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Extra Edition IF Route Canceled – A Sarcastic Female Boss, a Fairy, and a Magical Fleshlight! 2

“Ah, please wait a moment… it’s good now. Please come in.”

I hurriedly took Oriondiehl off my shoulder and asked her to hide behind a bookshelf against the wall of the appraisal room.

Almost as soon as I had finished, the door opened, and a woman entered.

“Oh? You still haven’t finished yet?”

The person who entered the room was Miss Leung, the chief clerk of the Adventurers’ Guild.

She was probably in her late twenties.

She had pitch-black, shiny hair pulled back in a single bun on top of her head and wore glasses.

Her slit eyes with double eyelids were sharp, but this added to the impression that she was a reasonably intelligent beauty.

She always wore a tight-fitting suit and black stockings.

This tight suit would cling to her ample breasts, and the black stockings would glamorously cover her thighs.

“Ryou. How much time do you plan on spending your time on appraisals? You know everyone’s filling in for you when you’re out, right?”


Miss Leung comes in front of me along with the click of her heels.

Then she looked at the assortment of appraised items on the table and huffed.

“Really now… we know you’re the adopted son of the guild master, but aren’t you acting a bit spoiled?”

Then, Miss Leung shrugged her shoulders in an exaggerated gesture and sighed in exasperation.

“I wonder if you still have any desire to repay the guild master who took you in. You need to pull yourself together.”

“I’m sorry…”

“Do you even understand? Whatever. When you’re done with this appraisal, give me a call. I’ve got some business I’d like you to do with me.”

Seemingly satisfied with what she had said, Miss Leung took one last look and left the room with the same gallant strides she had taken when she came in.

The door slammed shut with a resounding bang.

Then Oriondiehl, who had been hiding in the bookshelf, flew at me with an angry expression on her face.

“Wh… who was that wicked person? How dare she talk like that to my precious savior!”

“I’m glad you’re upset for me. But this happens all the time, so I don’t mind.”

“Wait. She does that to you all the time? Saying bad things about Master Ryou?”

“Yes, she’s been pecking at me like that ever since I joined the guild.”

Seeing Oriondiehl puff out her cheeks in anger, my heart, which had been shaken by Miss Leung’s words, softened a little.

I shrugged my shoulders and gave Oriondiehl the attitude that it’s no big deal. I’m glad she’s angry with me for my sake, but it pains me to see her so worried.

“But I am really used to it, because it happens to me all the time. And because it happens so often, everyone’s used to it too, saying things like ‘Here we go again’ and acting like it’s business as usual. Well, I can’t argue with that, because she’s always like that with me, and they don’t think my work is difficult either. Anyway, don’t worry about it.”

“Even if Master Ryou doesn’t mind, I do.”

Oriondiehl’s cheeks puffed up as if my words didn’t convince her.

“If… for example, that bad glasses lady suddenly leaves the guild, how much will Master Ryou’s workload increase?”


Oriondiehl stares at me and asks, tilting her head to the side.

“Well, that would be bad. She’s quite capable when it comes to work, so if she were to disappear suddenly, I think the workplace would be in turmoil. Even if she leaves after a formal handover, it will take at least six months. And even then, it will still be hard because the new replacement will still have to get used to the job”.

“I see… hmmm, then sudden illness or accidental death is crossed out.”


What? What do you mean by sudden illness or accidental death?

Wait a minute, what were you going to do to Miss Leung anyway?

“But even if you cast a spell to deteriorate her body slowly, it won’t improve the way she feels about Master Ryou right now. Ah! I’ve got an idea.”

Oriondiehl seemed to have had an epiphany as her face suddenly lit up.

Then she soared into the air.

“Will Master Ryou be coming to the guild tomorrow?”

“Yes, I will be working here tomorrow as well.”

Oriondiehl smiled broadly at my words.

“Then, if you don’t mind, please come to this room tomorrow at the same time. Ufufufu. Yes, please look forward to it tomorrow, Master~♡”.


――the next day.

I visited the appraisal room at the same time as yesterday and was greeted by Oriondiehl with the same smile on her face.

On the table she was standing on was a pink tube-like object.

“What in the world is that?”

I asked, and Oriondiehl explained with a confident look on her face.

“Yesterday, I had a thought. About how I could make that cheeky glasses-wearing woman understand how kind and compassionate Master Ryou is… But if I suddenly cursed her to death, it would end up being a burden for Master Ryou, who is also in the same office. And that’s not good!”

So, “Ta-da!” Oriondiehl handed me a pink cylinder.

It had a bizarre texture.

The surface is soft and fluffy, but inside there is a hard core.

Hey, wait! The hole in this tube is… If you look closely, you can see that this is…

“That can’t be…”

“Yes! That’s the most vital part of this person’s body – the so-called female genitalia.”

Yes – the pink tube that was handed to me. If you look closely, you will see that it is not just a tube.

It was a tube in the shape of a woman’s vagina itself.

“Yesterday, I secretly visited this woman’s house, scanned her body while she was asleep, and made a three-dimensional image of it. So I have a perfect replica of her vagina, down to the shape and size of the folds, the thickness of the flesh, and the pressure of it!”

“So you’re saying it’s a very elaborate fleshlight?”

“Yes, to put it simply, it is a magnificent fleshlight♡.”

Oriondiehl said with a smile.

The imbalance between her innocent smile and the unusualness of her behavior made me want to jump out of my seat.

On the other hand, there is a part of me that is attracted to the fleshlight in my hand.

Miss Leung’s female genitalia.

The fleshlight is a perfect duplicate of Miss Leung’s pussy.

This person is absurdly strict with me, but now that I think about it, her figure is outstanding.

Her face is also quite nice, although her eyes are a little too stern.

I sat down on the nearest chair and stared curiously at the fleshlight in my hand.

Apart from the fact that it was a perfect replica of my boss’s pussy, it was the most realistic fleshlight I had ever seen.

Her pussy was a bright red color, and the labia and labia minora were thick and fleshy.

The upper clitoris was slightly larger, with its plump head protruding from the foreskin.

The urethral opening, on the other hand, was modest.

“I forgot to tell you. Even though it is a perfect duplicate, the virgin membrane was deliberately removed. I thought it would be easier to use the fleshlight without it.”

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