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Chapter 14 – The Cause of Infertility, Part 1

“…I’m going back to Lambda.”

In this second menstruation in her journey with me, Emmy did not leave her room.

Since Ada and Greg weren’t home, I went to Greg’s house and explained the situation to one of his wives and asked her to take care of Emmy.

Just waiting at home was exhausting, so I actively accepted subjugation requests and hunted monsters, just to spend the time. Perhaps because of this, my solo subjugation outputs became even higher than when I was with Emmy.

Sometimes I did not return to the town for several days.

While I was absorbed in the monster hunting, Emmy’s period ended, and she told me that as soon as she came out of the room.

“Sometimes it’s better to keep a little distance. Leave her alone for now.”

After Ada told me this, I silently decided to see Emmy off.

This meddlesome businesswoman (though in a good kind) had come home around the fifth day of Emmy’s second menstrual period since we traveled together and had been nursing her and counseling her the whole time.

Well, if that’s what Ada says, then I guess I should.

“I’ll definitely come back for you. I promise.”

When I said that, Emmy just smiled weakly and nodded her head silently.


“Xaneela! Xaneela!”

The sun had set, and it was now quite dark in the town of Kejisa.

I ran into the Temple of the Fertility Goddess in the town’s center and yelled at her statue.

The lights in the chapel were almost completely dimmed, leaving only a nightlight, and there were no believers in sight.

But still, there was a woman in the back, who looked like a priestess, and she was startled by my yell and trembled.

On the day I bid farewell to Emmy, I went out into the forest to hunt monsters.

However, no matter how many monsters I killed, I did not feel better, so I returned to the town before sunset.

After returning to the Adventurers’ Guild to report my results, I went to the tavern attached to the guild and drank a few drinks.

But I could not get drunk no matter how much I drank, and my frustration worsened.

I waited until the temple was empty of worshippers, perhaps out of my last conscience as a Holy Knight who has lost all sense of judgment.

Then, the moment I had been waiting for arrived.

“Xaneela! Are you there? Answer me!”

《Yes, yes, what is it!? Also, you’re too loud.》

Xaneela responded to my call in an exasperated tone.

I didn’t like her attitude and was about to open my mouth to that, but she interrupted me and spoke into my head.

《Alf. Even though you have already arrived in this town for months, you didn’t visit me, your Goddess, even once. And now you’re suddenly barging at me like this? Just who do you think you are?》

Hearing the voice full of silent anger, I could only shut my mouth and groan.

She was right. I’ve been in town for over two months now, but I’ve never visited the place.

《Sigh……really now. Because of your yelling, my little Dahlia got all scared of you. Apologize to her.》

Dahlia… is she the priestess here? While asking that in my head, I glanced at the woman I had seen earlier――,


――Or rather, I was going to, but it seems that I went too much that it was deemed like I was glaring at her.

“Ah… Damn…!”

I muttered in a low voice so she couldn’t hear me, then closed my eyes, shook my head, and slumped down as I reached for her.

“Um… I’m sorry for scaring you.”

I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down, looked up, and told her this, and after a few seconds, she looked back at me with a slightly calmer expression on her face.

I conversed with her again.

“Uhm… I’m gonna pray to the Goddess now….”

“Ah, yes… feel free….”

Still a little intimidated, she pointed to the statue of the Goddess to do her part.

I stood before the statue and looked up, though I didn’t really need to.

(They really don’t look alike….)

Comparing Xaneela in my memory with the statue, I sat down in a nearby chair and meditated.

《Have you calmed down now?》

(Yes. Sorry.)

《So, what do you want? No, I don’t even have to ask. It’s about Emmy, right?》

Of course, I came here to ask you about Emmy.

《Then why didn’t you come earlier?》

(Because I was… scared.)

Yeah, I was scared.

A little over two months ago, when Emmy got her first period and I found out she wasn’t pregnant, my first thought was to come here.

But I couldn’t.

Emmy never mentioned anything about consulting the Fertility Goddess, either.

She was afraid to ask the Goddess for the answer.

So I, we, for two months, just had sex.

Night after night, sometimes for days on end.

But Emmy didn’t get pregnant, and in the end, she went home for good.

《I see, you were afraid to hear it from my mouth――》

Then, the Goddess gently announces.

《――You guys can’t have children.》

My chest tightened, and a chill ran down my spine.

My breathing became erratic, my heartbeat quickened, and sweat broke out all over my body.

Yes, I didn’t want to hear this. Because Xaneela will never lie.

《Even if you wait until her next period, my answer will not change. You can’t have children with Emmy…》


The repeated answers made me let out an involuntary cry.

I knew it, right from the start.

My intuition as a Holy Knight has been telling me this.

That is why I could not come here.

But there was no point in putting off the answer any longer.

I had to tell Emmy this fact.

And then I must force her to make a choice.

Emmy, who lost her family in the war when she was a child, was separated from her friends and first love, and felt lonely a lot, only wanted to have a child.

It was her last hope.

What choice will she make when she finds out she can’t have children with me?

Would she still want to be with me?


《……――as it is now.》

At that moment, Xaneela’s voice drifted into my head, but I didn’t recognize it well as I was thinking about Emmy in a roundabout way.

(…… sorry, did you say something?)

《I said, as it is now! Listen carefully to what I’m saying here!》

Wait. As it is now?

(Xaneela, what does that mean?)

《What I’m saying is, Emmy and you cannot have a baby in your current condition!》

That means…

(Depending on the conditions, me and Emmy…)

《Yes, you can.》

We… can? A child between Emmy and me?

(How? Xaneela, please tell me right aw――)

《Okay, okay, slow down. I’ll explain it to you.》

(S-sorry. But still…)

I and Emmy? How is this possible, even though we’ve already failed several times?

《Ah, I guess I have to explain it from there……》

And so, Xaneela, who had read my mind before I could even speak those words, started to explain to me who was full of melancholy.

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