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Chapter 5 – Goblin Subjugation, Part 2

“Does this mean we cannot leave the village until the subjugation is over?”

“Sadly, yes, and we got no other choice. We have to take care of those monsters first. For that, my son and I are planning to join the volunteer army that will leave this village tomorrow.”

In response to Emmy’s vague question, Ada answered in detail.

This may sound contradictory to what I said earlier, but even 500 goblins are only equivalent to a single goblin threat to adventurers.

Ten adventurers with a certain amount of experience would be able to deal with them effectively.

“We only need 20 to 30 percent of the goblins killed. After that, the rest will usually rout, and the enemy may even abandon its nest altogether and run away to preserve themselves from the impending threat.”

That means 200 to 300 goblins scattering in all directions and fleeing.

But if the fertile goblins were to scatter in all directions in this way, this would create a new problem in the surrounding areas.

To prevent this, volunteers from this village and other surrounding areas, as well as non-Kejisa adventurers, have planned to gather up to form a volunteer army that will hunt the remnants of these goblins.

This is the group that Ada and Greg are planning on joining.

The goblins have this unique trait where they are able to act wiser when they are in groups.

In this manner, they will become a serious threat, but if they were to run away and begin acting on their own initiative to survive, even ordinary people with little training would be able to subjugate them on their own.

The typical divide-and-conquer strategy.

However, unlike adventurers who are officially commissioned, volunteer soldiers who participate only in good faith are not rewarded.

Still, in this scenario, it has been decided that the materials and magic stones of the defeated goblins will become the property of the person who defeated them. This will serve as their reward in volunteering.

People tend to flock where money is, no matter how small. In this case, even if it’s a meager goblin that doesn’t cost as much, there will always be people that are eager to participate just to make that extra money.

But whatever the motivation, the more people, the better, because killing as many goblins as possible will help eliminate future threats in these lands.

All will benefit in the end.

“I’m thinking of joining the volunteer army myself. What about you, Alf?”

Emmy asks me after hearing the whole story.

It’s hard to say that the goblins they will miss here won’t become a threat in the vicinity of the city of Lambda.

But either way, this is not something she could easily pass by and do nothing.

After all, she is Lambda’s gate guard.

“I guess it’s also fate that I’m here at this time of the year. Count me in.”

It’s not like being a holy knight is all about procreation.

I also want to exercise my body in a different way once in a while.


Early in the morning, about 50 volunteers gathered at the entrance to the village.

About 70% of them were women.

Of course, the remaining 30% are men, but many were young like Greg, who had just grown up after the war.

For transportation, horse-drawn carriages provided by Ada were used.

But they’re not just ordinary carriages.

They had been enchanted with spatial magic, so even though there were only two, they could accommodate all 50 people inside.

The carriages also had a weight-reducing effect, making it possible for us not to care about the weight limits and can be easily pulled by a single horse.

Even the horse is no ordinary horse.

It was about the size of an elk.

Ada called its breed “Greathorse,” and even though it had a very simple name, it was more powerful and stable than ordinary horses and had greater endurance.

What shocked me was that it could run at an average speed of about 40 kilometers per hour for five to six hours without a break.

And if using recovery magic, they could run for 24 hours straight.

Ada’s luggage, originally loaded in the carriage, was left in my [Storage Unit].

I suggested that we also keep the entire luggage of the troops for this march, but Ada stopped us.

My [Storage Unit] is out of the ordinary, so apparently, or perhaps I should say “definitely,” there is a possibility that some people will find out about it and think of something bad just to take advantage of it.

Ada, seeing I was a good friend of Emmy, also advised me not to let anyone know about it except those close to me.

“It’s surprisingly comfortable to ride in.”

I had an image of a horse-drawn carriage trip rattling and shaking the entire time, but I didn’t expect this carriage to be this stable.

Apparently, it also has an enchantment to reduce vibration.

I hardly felt any shaking, which left me more impressed than usual.

The innkeepers and volunteers in the village also lent us cushions, which made the ride even more comfortable.

“Okay, here is the stop. Now we move on foot.”

After three hours of road travel, we arrived at the forest.

We had a light breakfast in the carriage, then everyone got off.

This time, the volunteer army leader was a middle-aged man who had survived the last war.

He had lost one of his legs due to a battle wound, but I can see it in his eyes the determination not to lose, all the more not to some mere goblins.

“Always move in groups of three or more!! If you think you are in trouble, run away immediately!! You hear me?!”

I decided to go with Emmy and Greg.

As for Ada, she will wait at the entrance of the forest to guard the carriages with some of the villagers.

“Emmy, Alf, please take care of Greg for me.”

Ada said as she pushed Greg to us.

Greg looked strangely glossy. It was as if he and his wife had had a very good time.

As for me, l enjoyed a night alone for the first time in a long time, as Emmy shared a room with Ada.

“Yes. And I look forward to working with you, Greg.”

“Me as well.”

We proceeded through the forest in the order of me, Emmy, and Greg.

We hunted the weak beastly creatures that inhabited the forest, and after a few hours, we finally came across a goblin herd.

The first group we encountered was a pack of five.

Emmy dexterously climbed a tree and shot an arrow from a high vantage point.

The arrow went through the head of one of the group, killing it instantly with a single shot.

We then stormed in, all while they were stunned by the sudden death of one of their comrades.

Judging that long-handled weapons would be at a disadvantage in the forest, I equipped myself with a longsword.


With a flash of my sword, I stepped in and sent the head of one close at hand flying.

Then I stepped in further and slashed another one to death with a single swing from the shoulder.

Is this just a D-rated sword? Its sharpness is already beyond impressive.


Another blow hit the goblin in the head, and the goblin’s skull was crushed, and they died.

Greg uses a mace as his main weapon.

As for his reason, “Blades are very expensive to maintain,” is what he had said. As expected of a merchant.

Emmy shot the remaining one in the head, and just like that, the first pack was easily eradicated.

Emmy kept an eye from the top of the tree, and after a while, we spotted another group of about 10 of them about 200 meters away.

Although we could not see them from our position, we were able to pinpoint the approximate direction, so Greg and I ran off toward them altogether.

Emmy was a little behind, moving from branch to branch to avoid missing the group.

After about 100 meters, we spotted the group, and Greg and I charged straight at them.

They seemed to have noticed us as they had already formed a tight formation to intercept us.

However, their formation is futile against us.

It was also at that moment that I learned that the physical abilities of the people in this world are terrifying to an extent.

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