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Chapter 11 – After the Battle 2 ※

“Karin, sorry to keep you waiting… Karin?”

When the action with Misato was over, Yoichi called out to Karin, but she did not respond.

(It seems that she really is asleep.)

The fact that she was sleeping so deeply despite being quite loud from the middle of the day suggests that she was very tired – or rather, she had not fully recovered.

“How about you, Misato? Are you feeling better now?”

Since Karin won’t show signs of waking up, he turned his attention to Misato.

Both are still naked with traces of bodily fluids in them. Some were lightly wiped away with a wet wipe that Yoichi had taken out of his bag.

“I still feel… kinda heavy. Uhm… my glasses… did you see them?”

The slightly breathless Misato marvels feebly, then she asks Yoichi.

“Glasses? Uhm, err…”

Looking around the room, he found a set of clothes and a pair of glasses on a side table. Yoichi took only the glasses and put them on Misato.

“Thank… you…”

Perhaps it was his imagination, but the moment he put on those glasses, Misato became a little more energetic.

Whatever the case, Misato is prettier with her glasses on – at least, that’s what Yoichi prefers – so he kept looking at her face with them on for a while.


Misato, who kept being stared at, could no longer bear the gaze and involuntarily averted her eyes.

This gesture was so endearing that he continued to stare at her even after she looked away, but suddenly, as if remembering something, Yoichi opened his mouth.

“Hey, do you want to go back to our house?”

Although it was considered a luxury inn, the beds were not that comfortable for them. In this case, Yoichi thought it would be better to sleep in the bed back in Japan.

The recovery of mana would be slower there, but that was okay. He had already made her absorb the minimum requirement by him ejaculating in her twice.

(Also, it would be better to get a good night’s sleep to relieve the mental fatigue I had accumulated over the long battle.)


Misato glanced back at him and gave a small nod as a reply, seemingly a little embarrassed.

Seeing this,


Yoichi got off the bed and took Misato in a bridal carry. Then, in his mind, he opened his [Return] skill window.

(I don’t need any more home points for the fort, so let’s just replace them with this place)

Just like that, Yoichi set the current room as his new home point and returned to “Grand Court 2503” with Misato in his arms.

Still naked, they both moved from the doorway to the bedroom, where he laid Misato on the soft, luxurious bed.

“You sure you don’t want to bathe? Since you feel better and all…”

“Yes, there’s no need. Also, you wiped me down earlier, so… that’s enough…”

Misato answered weakly, and Yoichi responded by pulling the light comforter over her.

Misato had regained consciousness, but she was still fatigued and felt like she could faint.

“I see. I’ll go check on Karin then.”

So Yoichi had no choice but to leave her to rest.

“Yes… Take your time…”

Misato began to sleep soon after she finished saying this.

Yoichi smiled gently at this sight, took off the glasses which she had left on, and placed them on the sideboard by his bed.

“Good night.”

After patting Misato on the head a few times, he got up and [returned] to the room he had just been in.

Karin was still asleep on the bed.


“mm… suu… suu…”

Even though he called her name and tapped her on the shoulder, she showed no signs of waking up.

[Oh, right. Why don’t you get a shot, too, little Karin?] Then, suddenly, the words of Hortense to Karin came back to his mind.

(Mana transfer… should I do it?)

The reason Karin was in better condition than Misato was because her state of mana deficiency was shorter, but that should not mean that she had completely recovered.

At the very least, she was still fatigued to the extent that she could sleep soundly, all while someone was having sex unreservedly in the bed next to her.

(This is a therapeutic act. It’s for Karin’s sake, yes.)

Yoichi made excuses to himself, but “for Karin’s wellbeing” was less than 10% of his motive, and the remaining 90% or more was dominated by his mischievousness and sexual desire.

The bedsheet was peeled off. As before, Karin was sleeping in a fetal position with her back to the bed where Misato had been.

(Firstly, let’s remove her clothes… Oh? Karin is wearing her panties. That’s new.)

When the kantou gown Karin was wearing was put into his [Infinite Storage+], he found out that she was wearing her panties underneath, contrasting Misato’s commando state just earlier.

Misato was completely naked under the kantou gown, while Karin only wore her panties underneath.

(I don’t want her to wake up, so I’ll remove this one for now…)

Nevertheless, Yoichi stowed away the panties as well. Then he looked at Karin’s completely naked figure from his feet.

(as always, what a wonderful view!)

Viewing Karin sleeping with her body lightly curled up like a fetus from below, the viewer can almost see her most precious part.


And that precious part, which can be seen through the gap between her legs, was glistening.

Yoichi reached out and touched it with his finger. The place made a squelching sound.


At the same time, Karin’s body shook with a short gasp.

(Oh, shit…!!)

“Mmmh…. Mmh… suu… suu….”

Karin seemed to wake up momentarily, but she only flinched slightly and soon began to breathe in her sleep.

(Did she have an erotic dream because she fell asleep while listening to the sound of me doing it with Misato?)

Thinking about this, Yoichi crawled closer to Karin.

Since she seemed ready, he decided to penetrate her without doing anything unnecessary.

(First is to lift her legs…)

Taking care not to wake Karin, Yoichi started by inserting his hand into the gap between her perfectly overlapping thighs.

It was clammy and sweaty there, due to the skin being so close to each other.

Feeling Karin’s body heat on his hand, he slowly lifts one of her legs.

(With this, I can now put my legs here…)

He put both legs in the gap created by lifting her one leg.

It was the so-called scissored flagpole sex position.

(And there we go… now all that’s left is…)

While supporting Karin’s lifted leg with one hand, Yoichi puts his other hand on the angry pole, adjusts the position of his hips, and touches the tip to the front of her precious part.


Because the place was wet enough, the soaked petals easily entangled their fluids on his tip, even though it barely made contact.

Karin also reacted to the touch, but it was not enough to wake her up.

(Now, then, let’s start with the treatment.)


Yoichi went a little further, where he felt a little squeezing in the middle.

Around this time, Karin shivered and moaned briefly.

(is her vagina still not wet enough? Or…)

Yoichi withdrew his hips just around when the tip reached the vulva. Then after blending the love juices secreted on the surface, he lowered his hips again, this time in a bit of a shallower position.

Just before it was about to get stuck at the back, he pulled his hips back again, blended the love juice, and inserted it shallowly again.

With these short, wet strokes, smearing love juices into the walls and relaxing them, he was able to slowly and carefully unravel the vaginal canal. Eventually, he reached the innermost part of the vagina.

“Oggh… finally reached deep… and the pressure is amazing…”

Yoichi felt as if he was wrapped tightly in soft flesh, which was, for some reason feeling deeper than before.

“Nfuhh… haaa… Mmmhh…”

Karin moaned lightly and breathed harder but still didn’t wake up.

Seeing this, Yoichi slowly pulled back his hips, this time enjoying the feel of the sticky folds of her flesh.

Just like that, the rod, covered with love juices, is pulled out.

He inserted it once again when he felt the glans getting caught at the vulva.

――Squelch… squelch… squelch…

Keeping a slightly slower base, Yoichi repeatedly moved his hips back and forth, rubbing the inside of Karin’s inner walls with his penis.

”Mmhh… nnh… nnhh… haaan… ahh… ahnn…?”

Finally, Karin’s eyes opened narrowly.

“Ahhnn… what is… my pussy… so good… wait, Yoichi!?”

Karin, who had been accepting the act in a hazy state of consciousness, seemed to wake up completely when she witnessed her loved one’s body in her view.

“Ahh… no… what are you, doing, when someone is asleep…?”

“Uhm, transferring mana?”

“Huuh? Yoichi, what are you talking about… mmhh…!!”

While he was still questioning Karin, who had woken up, Yoichi continued to move at a steady pace.

“Karin, you’re tired, aren’t you? So I thought I’d give you a shot to heal you up.”

“Ahh… ahhh… what are you, talking about, stupid…!! Nhaaa… mhhu…?”

But then, the movements of Yoichi, which had been going on for a long time until now, stopped.

Then, in a teasing manner, she asks Karin.

”Do you want to stop?”

“Eeeh… uuu…”

Puzzled by the sudden act, Karin stared at him, her mouth agape.

She replied.

“I-I didn’t say…that you should stop――Hyaaaaa!!”

Before Karin could finish, Yoichi began to shake his hips again, this time at a faster pace than before.

“Then let’s finish this in one go!”

“Aaaahhh! Yesh, let’s do this until the end…!!”

Keeping one of Karin’s legs lifted, he shook his hips harder.

The softness and warmth of the thighs he held were comfortable to the feel.

“Mggghhhhh! I’m cummiiiinnnggg!!”

“Me too, Karin!!”

“Together… let’s do it together! Yoichhiiii…!!”


At the end, he held Karin’s body tightly and ejaculated with his cock fully inserted up to the base.

Then, she breathed out.

“Ahaha… Yoichi’s seed, it’s flowing in all over meee…!”

The rod, encased in vaginal flesh, pulsated as it spewed semen over and over again.

As for Karin, she was shaking with delight. Her consciousness was still a little hazy from sleep, but as for her body, it was getting filled with more and more mana coming from Yoichi’s seminal fluids.


After sending Karin back to “Grand Court 2503,” Yoichi returned to the room he had just left. This time he visited, or rather he went back to the room next door.

(Oh shit. I left the door unlocked in this room.)

When he entered the next room, he found out that the door was left unlocked, then he saw Alana sleeping comfortably on the bed, but she probably noticed Yoichi because her breathing pace had changed.

(Then again, even if that was the case, I would not be worried about her even if a prowler broke into the room.)

“Alana, you’re awake, right?”

“Mmmhh… well, now I am. But I’m still sleepy ―― heck, why are you naked!?”

Alana opened her eyes narrowly, but when she saw Yoichi’s state, she woke up with a start.

The bedsheets flutter open, exposing her huge tits.

“Well, Alana is also the same, though.”


When Yoichi pointed this out to Alana, she turned her cheeks red in embarrassment and hid her breasts with her hands.

“By the way, how are Karin and Misato?”

“Un, they’re alright. They have recovered to some extent and are now resting at our house.”

“I see. That’s good.”

Yoichi’s answer brought a smile of relief to Alana’s face, but this immediately turned into a quizzical look.

“But why are you here, Mr. Yoichi? And dressed like that, too.”

Alana asked, but she clammed up a little at the end and looked away awkwardly from the naked Yoichi.

“It’s because Karin and Misato want me to spend time alone with Alana tonight.”

Then he began to state his facts.

When he brought Karin back to the apartment, Misato woke up from the ruckus and told Yoichi so.

Karin agreed with her.

Perhaps it was meant to make up for Alana for the fact that they had enjoyed themselves without her that time, taking a break when the monster stampede was ongoing.

“I-I see… I don’t really mind though, so Karin and Misato don’t need to make such concessions with me. Plus… I like it more when we’re doing it together…”

But even though she’s saying that, Alana is taking glances as if she is peeking at Yoichi.

“Ahaha… Well, they’re both pretty tired right now. So I think it’s best to give them some rest first.”

Alana turned her face towards Yoichi and opened her mouth while holding back a happy smile when she was told of this.

“U-umu. If that’s the case, there’s nothing we can do about it. Then, feel free to spend time with me, Mister Yoichi.”

“Can I get under the covers then? I need to get some rest.”

“Of course, you can.”

Raising the bedsheets to welcome Yoichi with this consent, he found that Alana was also completely naked underneath.

It seems that she remained in the state when she had been doing it with Yoichi earlier.

“Pardon the intrusion…”

Yoichi slides his body into Alana’s side.

“Fufu, welcome.”

After making sure Yoichi lay beside her, Alana pulled back the covers.

They huddled under the covers on the bed, which became narrower than usual.

“This is not so bad. Let’s do this sometimes.”

“Fufufu… okay. If you want it.”

From the time they met, Yoichi realized that there aren’t many situations where there’s only him and one of the girls, much like they are now.

Especially recently, when the four had been spending more time together and less time facing each other alone.

“It’s nice to exchange sweet nothings like this for a change. Just like lovers.”

“You got that right.”

While exchanging words in a roundabout way, the two moved slowly, touching each other’s skin and staring at each other’s eyes.

“Fufufu… in the end, Mister Yoichi took more than half in this incident alone. It’s really amazing…”

“That’s… it was nothing special, really. Or rather, it’s the weapons that are amazing, and not me.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. It is also an important ability for an adventurer to be able to prepare the necessary equipment for the appropriate situation. Preparing powerful weapons and utilizing them at the right timing is also a part of Mister Yoichi’s power.”

“Well, thank you. But Alana is amazing, too, being able to charge head-on at an enemy like that. I mean, how could you swing such a heavy halberd with such thin arms?”

Yoichi lightly grabbed Alana’s upper arm that was nearest to him.

Inside the feeling of plump, soft fat, he could feel the elasticity of supple muscles.

“Hyauuuu…? Don’t suddenly grab me out of nowhere…!!”

The princess knight, grabbed by the upper arm without warning, let out a voice that could neither be distinguished as a shriek nor a cry of delight and trembled.

To this, Yoichi laughed.

“Ahaha. I can’t believe that’s the same person who went on a rampage on the battlefield back there.”


Alana’s mouth was agape with dissatisfaction, but her eyebrows gradually lowered, and she eventually became anxious.

“Pretty disappointing… isn’t it?”

“Hm? Why?”

“Because, what kind of woman jumps into a pack of monsters and goes on a rampage like that…?”

“I don’t know. A cool woman? In fact, because of that, I fell in love with you all over again.”

At these words, the princess knight opened her eyes with a start and let out a giggle.

“Fufufu… I see. So Mister Yoichi likes the kind of women who could fight.”

“Hm… no, not really.”


Seeing her slightly surprised, Yoichi puts his arm around Alana’s back and pulls her into a tight hug.

“It’s because I like you, Alana. That’s pretty much it.”


“I saw a new side of Alana that I love and fell in love with her all over again. It doesn’t mean that any woman who fights will do. And I will still love Alana even if she can’t fight.”

“Hyaa… uhm… that’s…”

Alana involuntarily turns her head away from the words thrown at her with a straight gaze.

“W-why, all of a sudden, such lines…”

“I don’t know why. Suddenly I feel like saying it.”

Perhaps it was the influence of wandering on the verge of death.

One day, the daily peaceful routine that he thought would go on as a matter of course suddenly disintegrated with a bang.

(I was lucky to get through this time, but there may not be a next time as long as I put myself in the fight in this Demon-infested world.)

“Fuuh… I see…”

Perhaps sensing Yoichi’s feelings, Alana let out a giggle. Then, she wrapped her arms around her partner’s body, entwining their legs and squeezing their bodies together.

Perhaps it is because they have been standing under the covers for a while, and their skin is tightly pressed against each other, but they are both sweating profusely.

The princess knight’s ample and taut breasts changed their shape as she put more force into the arms she put around Yoichi.

“Mister Yoichi…”

She then looks up with a sweet exhale and turns her feverish gaze on her man.

“I like you too, Mister Yoichi. I love you. Mmmh…”

Little by little, the two brought their faces to each other. Then they placed their lips on top of the other’s.

“Mchuup… chupu… mlem…”

But the time between their lips is short-lived, as they began to play with each other’s mouths with their tongues.

“Mchuuru… mlem… nmmmh…!!”

While their tongues are entwining, Yoichi reached between Alana’s legs and touched her secret area.

It was already wet there, and his fingers entered without resistance.

 “Mfuuh… mmmmh…”

Not to be outdone, Alana reached between Yoichi’s legs and began rubbing her hand over his hardening meat stick.

The meat stick’s tip, stimulated with her fingers, overflowed with a mellow glandular fluid.

“Slurp… slurrrp… mlem…”

Yoichi and Alana violently devoured each other’s tongues and fondled each other’s crotch.

While stimulating each other’s genitals in this way, they began to change positions in the covers, as if by mutual consent from either side.

Alana was on top of Yoichi, who was now on his back, and she was squeezing the rod in her hand.

After adjusting the angle, she placed the hardened tip against her own crack.


As soon as the sticky wet petals enveloped the glans, the princess knight sank her hips down. This swallowed the meat stick into the vagina that had been loosened by Yoichi’s hand.

“Nmmuu!! Nhaa… hamu… mlemm…”

During the insertion stage, they removed their hands from each other’s genitals and put their arms around the other’s body.

They held each other tightly and sought each other out, all without interrupting their kissing.

Yoichi began to swing his hips, crushing her soft, bouncy breasts with his pecs.

The room was easily filled with the sounds of their tongues entwining. Their mucous membranes brushing against each other, the creaking of the cheap bed, and their ragged breathing.

“Chup… mlemm..”

Alana, who felt the force of the cock go up and down her body, put her arms around her man. Soon, she came, and it was harder than the last.

This increased the pressure in her vagina, so immediately after that, Yoichi increased his strokes a little. He also pulled his hips back before penetrating the innermost part of her body with great vigor.


With a flinch, Alana’s body jerked and recoiled from the stimulation of the penetration of her cervix.

“Mmmhh… fufufu…”

But the princess knight quickly raised herself up.

Then, she looked down at Yoichi with a bewitching smile and began to move her hips up and down as well.

With the lower half of her body tensing and her vagina tightening as much as possible, she lowered her hips until it barely reached the base. Then, she pulled her hips up until the head of the penis reaches on the vulva, where from there she lowered her hips again.

“Nfuuh… Mmmhhmmhmmhmhhh…”

In this way, she was able to enjoy herself with a certain amount of leeway, all while continuing to give Yoichi a sense of pleasure that could be called torturous.


Yoichi was so stimulated that he let out an involuntary yelp, but he was not about to leave himself to be beaten.

He took advantage of the timing of Alana’s hips being lowered and thrust his hips up as hard as he could.

“Mmhmmh―― Higyuuuuu!?”

The princess knight, who had been mercilessly prodded in the innermost part of her body, was unable to stop her vigorous movements, and her hips lifted up for the second time, and his rod was pulled out.

Then, just as Alana’s hips fell, Yoichi arched himself and thrust his meat back in.

“Ugiiiiii! Ahhh, ahhh!! N-no more… I can’t… if you do that intense… I’ll…!!”

“Guuhh… tight…!!”

However, even though she was helplessly tossed like that, Alana’s vagina tightened up with each thrust, so Yoichi’s aggression was countered with even greater pleasure.

“Aaaaahhhh! Cummiinng! Missther Yoichhiii!! I’m cuumiiiiinngg!!”

“Ugh… Me too…”

“Yesh, come! In this princess knight’s pushy, pleashe fill me up lots and lots!”

――Blurururururt!! Splurururt!! Splururut…!!

“Nhaa――!! Nffuhh…”

After being poured a generous amount of semen, Alana fell limp and leaned over against Yoichi.

“Misther Yoichiiih… nmmmh.”

Then, while her partner was pulsating his rod inside her, she hugged his body and brought his face closer to him.

They put their lips together once more.

“Mchuup… mmmh… nn.. nnhh…”

The pulsing of the penis came to an end, yet the two continued kissing, their tongues entwining as their body changed positions.

The places of both parties switched, and when Alana was covered by Yoichi, his meat pole regained its hardness, and he began to move his hips once again.

The rod repeatedly moved in and out of her vagina, and the semen that had accumulated inside her began to overflow and bubble white.

In this way, Yoichi and Alana devoured each other like mad throughout the night.

They continued to have sex until the early morning, but Alana’s request to sleep in a soft bed still made him [return] to “Grand Code 2503”.

“Boo!! I want you to carry me to the bedroom too!!”

Karin and Misato woke up as Yoichi entered the bedroom with a fussy Alana in their arms.

“Yawn… welcome home, you two.”

“Ou. I’m back.”

“Welcome back~. Alana, are you good?”

“Umu. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed it.”

Alana, being carried by Yoichi, who’s somewhat tired, was then laid down on the bed.

Yoichi followed and lay down next to her,

“Fufufu. Ahh, this is it! The comfort of this bed is the best!”

To which the princess knight, upon plopping down on the moderately resilient and soft bed, spoke happily afterward.

“It cost a lot of money, though.”

It was then when Misato, who accompanied Yoichi from room search to furniture selection, marveled at the memories of the past with nostalgia.

“Ufufu. That reminds me, you really splurged a bit to get this bed that time.”

“Muu… was that before we met? I can’t relate now…” Alana, hearing this, was mildly teased by the fact that she was told about the time before she met Yoichi.

“Oh, that’s a story I don’t know much about either.” Karin was also a bit sullen, as she was unfamiliar with what happened when Yoichi and Misato searched for this room.

“Don’t be sullen. Here, come.” To this, Yoichi, who was lying on his back, brought his left hand around to embrace Alana.

“Mufuuh…! Mister Yoichii…!!” where upon sensing Yoichi’s intentions, she jumped happily on her own and adhered closely to him.

“Ah, me too!!” Feeling much better, Karin also flung off the covers, got up, and jumped to the other side.

“Y-Yoichi… m-me too…”

“Of course. Come here, Misato.”

“Yesh!” Misato, still tired, staggered a little as she got up. Still, she managed to hug Yoichi the same.

“Mister Yoichi…”


“I’m very glad you’re okay….”


“But really, though. This time it was rather bad, wasn’t it?”

“I’m just happy to be with you like this.”

“Un. But truthfully speaking, I would be dead if not for you three. So, thank you.”

Because of them, he still lived.

The reason why he can still feel the soft and warm human skin is because of the fact that everyone rushed to help him in that time of crisis.

The three girls responded by clinging to him tightly.

“That’s my line.”

Misato was the first to refute.

If she had not met Yoichi, Misato would still be working as a prostitute in the south and being used as a plaything for her younger brother.

It was thanks to Yoichi’s skills that she regained her human emotions and came to love a man.

“Me too. I wouldn’t be here now if not for you, Mister Yoichi.”

Alana was being assaulted by three thugs when Yoichi saved her.

If he had not appeared on the spot, the thugs would have taken her purity and used her as an outlet for their lust.

There may have been some impetus when she offered her purity, but since then, her love for Yoichi has increased with each passing day.

The princess knight, who had devoted her life only to fighting, was able to know the joys of womanhood thanks to Yoichi.

“I’m glad to have met Yoichi again, too.”

Although she seemed to be leading a fulfilling life as a career woman, Karin’s mind and body were, in fact, in shambles.

If her life had continued as it was for a long time, she might have suffered a mental illness or a physical breakdown.

Karin was reunited with Yoichi, and thanks to his skills, she was able to recover her body and mind, but more importantly, she was able to remember her love for him.

It was probably thanks to being reunited with Yoichi that she was able to feel the happiness of a woman which she had once almost given up.

“‘Well then, let’s work hard so that we can be like this for a long time, shall we?”




Yoichi, Misato, Alana, and Karin hugged each other tightly again, as if to confirm their presence.

Feeling the comfortable warmth of their skin against skin, the four of them then sank into a happy slumber.

〈To be continued〉


About the Author



I hope you have enjoyed the exciting battles that unfolded in volume 6. I am Hochi, the author.

I changed the way of defeating some monsters from the web version and interspersed the sex scenes in the middle of the story.

I was worried that the story would stall out because of this, but I think in the end, I was able to keep up a good tempo.

Also, the administrator who appeared in the illustrations for the first time in a while was cute! 

Thank you, saraki, for your always wonderful illustrations! 

Now, the next volume will finally be about Misato’s past with the Hoshikawa and her brother, where she will eventually settle her past.

The next volume will be filled with new characters, nostalgic characters, and more, so please look forward to it!

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