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Extra Edition IF Route Canceled – A Sarcastic Female Boss, a Fairy, and a Magical Fleshlight! 1

“How gracious of you! All right, I’ve made up my mind! I will repay you, my savior, for saving my life”.

“No, I don’t need it.”

“You are not only kind but also very humble! But you don’t have to be so modest!”

“No, um, it’s really fine.”

Oriondiehl, the fairy with the dazzling smile, insisted, no matter how much I rejected her.

On the other hand, her innocent and benevolent smile gave me a strange chill, so I couldn’t just accept her offer either.

“Then, here we go~”

“Wait a minute!”

“Yes? What is it, Mister Savior?”

I hurriedly raised my voice, interrupting Oriondiehl’s words.

Then I shake my head.

“You don’t have to do anything for me. Your happiness is enough, really.”


“It’s okay. Just the fact that Oriondiehl doesn’t hold a grudge against humans anymore is enough for me.”

“Oh my…”

Oriondiehl stares at me with sparkling eyes, her cheeks red with emotion.

“Mister Savior really is a pure-hearted person! This Oriondiehl is very pleased!”

“Ah, that too. It’s too reserved to call me ‘Mister Savior’ all the time. So just call me ‘Ryou.’”

“T-Then… Master Ryou it is!”

“Why do you add the ‘Master’? Just call me Ryou. Just that.”

“I didn’t mean to disagree, but for this small and poor fairy to call her savior directly by his name is already a breach of manners. So please allow me to call you ‘Master Ryou’ at least.”

“If you insist,” I finally agreed.

However, it is precarious to call someone ‘Master’ like that.

In my professional life, I have often called someone “sir,” but it is already rare for me myself to be referred to with that same prefix.

And now I’m being called “Master”? This is far too uncomfortable.

“Fufu… It’s been a long time… since I’ve called someone by name and had them call me back by my name.”

Oriondiehl smiles rapturously, a hand on her cheek.

The smile and the words bring up a feeling of guilt, like a tug at the heart for refusing to return the favor.

No, not really, because I would feel something terribly unpleasant in my taste buds whenever she says: “Repaying the favor…”

…I mean, from the conversation we just had, it seems that this fairy is probably involved in “The Great Ruination,” which took place hundreds of years ago!

Please note that the name of this incident comes from the Guild’s textbook, not from me.

But what I’m sure of is that even that terrible incident began with her own good intentions… well, that is judging by her behavior in front of me. After all, she is such an honest girl.

Something must have gone wrong between the man and Oriondiehl for this to happen.

Did the man get greedy? I don’t know.

But whatever it is, when I think about it, I really feel sorry for the fairy.

It was not her fault alone, but she suffered being locked in a vial on her own and for a very long time.

“Oh, shoot!”

“What’s wrong, Master Ryou?”

“Well, actually. This vial was brought to me by a certain trading company as an item for appraisal. But because I carelessly broke it… sigh. The guild master will yell at me again.”

“I see… I see… May I have a look at the vial?”

I put the pieces of the broken vial on the table.

Oriondiehl landed on the table, looked at the broken vial with a keen eye, and then placed her palm on one of the pieces.

“Fungurui, fungurui, mugurui ufu, kutouru, uunafuguru, futagun.”

…… These magic words don’t sound familiar, but is that because they’re magic words used by fairies? The somewhat frightening syllables sent a shiver down my spine, but I decided to wait and see what Oriondiehl would do.

“Kutouruu, Ruruie, Ugafunaguru. Futagun, Futagun.”

At the same time as Oriondiehl’s spell, the pieces of the broken vial floated gently into the air. Then, it began to emit a red glow.

The light was faint at first, but it grew brighter and brighter until it was impossible to look at the vial. And then――

“Tadaah! The restoration is complete!”

“Eh… eh!? Amazing, is that restoration magic? I appreciate your help.”

“Ehehe. I’m glad I could help you, Master Ryou!”

The vial in front of me is now in a shiny new condition, not a scratch on it.

However, repairing a magic item with restoration magic is entirely pointless.

The reason for this is that once a magical item is broken, it loses its magical effect.

Even if the item’s appearance is completely restored using restoration magic, it is no longer a magic item.

It is just a small item with no magical power.

But I didn’t want to tell Oriondiehl that.

I didn’t want to discourage her with her reserved, shy smile, and I was just glad that she was trying to fix it.

Well, it was my fault for carelessly breaking the vial in the first place.

At best, I would get a good scolding from the guild master.

Then she perched on my right shoulder.

Her translucent butterfly wings tickled my ears a little.

“Just to be sure, can you take a look? Time has been restored to the state before the vial was broken, so I think the effects of the magic should have been restored as well, but you see, it’s been a while since I’ve used magic to rewind time, so…”

“Wait… rewind… time?”

“Yes. Otherwise, the magic item will lose its effect, right? Because the only thing that can be fixed by restoration-type magic is the appearance.”

Oriondiehl said this with a strange look on her face, as if wondering why she needed to explain the obvious.

Apparently, she knew that the mere use of restoration magic would cause the magic item to lose its effectiveness.

But – magic that rewinds time? That’s preposterous.

I’ve never seen or heard of such magic.

Because if there is such a thing as rewinding time… it is no longer magic.

That would be an act of God, wouldn’t it?

“It’s fixed…!”

“Wait… maybe Master Ryou thought I used some kind of restoration magic?”

“Yes. Because, you know. Such magic… to rewind time…”

“Huh? But the effects of magic items are still lost if you only use restoration magic, right? And yet you still thanked me? Maybe you didn’t know that would happen?”

“Of course, I already knew that. It’s just… you see… uhh…”

I did not know how to explain this to Oriondiehl, who looked at me strangely.

Then, after a while, Oriondiehl looked me in the face with a resigned expression.

“Ah. Perhaps you are considering my feelings at that time?”

I was too embarrassed to say yes, so I remained silent, and Oriondiehl’s smile grew brighter and brighter.

“Fufufu, Master Ryou is a kind man after all. I’m starting to like you more and more♡”

There it was again, Oriondiehl, giggling and making that innocent smile. And as expected, it was very cute.

But at that moment, I heard a voice calling my name from outside the room.

“Ryou, may I come in?”

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