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Chapter 8 – The Delinquent Lad and Genius Lass, III

“Wait, you’ve got it all wrong. Listen to me. And I’m not a scumbag…”

Father was not convinced, but “I” managed to stop himself from recommending that “I” turn myself in, thanks to “my” desperate defense.

“Well… um. Anyway, this… It might be considered ‘black’ by some, but it’s as close to ‘grey’ as I can get from these guys. Here, son. I bought you a souvenir.”

“Oooh. Seriously? What is it?”

“I” received the package and opened it with a smile on my face, not caring that it was “grey” yet almost close to “black” as a description.

“I commissioned this artist to draw me this shunpon – heck, what kind of world has a father who buys porn mags for his son as souvenirs!”

“Haha! Because this is a very rare shunpon! Because it’s so expensive, even most fathers can’t afford it!”

“I didn’t mean it like that.”

“Hey, lowly person. What the hell is a shunpon?”

The little girl, who was biting into a piece of bread and offering no help in the defense, suddenly interjected.

“Shut up, girl, and eat your food.”

“Oh, yes. Son, I’m a bit tired, so I’m going to bed. I’ve already done all the stockpiling, so you take care of the rest while I’m gone.”

With these words, my father withdrew.

After the storm that was my father had passed, “I” stared at the shunpon while the girl nibbled at a piece of cheese.

“Hey, girl. I’ve got some work to do, so I’ll leave you in peace, but you can go home anytime you want after you eat your dinner.”

“Hmm, so you have a job your father trusts you with. I’m impressed.”

“I” opened the sliding door and walked into the next room, leaving the young lady who was busy drinking her milk in large gulps.

I then prepared some tissues, pulled down my trousers and prepared for battle.

“Daaym, this is indeed a rarity! Haa, haaa, haaa…”

With irregular breathing, I stared at the shunpon.

The thought of being shown the pathetic figure of my old self is a nightmare, but it seems that something even sadder is waiting for me.

The young girl approaches from behind me.

Her sharp eyes stared at my rounded back, but I was so engrossed in the porn magazine that I didn’t even notice her.

“Hmmm… [N-no, please don’t lick that part…] what is this?”


As this part was read out, “I” screamed and pulled up my trousers.

“What the hell? You…!!”

“Hello. I’ve finished eating. Thanks for the food.”

“Then get the hell out of here!”

“Please, wait. Let me look at the book.”

Ignoring his words, the young girl reaches for the shunpon.


“Then I want you to read it to me if you can.”

“No is a no!”

Hearing his answer, the girl looked at “me”, who said it in an even sharper tone.

“What is it?”

“My mother has already passed away.”

“I’m sorry for your loss.”

“My mother used to read me picture books before bedtime…”

“I see.”

“I” lowered my eyebrows in dismay.

“All right. In that case, I’ll do the reading in place of your mother.”


“Yes! And since we’re here, let’s read it together. I’ll do the male part and you, girl, the female part.”


Only a year or so before this, my mother had died of a chronic self-inflicted illness, so perhaps “I” was comparing my own circumstances with hers.

“Kakakah. To be that wet, you really are a slutty bitch. So? What do you want me to do?”

“Ahhh, it’s breaking me! But I want more! I want more! Hurry up!!”

But… the sight of a delinquent boy and an innocent girl excitedly reciting a porn book is the height of chaos in this world.

The lass in particular, perhaps due to the training she had just completed, had achieved a strangely sexy tone that was in stark contrast to her emotionless face.

But is it my imagination that I have seen this young lady somewhere recently?

Well, it must be my imagination.

Anyway, it seems that the Shunpon reading has ended.

“Sorry about that. It wasn’t very interesting for a girl, was it?”

“No, it was fun. I should definitely share it with my countrymen.”

Well, I guess this is just a little girl’s way of socializing. She wouldn’t do that, would she? At least I’d like to think so.

“Are you satisfied now? I think it’s time for you to go home.”


The girl’s expressionless face reacted for the first time when “I” asked her to go home.

But it was a refusal.


“I” asked her as a matter of course, but she didn’t answer.

However, after persistent questioning, the young girl opened her mouth as if she had no choice.

“In my homeland, they call me a magical genius.”

“Yes, I know.”

“I also come from a good family. So I’m smart and classy.”

“Oh. So you’re the kind of person who tells yourself things like that, huh?”

“And I’m a beautiful lady, too.”

“Not very nice, though.”

“What’s that?”

The young lady hides her anger with a pout.

“Well, anyway,” she continued, “the adults around me are trying to get me into a position as a priestess in our State Church.”

“The country of miss lass here is a Messianic country called An-an-something, right?”

“I” frowned a little. It was probably because of his dislike for the Messianic Faith after the incident with the female ‘Hero’.

However, it seems that “I” at least has the sense to distinguish between an individual and a group, so he knows it is bad to discriminate people.

“So Miss Magical Genius here ran away because she didn’t like it?”

“No, I don’t hate it at all.”

“Hm? Then why?”

“Being a priestess in the Church of God is a great responsibility to the state and the people. I am proud of it, but I am also afraid that I will lose my sense of self once I enter it. So, for the time being, I want to be… just me”.

“Does that mean you still want to play?”

“I’ll put it bluntly. Yes.”

Hearing this, “I” looked at the little girl and growled.

Unfortunately, I can’t remember what “I” was thinking at that moment.

Then I heard another noise at the front door.

But my father was asleep by then and it wasn’t time for the nanny or the helpers to come in.


Miss Magic Genius’ slanting eyes dropped as her voice rose.

“Maybe it’s my pickup. They already know where I am…”

“No, maybe it’s our business partner.”

“Business partner?”

“Yes, we’re a merchant family. So don’t worry about it.”

After patting the young lady on the head, “I” went to the front door.

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Chris Gill

So he is the cause for the priestess' hobby...