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Chapter 6 – Demon Lord, VI

“You don’t have to be modest. There is no greater erotic pervert in the world than you”.

Well, love is blind, isn’t it?

I can’t believe that even someone as good as Miss Priestess can’t dispel the misconception that I’m an erotic pervert.

“Eei, enough of this farce! You even dared to say such cringe lines like ‘I love him’ and whatnot. Tell me, priestess. What do you think of me locking him up like this and doing what I want with him? You must be unhappy, right?”

The demon lord laughs enchantingly and grabs my cock beside her.

“Uu, do I really have to say it? Of course, I’m so… jealous! It’s not fair!”

“Ugh!?” “What!?”

“Yes, I’m so jealous! I’ve always wanted to lock that guy up in the dungeons of a cathedral for the rest of his life and make love to him! Kyaaa! I can’t believe I said it~♥”

The priestess stood up and raised one leg behind her back and placed her hands on her blushing cheeks, like a high school girl confessing her crush’s name to her classmates in comics.

But although her gestures were those of a young girl, what she had just said was downright criminal.

“For the rest of his life… that’s a heavy love.”

Even the demon lord is a bit taken aback.

Well, for my part, what I find strange is that the demon lord doesn’t let go, or rather that she still squeezes my cock during such a conversation.

Her manicured blue nails are strangely sexy, ignoring the fact that one wrong squeeze and I will be bleeding in a flash.

“But look. Your lover is now completely transformed into a ‘sperm machine’ for the sake of this demon lord standing before you. How is that? Have you changed your thoughts about him?”

“Unuununu, this is so frustrating…”

The priestess stomps her feet as the demon lord smiles triumphantly.

Well, I was optimistic that the demon lord was just venting her frustration about losing the diplomatic battle elsewhere ―― but it didn’t end there.

“Then again, unlike you, I still have a moral compass, and won’t lock him up for the rest of his life. I mean, I’m going to let him go when the time comes. But only after he has filled this jar with his sperm all the way to the brim.”

The secretary standing behind her then brought out a large jar that she could barely hold with both arms.

A jar of this size… full of sperm…?

Or rather, why didn’t you bring that out earlier!

Then the demon lord explains, as if she had read my thoughts.

“You see, I am having this problem. Whenever I pull one out of him, the mellow aroma and rich color of his semen would make me want to drink it as soon as it comes out, which explains why it’s still empty. So, how about this, for the sake of this merchant’s early release, why don’t you give him a hand with his ejaculation? You’ll be doing your beloved a great favor”.

“Oi oi, you can’t be serious, asking Miss Priestess such a thing. I mean, she’s a priestess of the Church, you know! It’s against her doctrine to hold or even touch such a penis. Hell, I wouldn’t even bat an eyelid if she wasn’t allowed to touch a man!”

“Shut up, merchant. I’m not talking to you. Well, what do you think, priestess? I’m not too fond of the idea of keeping him tied up forever. Why don’t you do your lover a favor for once? A favor that he will owe you”.

You really don’t want to consider the option of giving up my semen, do you?

“Or maybe you just don’t like doing these kinds of things?”

“It’s not that I don’t like it. In fact, I’d rather lick him from his pretty face to his toes until he’s all blistered up.”

Oof, even her way of showing love is heavy…


“But I can’t…”

The priestess looks away, as if confused.

See, I knew there was no way someone from the Messianic clergy could do such a thing.

“Hmm? Is doctrine more important than love?”

“No, as I said, it’s not that. I’m a well-bred, well-rounded and very beautiful girl, but apparently, I’m not very sociable. And my tits aren’t very big, and I’m not very sexy, so I don’t think he’d be very happy with me performing that kind of perverted act.”

I have no idea whether she was being confident or self-deprecating, but the more she said this, the more she became depressed.

“That’s not true. I’m sure he looks at you with a lecherous eye too.”

“I… Is that true?”

“Yes, it’s true. If you don’t believe me, why don’t you try taking off that ridiculous priestess’s clothes first?”


“It’s all right. Everything’s going to be fine.”

The demon lord had already put her hands on the priestess’s uniform by this time, although I had no idea what was going to be fine about it. To which the priestess responded by raising both arms in the air, and just like that, the priestess’ clothes were lifted up and stripped off.

With her silver hair slightly disheveled by the uncovering, and dressed in her underwear, she exuded a mysterious sex appeal, greatly aided by her downcast look of shame. In contrast to her usual dignified state in her priestess’s uniform, her body, wrapped in nothing but white underwear with built-in pads, was thin and slender, though not particularly curvaceous.

The woman before me is no longer wearing her priestess’s uniform, and with the absence of her trademark sharp gaze, you wouldn’t think it was the same priestess at all.

“Look, priestess, did you see that? Just seeing you in your underwear made his cock jump. Even though he pretends to be your friend, he must have been watching you with a dirty look.”

As if seduced by the devil (which, by the way, she really is), the priestess looks at my member, and although she is embarrassed, I could see her smile slowly, like a ray of light gradually peeking out and shining through the clouds.

“N-no, there’s no way that’s… true…”

As I shout my denial, however, her smile immediately clouds over, and her eyebrows drop, like a rain cloud approaching for an impending downpour.

So I have no choice but to take one for the team, for the sake of her feelings.

“Well, yeah… to tell the truth… I might have looked at you a little lecherously…”

The priestess tilts her downcast head a little, as if she is looking anxiously.


“A-ah, yeah…”

I finally speak back.

Still, seeing that she can’t lie in her words and actions, it’s easy to see that the priestess is a person with extreme emotional ups and downs. This is probably because she cannot lie in her facial expressions either, but it makes her even more difficult to deal with than usual.

“Well then, while we’re at it, why don’t we try his mouth for starters?”

The demon lord suggests to the priestess, but she looks unsure, fidgeting with her exposed slender white thighs.

“Don’t worry. He’ll be happy to have you suck his dick. Don’t you see?”

The demon lord looks at me.

“How can I be happy… yes. If it’s the priestess, then I’ll be happy.”

This is hard for me.

Whenever I say something that sounds like a rejection, the priestess gets tears in her eyes, and she gets so depressed that it is hard to say anything negative about her.

The demon lord then puts her hands on the priestess’ slender shoulders and leads her to me, who is wearing only my shirt, while being completely naked underneath.

“Hey, priestess. That pretty face that doesn’t look like a man’s, and those sexy lips. You’ve always wanted to suck them, haven’t you?”

Again, this demon lord… what is she saying, even though I have a masculine face?

“Yes, I’ve always imagined it! I’ve always wanted to suck his beautiful lips, which are just like a girl’s. But…”

“It’s all right. See?”

The demon lord urges the priestess to bring her lips together, albeit slowly. The priestess’ long, curled lashes slowly close in on me.

Or rather, why is the demon lord supporting the priestess so strongly here? Is this really for the purpose of collecting my semen?

For a moment, such a thought crosses my mind, but when the priestess’ long, slender fingers rest gently on my chest and the distance between us shrinks to the point where I can smell the scent of soap, I can no longer be at peace with my heart.

And then, the next moment, her trembling lips and my unmoving lips touch each other gently.

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