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Chapter 15 – The Cause of Infertility, Part 2

《It all started when you didn’t activate the Divine Skill and had sex with Emmy, or rather, you started having sex with Emmy without thinking about your mission.》

“We had sex without thinking about the mission? And that is the problem?”

《You asked her to have intercourse, not for the divine act, but for the act of seeking a partner without procreation, and she agreed. Because of this, the two of you became lovers in the normal meaning.》


Yes, Emmy and I are now lovers in the normal sense of the word.

We are not married, and we did not begin our relationship with the desire for children.

We just wanted each other, so we had sex with each other.

Of course, it would have been nice if we could’ve had children as a result of that, but….

(Perhaps this is some kind of penalty for neglecting the mission and indulging myself with Emmy?)

《No! That’s never the case! Haven’t I told you this? Just do what makes you happy! Live the way you want! Still, I’d been expecting you to give lots of love, not just make babies, seeing how pure you were when you came here.》

(Then why?)

《That is, umm… I don’t know what to say, I’m not an expert in matters of love, so I kinda didn’t expect this too? How should I put it… anyway, I also tried to do something about it, but something nasty came along and took notice of me…》

《Hey! What do you mean by something nasty? Excuse me!》

At that moment, someone else’s voice, not Xaneela’s, popped into my head.


《Uwaaa!? What the hell are you doing!? You can’t just barge in here!?》

《Oh, I can, by all rights. And I’ll join you from here on out.》

I knew it was not my imagination.

A woman different from Xaneela is talking to me.

Unlike the Fertility Goddess, whose voice was somewhat childish, the one who interrupted me had a mature, perhaps even glamorous, voice with a hint of sexiness.

《Oh my. I’m honored that you find my voice sexy. My name is Gigliola, and I am the Goddess of Love and the Arts. Though I am saying that, I’m only a voice in your head right now, so my apologies.》

(Goddess of Love and the Arts?)

《Hey now, Gogliola, to introduce yourself out of the blue without even my permission is….》

《Silence. You can’t explain it well enough, anyway.》


I don’t know what it is, but Xaneela seems to have been talked out of it.

《Now, I’d like to answer the question you two have been asking. The one who is restricting you and Emmy from having a child… is me.》

I felt all the hairs on my arms stand on end at those words.

(Why would you do that?)

《That’s because ‘sex with love’ is my favorite thing.》

(Sex with love… what?)

《Thinking about each other, wanting each other, and devouring each other’s bodies. That is the real pleasure of sex! Don’t you think so too, Alf?》

(Well, yeah, but…)

《But for a child to interfere with such a wonderful union between a man and a woman, isn’t that too much?》


《That’s why I made it impossible for you two to have children.》

“You’ve got to be kidding me!”

I shouted out unintentionally.

The priestess, who was watching from a little distance away, shuddered, but it didn’t matter.

I stood up and put my hands on the base of the statue.

“You…! You said you are Gigliola, right!? Show yourself here right now! I’ll beat you to a pulp!”

《Hey, Alf! You can’t say that to a Goddess――!》

《Mmmhhm~! It’s okay, Xaneela. Or rather, it’s even good! Your pure anger and hatred towards me… ah, so magnificent!》

“Stop fucking around, you slut! If you can’t come over here, then get me over there! All I need is for you to come out before me, and I’ll…!”

《Nfuuhh! So wonderful! The rage, the hated, so pure, so unadulterated! And all of this represents your affection towards Emmy… for me to receive such huge waves of love in this body… ahh, I’m in bliss!!》

I angrily slammed the pedestal of the goddess statue repeatedly and ranted, but it only made Gigliola happy for some reason.

“Damn it… what the hell… just because you are a Goddess, that doesn’t mean you can do anything you want….”

In the end, after I went on a rampage for a bit, I slumped back in one of the benches.

“Why… Emmy just wants a child… why is the Goddess… her only source of happiness….”

 《It’s not like I don’t understand. I also felt that Emmy wants a child with all her heart.》

(If you know that, why…)

《But what about you, Alfred?》


Dub-dub. My heart thumped hard.

But I also want a child with Emmy.

I mean, isn’t that why we’re having sex every night?

《Do you mean it? About having a child with her?》

“Isn’t that obvious…”

《Or are you only doing it because she wants it?》


I felt like I was being told something I wasn’t aware myself.

No… it’s not that…

《I want to respond to the feelings of my beloved. It just happens that what she wants is a child from me. Am I wrong?》

“No, that’s not true….”

《What if she didn’t want a child? Would you still have impregnated her as a holy knight?》

“But if she didn’t want a child in the first place, then….”

《Then you wouldn’t have sex with her? Really? Even though you love her? Then what if she doesn’t want children but still wants to have sex with you? Will you still comply as a Holy Knight and reject her request to respect her desire not to have kids?”


《Or will you choose to say, “I want Emmy to have my child,” and go ahead and impregnate her, even though a child is not included in what she desired? Well, for a Holy Knight of Fertility, this should be the right path for you. But what do you really feel as Alfred? That is the real question.》

I don’t know.

I like Emmy. I love Emmy.

But what about the child?

Even though I haven’t seen it yet, I’m sure our child will be adorable.

And I am sure I will like it.


Then, what about the other kids?

Alma, Karina, Ada, and the hundred other women I have embraced in Lambda all wanted my child.

But me?

Did I want their children?

In the first place, do they even count as my child, since they have none of my blood in them?

Then… is it okay not to want them?

《……Alf, that’s enough.》

I heard Xaneela’s feeble voice.

《If it’s hard for you, it’s okay. Like I told you, live as you please. So stop――》

《Shut up for a moment, Xaneela.》

Xaneela’s voice was interrupted with a snap.

《I have an assignment for you, Alfred, the Holy Knight.》


《Wait a minute, Giglio–nmmmgghhh……!!》

Xaneela’s muffled moan echoed in my head.

It was such a pained moaning that it was as if she was being forced to hold her mouth shut.

“Xaneela! Are you okay?”

《Don’t worry. I just made her shut up for a minute.》

“Damn it…! So, what’s this assignment?”

《Wow. I see you’re cooperating so quickly now that you ran out of choices? Very well, as it also helps me a lot. Fufufu.》

Gigliola giggled, and for some reason, I also felt some kind of audible smirk in them, but from there onwards, her tone of voice changed.

I braced for what was about to come from those lips.

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