

“‘Umu. It’s a lie.”

Huh? What’s wrong, Priestess? Why are you telling this now?

“Fuhahaha! In the end, you’re a priestess then and there. No fool would meddle with food and drink served in enemy territory. A bureaucrat or a soldier would not have done that. I’m sorry to say this, but I’ve had your milk laced with a potion that makes it impossible for you to lie. You will be honest about everything. Now, let us begin.”

I see. This is a mistake on the part of the priestess. It puts her at a huge disadvantage.

The Priestess’ usual pouty face is gone, her eyebrows are lowered, and she has a worried expression on her face. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but she looks like a normal girl now.

But her reaction tells me enough that it is true that she can no longer lie with her words.

“Let me ask you something. Why doesn’t your army want to move?”

“Because… the CongressPeople’s Party won’t give its approval…”

As I recall, the Andersen Council now has a CongressPeople’s Party elected by the people, and a CabinetState Agents Party appointed by the Emperor. And that the Cabinet has lost the majority of its support, so it is very possible that it will not go down the path of shedding blood for national sovereignty.

“This is disturbing. I really can’t lie…”

Not only is she incapable of lying, but she also seems incapable of keeping quiet when asked.

In diplomacy, a situation where you have to reveal everything is a crushing defeat.

On the contrary, the demon lord gave a devilish smile, as if proud of her victory.

However, it was then that the priestess spoke, as if to reopen the negotiations.

“But if I can’t lie, then I have no choice. I will fight you alone.”

“What do you mean?”

“If you refuse to release my people, I will not forgive you. I will kill you here and now. Of course, I know that I am no match for you, Demon Lord, but I will at least rip off your right arm in exchange for my life. That way, the army can be moved, and it will give the hero a chance to attack.”

The fact that she really means it makes her a great woman.

“Why would you go so far…”

Strangely, it is the demon lord, who is supposed to have overwhelming martial prowess, who has lost her ability to do anything about the priestess’ determination to resist.

The cornered rat is now ready to bite the cat.

And with it, a plague that could kill her and her land.

The deterrent was all the more effective because the potion ensured that her words were not lies.

“I understand. I’ll give you the ten of your people.”

Inevitably, the demon lord surrendered.

The priestess has won for now.


“Muu, this is frustrating… but I guess it can’t be helped. But one more thing, Priestess. You lied about another thing, didn’t you?”

The demon lord, looking desperate, drinks the remaining semen in her glass in one gulp.

“It’s about this merchant. You really know him, don’t you?”


Originally, these were just lies she told to bully me; lies she shouldn’t have to tell in this situation.

But now that she can only say what she really feels, the priestess, well, she has no choice but to admit that she knows me in the usual way.

“How are you related? I don’t see any connection.”

“We are friends.”

“Friends? A man and a woman?”

“Yes, we are friends, at least to him. But I am in what is commonly known as love. Of course, I am not an innocent child anymore and have developed enough shame not to say something like that out loud. That’s why I have to be content with just being friends with this man.”

Huh? Miss Priestess, what are you saying?

“This is bad, this is really bad… I don’t want you to hear this, but I can only tell the truth…”

The priestess is now blushing at her words, and her eyes are downcast in shame.

There is no longer the sharp-eyed and sharp-tongued priestess. All that’s left is a shy, pretty girl.


In the midst of all this, I caught a glimpse of the demon lord, who had just suffered a diplomatic defeat, lifting the corners of his mouth beside me.


“I see. It seems that the priestess of the Andersen Church likes the type of man who looks pathetic and yet is bold enough to bare his dick in public. What a strange taste.”

The demon lord says such nasty things as if she is pissed off at having been defeated in the negotiations. Then she laughs mockingly and says, ‘kakaka’ like a real villain.

The only reason I look so pathetic with my dick exposed is because of you!

“D-don’t mock him!”

says the priestess, suddenly contradicting the demon lord in a surprisingly loud voice. Her eyes contain the anger of having been mocked by the person she loves.

Sniff. It’s all right, Miss Priestess.

She always speaks ill of me and abuses me, but in her true heart, she really thought that about me, didn’t she? I always thought that someone as good as her would understand my compassionate nature…

“Sure, he’s a helpless, pathetic-looking, cross-dressing, cock-exposing, all-he-thinks-is-ejaculating, born-dick-first-before-the-brain pervert, but that’s the beauty of it! That’s what’s so nice about him!”

…I spoke too soon.

“N-no, I didn’t go that far, did I? I didn’t say any of that…”

But you didn’t deny it! That means your thoughts aren’t that different!

“Yes, even though he is a wowly pewson, I find his traits absolutely adorable! And that is why I love him!”

“No, even if you told me that now, after humiliating me like that…”

And I was feeling disturbed, but the priestess turned her very uncharacteristically passionate gaze on me and turned around in embarrassment.

Now, let me get this straight.

Firstly, the Priestess must be in a state where she can’t lie, either in her words or in her actions.

But if I were to believe what she had just said, it would mean that Miss Priestess is making a serious misunderstanding and that her love is misplaced.

For one thing, I am not the helpless, pathetic, cock-exposing, all-he-thinks-is-ejaculating, born-cock-first-before-brain pervert she knows me to be.

Of course, I don’t feel bad about being in love with such a girl.

But if it’s a love affair based on a misunderstanding, it’s a different story.

In fact, yes, I look pathetic because I look like a girl, but I wouldn’t go so far as to describe myself as helpless. And even though I’m in a situation where I have to cross-dress, I’m a man through and through, and my dick is usually tucked away properly. I have always thought about business, I only ever ejaculate occasionally. And most importantly, I was born out of my mother’s vagina in a very normal way, not cock first, but head first, as she claims.

In other words, far from being a pervert as she knows and loves, my true identity is that I’m a gentleman inside.

Yes. In short, it was a misunderstanding, and through that misunderstanding, the priestess came to love me, that phantom me, and not the real me.

As her friend, I should try to clear up the misunderstanding and help her understand who I really am, even if she becomes disillusioned and her love for me returns to the clouds.

“Actually, I’m not the kind of erotic man you idealize, Miss Priestess. So if that’s the kind of man you prefer, I probably won’t be able to live up to your expectations. I will only disappoint you in the end.”

“You don’t need to be modest. There is no greater erotic pervert in this world than you.”

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