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Chapter 2 – Killing Monsters and Picking Flowers ※

“Um, Yoichi… I’m going to pick some flowers…”

“Ah, yes… I’ve already [appraised] that there are no monsters here, so you should be fine.”


Karin, her face flushed and her eyes a little moist, told Yoichi this and disappeared behind a tree.

As she did so, Misato, her cheeks also flushed and breathing heavily, watched over Karin as she hid behind some bushes.

(Am I… getting excited?)

As if automatically, she turned her eyes to Yoichi’s direction, and their gazes met.


At that moment, Misato felt a small tingle in her lower abdomen and involuntarily looked away.

(I’m getting excited about killing a living creature… Have I gone crazy?)

“It’s quite arousing, don’t you think?”


When this was suddenly whispered in Misato’s ear, she was so startled that she tried to jump out of the way, but Alana, the person who did it, held her in place.

“Wait, Alana. What are you…?”

“Fufufu… You must be tingling here, right?”

Alana, who had her left arm around Misato’s body and had removed her glove before she realized it, lifted her skirt with her right hand and placed her fingers between her legs.


Misato’s fingers made a squelching sound as they touched the love juice oozing from her panties, and her body shook with a short gasp.

“Alana, what are you doing?”

It was Yoichi, watching the scene, who asked.

But instead of answering, Alana just smiled seductively, then quickly turned her attention back to Misato and whispered in her ear.

“When you fight monsters, you’ll feel strangely aroused from time to time. But that’s not strange.”

“Haun… nmmh….”

Alana continues to whisper as she slowly moves her fingers against her partner’s damp, wet panties.

At this, Misato jerks and shudders intermittently, releasing even more love juice, which in turn makes Alana’s watery noises grow louder.

“Even I had to comfort myself on more than one occasion because I couldn’t contain my excitement. My point is… there’s no need to be so shy, okay?”

“Is… that… true? …nfuuh…!”

“Yes, it’s true. But you don’t have to do it all by yourself anymore if you know what I mean.”

There, Misato’s gaze, which looked like it was about to melt at any moment, caught Yoichi’s.

“Um… er…”

Yoichi, who was watching them, was already hard between his legs but also at a loss as to what to do.

If there were humans or monsters around, there would be something for him to complain about and escape the situation altogether, but fortunately or unfortunately, as far as he could tell from his [Appraisal+], there was nothing nearby.

“Yoichi… please….”

“Ah… yes….”

Either way, a direct request would have forced him to accept the job regardless of the circumstances.

As Yoichi approached, Alana quickly backed away, and Misato put her hands on a nearby tree, her buttocks sticking out.

Standing behind Misato, Yoichi first shifted her robe to the side so that it would not cover her buttocks, then he pulled up her skirt.

Once there, he lowered her panties, which had been loosened a bit by Alana’s stroking, down to her knees.

At that moment, several threads of silvery water dripped from the revealed secret spot.

“Put it in… please…”

Misato’s wetness was already enough, and through the open crack, Yoichi could see the light brown petals glistening and twitching in the leaking sunlight between the trees.

Yoichi unzipped his trousers, exposing only his rod.

A clear layer of slime was already oozing from its hardened and swollen tip.

“Then… here I go, okay?”


The moment the tip of the penis made contact, the hot and wet membranes immediately wrapped it tightly.

Enjoying the soft sensation it gave him, Yoichi pushed the staff further into the hole with a sloppy thrust.


On the other side, Misato, who had the meat stick inserted all the way to her deepest parts, let out a sweet and happy sigh.

Yoichi could also sense a slightly relieved tone in her voice, so he decided it was okay and pulled his hips back until the meat stick was halfway out.

And this time, he pushed it back in with a little more force.

“Ahaaa! Ahn… ahh…”

Yoichi also grabbed Misato’s buttocks as he penetrated her, partly because he was interested in them but mainly to hold her in place.

――Squelch, squelch, squelch.

Overflowing love juices spurted from their joining parts, soaking the ground they stood on. As a result, a loud, squelching sound was created that echoed around the area every time they clashed.

“Mr. Yoichiiih…”

Meanwhile, Alana hugged Yoichi from the side, making a sound like that of a spoiled child.

She wrapped her arms around Yoichi’s neck and wrapped one leg around his body.


Keeping his left hand on Misato’s hips, Yoichi also held Alana close with his right. Then their lips and tongues intertwined.

It was only then that Yoichi realized that the princess knight had removed her armor as her ample, soft breasts pressed directly against his body, albeit through her underwear.

“Nchupp… mlem….”

Yoichi probed Alana’s mouth.Then his gaze moved from top to bottom.

(It’s rare to see Alana dressed like this.)

These were his thoughts as he stared at the princess knight’s current outfit.

Lately, whenever Alana comes home, she takes off her armor and immediately changes into a tracksuit.

And so it was not often that he saw her like this – in lingerie, with her breasts squashed and compressed, clearly visible through the wide open bosom, and her shoulders, usually hidden by her shoulder pads, exposed, slightly sweaty, and stained with vermilion.

“Chupu… jupu… mlem… nhaaa….”

Alana, who had just finished kissing him, looked up at Yoichi with a wistful expression on her face.

“Mr Yoichiih… please touch mine too….”

She begged, lifting the hem of her underwear and pulling down her already soaked and wet panties before touching her private area below.


At the moment Yoichi touched her, Alana’s body stiffened.

“Ahh, ahhh! Yoichi, harder… Please fuck me deeper…!”

“Mmmhhh!! Mr Yoichiiih… your fingers… more…!”

The two beauties moaned loudly, and Yoichi, listening at close range, thrust his rod into Misato’s vagina and stirred Alana’s even more with his fingers, as if he was energized by their actions.

“Kuh… it’s coming out…”

“Yes, cum inside, Yoichiiih..!”

――Sblurrrrrt!! Splurtt! Spluurt! Spluurrtt!!!

Misato’s flesh tightened slightly at the end, and as if to reciprocate that, Yoichi spewed his cum into her innermost regions.

Sploosh! Sploosh!!

The vagina in turn wriggled happily as it received the cum sent out by the pulsating rod.

“Nnnn… nn… Fuuaahh….”

After that, Yoichi pulled his hips back and slid his dick out of the vagina. This caused Misato to gasp briefly before she collapsed and leaned against the tree with her hands on it.

“It should be my turn next, but…”

It was then when Alana spoke. Alana’s eyes fell on the semi-erect meat stick that had just finished ejaculating and was now hanging down.

“Fufufu… I guess I have no choice.”

Alana untied her arms from around Yoichi and knelt in place.

The contrast between her naked body, visible through the revealing clothes, and her neck, the only part still covered by her clothes, added to the obscenity of the scene.

“Heave… ho….”

With somewhat clumsy hands, Alana picked up the half-erect meat stick and pressed her breasts against Yoichi’s crotch.

The remnants of Yoichi’s own semen and Misato’s love juices still clung to the stick, so when it was pressed against Alana’s breast, it slipped out of her cleavage as if trying to escape.

“Fufufu… it came out.”

But that didn’t stop the princess knight from feeling the hot flesh in her valley. Instead, this time she held her breasts tighter from the outside and moved her body up and down even more.

“Nnn… fuhh….”

Using the semi-transparent fluids as a lubricant, the meat stick wrapped around the voluptuous breasts was rubbed back and forth.

Then it began to harden little by little as it felt a different kind of tension from the orifice it’s been in earlier.

“Mmm… get bigger… get bigger… mlemm… chupp….”

Next, Alana outstretched her tongue, and it’s tip touches the tip.

Then, when her lips finally reached the swollen rod, Alana extended her tongue further to lick around the head, sucking the hole as if it were a straw.

Yoichi almost withdrew involuntarily as he was stimulated in the sensitive area, especially as it was only a few minutes since he had last come, but he managed to hold out.

Eventually, the penis regained enough hardness.

“Nfuuh… looks like it’s good now… Shall we?”

Alana looked up at Yoichi. But she didn’t wait for his answer. Instead, she let go of the rod and stood up.

Then she put her arms around his neck again and lifted one leg to wrap it around his body.

“Nnn… more, just a little more…”

With the sound of something squishing, their wet genitals made contact, and the princess knight slowly lowered her hips.

“Hauuuh… it’s in…”

Just like that, the penis was inserted into the princess knight’s flesh, all the way to the base.


Yoichi couldn’t help but gssp.

The stimulation was different from Misato’s: it was so tight that he almost let out an involuntary yelp.

“Mr. Yoichih… you can thrust up now…”

Then, it was at that moment.

When Yoichi received the pampering looks and words, it was as if the gag of reason that bound him had been removed. He mercilessly thrust up into Alana’s vagina.

“Higuuuh!! Uu, mmmh… more… harder!!”

He thrust again and again, but Alana still hadn’t had enough.

Yoichi wrapped his arms around Alana’s other leg and held her up.

Switching to the so-called “stand and carry” position, he continued to swing his hips back and forth violently.

“Nnhiiiee!! Ahhhhhhhh!! Yoichi, more!! More!!”

The shaft of the meat stick slid in and out of the vaginal opening, making a slurping sound each time, and their crotches bounced against each other as well.

With each hard stroke of her hips, Alana’s mucus-soaked breasts swayed wildly.

The mucus also gave off an obscene smell, and this obscene smell, in turn, stimulated her arousal.

“Aaah! I’m cumming! I’m cuuuummiiiiiiiiiing!”

Soon, Alana reached her climax.

And as she did it, her flesh began to tighten.

The strong stimulation brought Yoichi to his limit as well, like a chain reaction.


――Blort…!! Blort! Blort…!!”

The princess knight arched on her back as a torrent of cum was poured into her vagina.

However, that wasn’t the only thing Yoichi saw.

Yoichi also observed that Alana was gradually losing her strength as her body trembled in small increments, so he lowered the legs he was carrying for safety’s sake not to make her slip.

Only after confirming that Alana could now stand on her own did Yoichi slowly pull his hips back to remove his meat pole.


At the same moment as the meat stick came out, semen poured out of Alana’s vagina, which was still spasming as it came. The stream of white stuff fell and ran down Alana’s inner thighs.

“Misther… Yoichiiih… still… not over yet…”

With a satisfied smile, the princess knight looked in a certain direction as she leaned against a nearby tree.

“Nnn… fuuh… not good… it’s still… not coming out….”

From the corner of their eyes, they heard muffled gasps and the obscene sound of water splashing from behind the shadows of the trees.

“Fufu… fuh… Karin seems to be having a hard time picking flowers.”

As the Princess Knight said this with a mischievous smile on her face, as if signaling something, Yoichi, still with his slime-covered shaft sloppily exposed through the front opening of his trousers, walked towards the source of the obscene sound.

“Yo, need some help? Picking flowers, that is.”

“Eh? Kyaaa! What are you… wait. Yoichi!?”

Surprised by Yoichi’s sudden appearance from behind a tree, Karin quickly pulled down her skirt to cover her crotch.

“No… it’s not what you think! I’m… I’m not the kind of pervert who goes out and, you know… does things like that.”

But Yoichi just smiles dismissively at Karin, who blushes and looks down to avoid his gaze as if caught in the act.

“Is that so? But you are saying everything out loud, so I thought…”


Karin looked up at those words.

Yoichi, who catches Karin’s gaze, deliberately shifts his gaze to the side.

Karin looked in that direction as well, and there she saw Alana and Misato lying on the ground. They looked like wilted vegetables, but the contents of their faces told a different story, as they were all glowing. Either way, it showed the effects of what Yoichi had done.

Both of their clothes were in disarray, and white slime was dripping from their intimate parts exposed to the sun.

“Eh? H-how?”

“I heard it’s normal?”


Karin turned her gaze back to Yoichi, only this time she also noticed the slimy, glistening, flaccid rod completely exposed in the air.

“Wha… Yoichi… why…?”

Karin asked, half-amused, half-surprised, but unable to take her eyes off the slimy stick of meat.

Then Yoichi spoke to clear up her confusion.

“I’ve heard that it’s quite common to get sexually aroused after fighting monsters. This was just the result.”

“Huh? Ah… I-I see. So that’s it…”

After saying that, Karin let out a breath of relief, but her cheeks were still flushed.

She lifted her eyes to meet Yoichi’s.

“Um, then… do you mind if I… too?”

“Of course.”

Karin smiled happily at his answer and looked down at his penis again.

“Well, here I go… that’s what I want to say, but it looks like I have to make it bigger first… haamu.”

Karin picked up the hanging meat stick and swallowed it into her mouth, letting the warm oral cavity become entangled with the piece of flesh.

Then she began to lick and suck it.

“Mmuh… mlemm… nchupu… juppoh….”

After making these obscene movements at regular intervals, the soft meat stick gradually expanded and eventually regained its usual hardness.

Karin then sucked the enlarged flesh stick deeper into her mouth, first wrapping the tip around the mucous membrane of her throat.

“Nmmu… nghhh….”

But even after his rod had regained enough hardness to withstand the insertion, Karin continued to attack Yoichi mercilessly.

“Wait… Karin… that’s enough….”

When Yoichi said this, Karin looked up at him happily, then returned her gaze to his crotch and attacked him even harder.

“Golp, gullp… guullumm… mchuupp… mlem….”

“Uaah… K-Karin…!”

――Blururuururut!! Spluurt! Spluurururut!!

“Nmmmmghh!!! Nmugu…… nggh… nnghh!!”

Yoichi reached his limit and shot inside Karin’s mouth.

Karin caught the released sperm in her throat and swallowed it in several gulps.

“Nggh…mm… slurrp… chup….”

“Karin… I can’t… more than this…”

Karin continued to slurp even after the ejaculation was over, only stopping when the pulsation of Yoichi’s rod subsided. Then she licked up all the remaining sperm, even sucking hard on his urethra to empty it to the last drop.

“Mchupp… puhaaa… haa… haa… Ufufu, thanks for the food.”

“Phew… Karin, that last one was really mean of you.”

Yoichi, released from the meat pole torture, fell on his buttocks.

“Fufufu… Yoichi’s hips are shaking… so cute…”

“Ugh, shut up… Uh… Karin? What are you doing?”

Karin, who has just released Yoichi, now comes crawling up to him with a seductive smile on her face.

“Nfuuh. You see, I’m in the mood to attack someone today… ei!”

Then she pushed Yoichi, who was on his buttocks, on his shoulders and threw him onto his back before straddling him.

Karin had already removed her panties when she comforted herself, so when she lifted the hem of her skirt, her private area, covered with sticky wet little pubes, was easily exposed.

Straddling Yoichi, Karin placed her secret part against the underside of the limp and sloppy-looking penis resting on his stomach.


The moment their genitals touched, a slurping sound was heard, and Karin’s wet insides, which had already loosened enough, easily swallowed the still-soft rod of flesh.

“Mmhh… mhhhh…”

Karin then moved her hips back and forth, rubbing the half-encased, semi-erect flesh stick into her orifice.

“Nn… nfuuh… looks like… it’s getting bigger and bigger… nhuu….”

Shaking her hips, Karin happily felt the fleshy rod under her crotch grow with every rub until, finally, she felt Yoichi’s penis regain its full hardness.

“Nfufuh… it’s fully hard. Let me put it in for real this time.”

Lifting her hips, she pinched and positioned the hardened penis, aiming it around her entrance.

“Nhu… now I’ll just sink it in… ngiiiihh!!?”

But as soon as the head touches the opening, Yoichi pushes his hips up with all his might.

With a “Shlick!” his rod went through the tunnel and immediately reached the deepest part.

This immediately brought Karin to a climax.

“Aguuh…!! Ghaa… no way… my pussy… even though it just came…”

Karin, who had climaxed from the sudden stimulation of her own ‘consolation’ and had gone into an even more heightened state from the semi-hard penetration, stretched her eyes wide open. Drool, mixed with a little semen, dripped from the corner of her mouth, and her back arched backward. Her hips also bucked and trembled as she received the sudden impact through her core.

Yoichi lifted his partner’s body up while holding her waist tightly to prevent the inserted meat pole from coming out. He then wrapped his arms around Karin’s back and placed her innerwear, including her chest protector and skirt, into the [Infinite Storage+].

Still in the throes of climactic pleasure, Karin was unaware that her clothes had been removed.

Yoichi took out a towel and laid Karin on her back on it.

“Mm… Yo…ichi…? Nhaaaaaaaah!!”

Karin voiced her confusion as she found herself on her back and in the missionary position, but Yoichi didn’t pay any attention and just started shaking his hips mercilessly.

“Noo, aahh, you can’t! I’m… still coming… Oh no, I’m coming again…!”

So the next thing she knew, she was moaning heavily, her shapely breasts trembling as the afterglow of her climax lingered, and her squirming vagina was penetrated back and forth.

“Karin… your outfit… it’s very erotic…”

“Eh? What are you…? No way, why am I…?”

Karin suddenly came to her senses at Yoichi’s words and looked at her own body. There she saw her white breasts, which were not covered by anything, swaying in the open air.

But on her hands and feet, she could still feel the gloves and long boots she was wearing, and the realization that she was now in a scenario like in those adult comics only made her more embarrassed.

“No, this can’t be… you pervert! Ahhh! Ahahaaah!!”

“Hehe… but Karin, aren’t you feeling it more than usual?”

“Nfuhh… no, that’s not true… nhuuuuuuuuuh!!”

“Is that so? Even though your pussy is tightening even more than before?”

“Noooo! Don’t say it like that…”

In response to Yoichi’s words, Karin covered her face with her gloved hands and shook her head from side to side.

“Guuh… but seriously… it’s… more than usual… I’m… already…!”

“Nmhh! Me too! I’m going to cum! Let’s cum together…!”

Karin quickly removed the hand covering her face and stretched it forward.

Yoichi, seeing this, leaned forward and covered her with his body.

In response, Karin wrapped her arms around his back and held on tightly.

“Ahh! Ahh! Ahh! Cumming, I’m cumming… I’m cummiiiiinnngggg!”


–Blluuurrt!! Blurt! Blurt! Bluuurururutt!

Karin climaxed for the umpteenth time.

Yoichi also released his sperm into her squeezing and tightening vagina, this time not stopping until he had released the very last drop.


(Though I expected it, their gaze really hurts……)

Even on the carriage ride home, Yoichi was subjected to the stares of his fellow passengers.

There should have been no one around at the time of the “act”, and the smell should have been eliminated by the thorough “purification” process, leaving no trace of what they did. Still, Yoichi couldn’t help but notice that the passengers’ glances were more piercing than they had been on their way here.

As a result, Yoichi, who had been exposed to the eyes of the adventurers until he arrived back in Meilgrad, was once again filled with the determination to buy a car for their otherworldly travels.

“Miss Alana. The lord has summoned you.”

They left the carriage at the gate and were about to enter the city when they were stopped by a guard.

“Me alone?”

“No, all members of the TOKOROTEN are included. And preferably within the next day or two.”

The hunt had gone well, so Yoichi and his group decided to end it early. And since they were lucky enough to catch a returning wagon right away, they still had some time before sunset.

“Umu. I wonder what that is…?”

With a quizzical look, Alana turned her gaze to Yoichi and the girls waiting behind her.

“The lord of the city wants us to meet him. Can we go to the lord’s mansion now?”

“The lord of the city… Isn’t that your father?”


“Then I’ll go. I want to say hello to him.”

“Um, me too. I don’t want to be left behind. It would be disrespectful.”

“I see. Still, sorry for the abruptness. Hmm? What is it, Mr. Yoichi? You look a bit pale.”

“Ah, no, I’m fine. Shall we go?”

“O-okay. But just let me know if you don’t feel well. I’m sure we can reschedule for another day.”

“No, I’m fine! Really!”

“I see. Well then, we’ll go straight to the lord’s mansion after this.”

When they told the guards about this, they were told that the lord had already arranged for a carriage to be used exclusively for this mission, so the four of them boarded it without hesitation. 

“Wow, they really do have horse-drawn carriages all over the city, don’t they?”

“It really does feel like we’re in another world.”

“Well, that’s exactly what I felt when we drove through the ‘kar’ in ‘Jafan’.”

“Ahahaha, now that you’ve said it, it’s true.”

“Ah. By the way, this carriage doesn’t shake at all.”

“Hm. That’s because it is one of the finest carriages out there.”

While the three women chatted happily, enjoying the ride and the scenery of the city, only Yoichi, who sat a little apart from the women, remained silent the whole time. For some reason, he was also slightly pressing down on his stomach, which should not hurt at all due to the effects of [Healthy Body α].

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