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Chapter 4 – Demon Lord, IV

At last! I thought I’d lose my mind, but what appeared behind the secretary was unmistakably the priestess.

Now my salvation is guaranteed!

“Ah, you’re that priestess from the Andersen State Church. This is an unusual guest. Well, sit down.”

The demon lord urged her to sit down, but the priestess just stared at me with her sharp eyes while my cock was trapped between the demon lord’s tits and did not move.

“M-Miss Priestess!?”

What’s wrong? I wonder if she is startled by my sudden presence.

“What is it? Do you know each other?”

“Rude. I don’t remember knowing a pervert – no, I don’t remember knowing a gentleman who, while his hands and feet are tied like that, shamelessly shouts things like ‘Please drink my semen’ even in the presence of other people.”

Hey, priestess, why are you pretending to be a stranger now? Maybe it’s because you’re embarrassed if people think you have a relationship with this guy?

“Miss Priestess. It’s me!”

I insist, but she completely ignores me and sits down on the sofa opposite me.

“What a predicament. And just when you were starting to become honest with me. But now that we have a guest, I’m afraid I’ll have to postpone your ejaculation for another time, merchant.”

The demon lord said something so cruel, but it was the priestess who interrupted her.

“Please don’t worry about me. This pervert – or rather, this man is making such an earnest plea to ‘ejaculate’ from you, Your Majesty. So he must be ‘a man who was born just to ejaculate’. In other words, he’s is a poor soul, so please go ahead and ‘pull one out’ for him first.”

Or so I thought.

It’s been so long I’ve forgotten, but this woman is so abusive when I show any weakness.

“In that case, I apologize in advance. It is as you have heard from our guest, Merchant. So, if you want to cum, don’t hold back and cum quickly. Here, here…”

With these words, the demon lord begins to rub my cock again in the cleavage of her saliva-soaked tits. In addition, she licks the glans with the tip of her tongue in a rotating motion, coating the cock with a smooth and all-rounded pleasure.

“Can’t, hold back… anymore… guh, uguuh…”

I was already at my limit, so I ejaculated immediately.

“Oops. There.”

The demon lord hastily held her wine glass to my cock and collected the spurting sperm.

“That should do it for now.”

After that, the demon lord separated herself and tucked her tits away.

Then she sat down next to me, facing the priestess.

“You’ve done very well to get this far, priestess… wait. What are you doing?”

By the time the demon lord had practically said this to reignite the conversation, the priestess had already taken what looked like a small magical device out of her pocket and was fiddling with it.

If I’m not mistaken, that is a magic voice recorder, right?

[Please let me come! Squeeze out all my cum and drink it! Please!] [Can’t, hold back… anymore… guh, uguuh…]


“That pervert… no, that man over there has a good voice to pass it by. So I just recorded it by instinct…”

The priestess scratched her head with a hard look in her eyes.

“Come on. You obviously recorded it before you entered the room. In fact, stop going out of your way to say ‘pervert’ only to rephrase it later. I’m losing my mind here.”

“I’m not doing that, pervert. Besides, it’s not like I’m going to use your squealing as a wake-up call, is it? I swear on my name.”

This time she didn’t even bother to correct the “pervert” part, this guy.

Or rather, you’re planning to use it as a wake-up call!?

After that, the priestess continued to abuse me until my heart was completely broken.

Despite this, I was still tied up behind my back with my hands and feet bound and my cock exposed.

Have these women no mercy?

“Now then. Let’s get down to business, Priestess. You belong to the land of heroes, a land that has broken off diplomatic relations with our country. For what purpose have you entered the dangerous enemy camp alone? Are you asking to be killed here?”

The demon lord begins to deal with the priestess while I am in a state of mind like a rape victim.

“Well, I cannot deny that I was almost killed while traversing the dungeon. But Demon Lord, you know very well why I came here. We know that you have illegally kidnapped ten of our citizens. This is a clear violation of our sovereignty. You must hand them over immediately.”

The priestess states her reason, to which the demon lord replies, shaking her sperm glass in mockery.

“Hmph, the usual “absolute supremacy of humanity”. Listen. In our land, there are demons who need to eat humans to sustain their lives. Well, I don’t want to have anything to do with humans, because I’m too busy defending myself against the heroes on my own. This is also why our country, Newland, is the first demon city to make laws and maintain order – to limit the number of humans we take and increase their numbers through animal husbandry. But this also makes it a non-negotiable line as it is to feed them. To call this a violation of human’s rights, are you saying that these demons in our land, who are trying their best to avoid conflict with humans, have no right to live?”

Wait, wait, wait. Isn’t this getting a bit too fiery?

I’m still badly dressed, but at least my head has regained its sanity, so I look at the priestess as she bravely stares at the demon lord.

“You are mistaken. I have no intention of using cloudy, meaningless words like so-called human rights. But things get different when it comes to the rights of the people of Andersen. The rights of Andersen citizens are based on the sovereignty of our country. Whether there are ten or just one, any violation of the rights of our citizens is tantamount to a violation of the sovereignty of our state. As a member of the Andersen State Church, I cannot stand by and watch this happen.”

As expected, her enormous sense of responsibility is still praiseworthy. But I think there’s a good chance that this will eventually lead to a battle with the demon lord, you know?

No matter how strong the Priestess is, she won’t be able to defeat the demon lord on her own.

“I see, I see. In other words, you’re saying that this is a clash of national sovereignty, and it doesn’t stop at the individual level?”

“That’s exactly what I’m saying.”

The demon lord took a few licks of semen from her glass, then stared at the priestess and spoke.

“What if I told you that I would be willing to hand over these ten ‘citizens’ of yours if your country would withdraw its support for the hero?”

“That still wouldn’t do. No, even if Andersen wanted to, we couldn’t. That’s because the hero belongs strictly to the Messianic Papal Court, regardless of the country in which he grew up.”

This is something that even the demon lord should have known, so it is probably a tactic to make the priestess look like she dared to refuse.

“Then there is no merit in my releasing of your people.”

“That is not true.”

At first glance, the priestess’ sharp eyes were the same as always. But I didn’t miss the slight wavering behind them.

“If you do not release these citizens, our army will move independently from the hero and wreak havoc on your land. It is for your own good that you let them go.”

She breathes this out, but I don’t think Andersen’s army has the strength to defeat the demon lord. But it is not as if it is ineffective as a threat.

Sure, the demon lord has the power to destroy Andersen’s army, but she cannot possibly be unharmed against the army of a single country. In that case, her weakened state would be the perfect opportunity for the heroes to attack.

If this were a normal negotiation, the demon lord would be forced to hand over Andersen’s civilians, but apparently, it’s not that simple.

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Chris Gill

I still can't believe he doesn't realize this priestess is his friend from the dream..