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Extra Edition IF Route Canceled – A Sarcastic Female Boss, a Fairy, and a Magical Fleshlight! 3

“Wait, that woman is a virgin?”

I was a bit surprised.

She has a rough personality, but is still a beautiful woman.

“I suppose so? Well, that’s not important. Master Ryou, please play with it right away!”

Although I was a little worried about Miss Leung, I decided to try this fleshlight as soon as possible, based on Oriondiehl’s recommendation.

However, as this was my workplace and Oriondiehl was nearby, I decided not to stick my dick in it and just played with it with my fingers.

Well, I can stick it in as much as I want when I get home.

“Wow, it even gets wet.”

“Yes, it gets wet automatically when you touch it. However, it is not real love juice, just an odorless, tasteless, water-derived liquid, so please feel free to touch it.”

“Heh, that’s quite nice… Oh, wow. I only pulled on this clitoris with my finger, and it already started to wiggle. And when I rotated my finger inside it, it squeezed so hard it almost hurt.”

“Yes, that’s because it’s completely connected to the female genitalia of the woman with the glasses. And because it is an excellent creation, there is no time lag in the reaction. I’m sure she’s in a state of confusion right now, not knowing what’s going on♡. Oh, did I say too much?”


I stopped pumping my finger in and out of the fleshlight and looked at Oriondiehl with trepidation.

But Oriondiehl still had the same innocent smile as before.

“Oriondiehl, just now, what did you mean by…?”

Just as I was about to ask her, I heard the sound of something being knocked over from behind the door of the appraisal room.

Reflexively, I put the fleshlight on the table and rushed out into the corridor. Then, there it was…

“ M-Miss Leung!”

“Hae… fuu… ♡”

Outside the door of the appraisal room, Miss Leung was lying on the floor.

She was also holding her crotch with both hands over her tight skirt in a very unseemly manner.

“Ffuhh… aahh… nhoo…♡”

I quickly picked Miss Leung up in my arms and carried her into the appraisal room.

It would definitely be bad if other guild members saw her like this.

“Miss Leung, are you all right?”

“I’m… fine. I was just a bit… under the weather, that’s all, so… ♡”

Even though she said that, she was like, “Haaa, haaa,” gasping for breath.

But it is clear that she was not ill.

Miss Leung’s cheeks are bright red, her eyes are moist behind her glasses, and drool is dripping from her mouth.

I supported her body and slowly helped her to sit on a chair by the wall.

Then I hurried over to Oriondiehl, who was sitting on the fleshlight on the table.

“I’m sorry, Master Ryou.”

Oriondiehl looked up at me and said with an innocent smile as usual.

“To be honest, I expected to see her in a more crowded place, like the reception area of the guild, moaning and screaming and climaxing in a slutty manner. Isn’t she lucky?”

“W-wait a minute. Is Miss Leung’s condition related to this fleshlight?”

“Oh dear, didn’t I mention that? Ah, yes, I didn’t.”

To my horror, Oriondiehl stuck out her tongue and smiled mischievously.

“This fleshlight is a perfect replica and reflection of Miss Glasses’ female genitalia. Therefore, you can say that the stimulation given to this fleshlight is the direct stimulation of her female organ. Conversely, the response of the fleshlight is the response of her female organ. In real time.”

Oriondiehl said this with her chest out in pride.

“Because if that’s the case, wouldn’t it be a great way for Master Ryou to get rid of his grudge against this person secretly? And if she gets a bad reputation as a ‘pervert,’ she won’t be able to pull a face at Master Ryou anymore! It’s really killing two birds with one stone♡”

…oi oi.

This fairy… she’s turning evil, isn’t she?

The magic she wields is vile, but more than anything, her lack of ethics is a real bummer.

Normally, a person wielding enormous power would consider the effect it might have on those around them and exercise a degree of restraint.

This fairy, however, has none of that.

All she has is good intentions.


As I cursed my bad luck and wondered what I had gotten myself into, I heard a muffled voice behind me.

“Oh, sorry, Miss Leung, are you all right?”

“I’m… I’m fine now. I think the feeling has stopped now.”

It was probably because I had stopped stimulating the fleshlight. Although her clothes and hair were a bit disheveled, Miss Leung spoke to me in her usual clear, crisp tone.

I was relieved at this, but at the same time, I felt a little guilty.

“I think you should go home today. I’ll let everyone know you’re not feeling well.”

When I squatted down next to her in her chair and said this, she looked surprised.

Then, with a slight flush in her cheeks, she turned her head away and replied,

“No, really, it’s all right now. I’m sorry I put you to all this trouble.”

“No, no, it’s nothing to be sorry about.”

I replied to Miss Leung with a slack jaw and a cold sweat.

Because I’m the cause of it!

“Thank you. That’s what… I really… appreciate about you, Ryou… Nn, ah♡♡!”

Miss Leung was about to say something when she suddenly jumped up and arched her back violently.

Then she collapsed from her chair and crouched on the floor.

But it was not me.

I turned around only to see Oriondiehl’s small hand fiddling with the fleshlight on the desk.

No, it wasn’t fiddling.

I saw that Oriondiehl’s little hand was literally slapping the clitoris, which was sticky and red and erect.

Normally, being slapped by Oriondiehl’s little hand would not be a big shock.

However, the part of the clitoris that was being slapped was one of the most sensitive parts of a woman’s body.

Whenever her sensitive, erect clitoris was slapped, Miss Leung would moan, “Ohoho♡! Ahee♡! Ohoho♡!” and make shameful sounds as she convulsed on the floor.

“Hey, Oriondiehl!”

I scolded in a whisper as I walked over to Oriondiehl, who was still playing with the fleshlight at the table. But she just replied nonchalantly, as if she hadn’t done anything wrong.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I should have said something to Master Ryou. Although, now that I think about it, I didn’t check the functions of the device either.”

She looked down at Miss Leung.

Fortunately, she was so busy writhing around with her hands clutching her crotch that she didn’t seem to have heard our conversation.

Oriondiehl, oblivious, or more like she didn’t care if her presence was revealed or not, along with an innocent smile, “Here you go. It’s all good now,” she said, handing me the masturbation device.

“No, no, you can’t just hand it to me!”

“Oh? But you’re also turned on by the sight of this glasses girl, aren’t you?”

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