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Chapter 4 – Goblin Subjugation, Part 1

The sun was already setting when we arrived at the village, so we decided to head for an inn.

Unlike the previous village and the town of Lambda which is a bit isolated, this is a village that has a high floating population.

This means there are more people that come and go than the number of residents living in it.

This also means there are several inns for us to choose from.

The one in front of us is one of them.

When we passed by one of the inns, which had a spacious stable, Emmy suddenly blurted out.

“Hey, aren’t those horse-drawn carriages familiar?”

In the open space near the stables, which must have belonged to the inn, there were what looked like the chassis of two horse-drawn carriages parked together.

Emmy seemed to recognize the carriages.

“Alf, may we stop by this inn for a moment?”

“Yeah, sure.”

It was an inn with a rather edgy name, “Monster Bird’s Perch,” and it was characterized by its large stables and luggage storage area.

Thanks to its facilities, it is favored by peddlers and merchants that pass by this village.

It is a three-story building, compared to five stories of the “Cat’s Forehead”, but the total area is about the same as the said inn and the adjoining dining hall combined.

Upon entering the building, we found a lobby and a cafeteria a little further in.

Emmy ran to the diner to see if she recognized a familiar face.

“Miss Ada!”

A woman who was apparently named Ada turned around, looked at Emmy, and stood up.

“Oh, Emmy?”

The woman answered Emmy’s call in a low husky voice, then came running up and hugged her.

Beside the woman called Ada was a young man who was watching the situation with a calm expression on his face.

The woman with the husky voice was Ada, who turned out to be the peddler who had just crossed paths with me in Lambda.

With her was Ada’s son, Greg.

He is following Ada as her assistant and escort.

Ada is a beautiful mature woman with ash-blonde hair and eyes of the same color.

I guess her hairstyle is called “pixie cut”? According to her, she often stays in the field, making it difficult to wash long hair, so she keeps it short.

Her eyes are slanted, and her eyebrows are sharp. She is about the same height as I am, so about 6 feet tall.

If not for her huge chest, I can easily imagine her to be a male actor in a certain opera troupe.

By the way, she is also a widow. She was separated from her husband in the war against the Evil Gods. The husband was originally a peddler, but when he was drafted into the Transportation Corps, Ada, who was working as his assistant, took over his business.

Their son, Greg, has just turned eighteen.

He has been training since childhood with the intention of eventually joining the war effort, so he excels in martial arts.

But since the war had already ended before he could partake, he used his training experience to serve as a bodyguard for his mother instead.

In the last few years, he has begun to learn the ins and outs of being a merchant and will probably follow in Ada’s footsteps in the future.

He is slightly taller than me, but not taller than 2 meters.

He has ash blond hair like Ada’s and inherited her large, round eyes, though his is a slightly darker gray.

He is a soft-spoken young man, but it is easy to tell from his body that he must be strong.

He has been glancing at Emmy since a while ago, but she seems oblivious to his gaze and is enjoying the conversation with Ada, whom she hasn’t met in a while.

Yes, I can tell, no matter how old a “virgin” I am and how little romantic experience I have.

Greg must have liked Emmy.

Fu.fu.fu. I’m sorry, but I’m not giving you Emmy, okay?

Well, Greg, you’re a good-looking guy, and in this day and age, I’m sure you’ll be a big hit in the future.

So, I’m thinking of giving him a little shove.

“Greg, you’re popular, aren’t you? Maybe it’s time to think about marriage.”

“Uhm… about that… I already have three wives and five children at home.”

You already have wives and children?

I tried to smile, holding back the urge to yell out.

But as an apostle of the Goddess of Fertility, it was impossible for me not to praise such a talented man.

“That’s wonderful! In times like these, children are a treasure! And to have five children at your age, Greg, you are truly an ideal man!”

“No, no, no, no. You see, I have to travel around as a peddler….”


“I have eight wives in total, and a total of twelve children, though the eleventh and twelfth are still in their bellies.”

You even have a local wife!? Several even!?

He is already deserving of a commendation from that alone.

In terms of being a Holy Knight under Xaneela, that is.

“So you have one in this village, too?”

“Yes! The brown-haired girl over there is the one.”

Greg’s gaze, which had been flickering since a moment ago, pointed at Emmy.

Or rather, he was pointing to the direction beyond her, and there, a short, big-breasted, simple-looking woman and a cheerful-looking boy were there, sitting side by side, waving at Greg.

This guy, so he isn’t staring at Emmy all along?

…in the end, it was I who was the one that needed shoving.

I was reborn as a holy knight, but my eyes are still knotty.

“But you see, it’s getting harder for me to deal with my wives lately….”

“Come on, young man. Don’t you go talking about your wives like that, you know?”

While saying that, I put my hand on Greg’s shoulder and gave him an extra-large blessing.


“Hey, Greg, what’s with you?”

Greg’s face flushed and made a strange noise, causing Ada to look at him quizzically.

“Oh, no, it’s nothing… Um, can I take the rest of the day off now? I just remembered something urgent.”

“Hmm? Oh, yeah. I don’t mind.”

With Ada’s permission, Greg left and went to his wife. Then after leaving the boy in the care of a woman nearby who appeared to know him, he disappeared toward the guest rooms with his wife’s hand in tow.

Yeah. Work hard.

Oh, and I’ll give your wife a blessing later.

With Greg gone, I can now overhear Emmy and Ada’s conversation.

“So, to sum it up, you and Ada are stranded here?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Ada and the other merchants were planning to go to the town of Kejisa as we are, but they were unable to.

This is because goblin attacks are becoming frequent on the road leading to Kejisa from here.

Upon further investigation, they discovered a large goblin den in the woods off the road. It housed more than 500 goblins in the area.

Naturally, the Adventurers’ Guild of Kejisa immediately organized a team to take them down.

Even an inexperienced adult can defeat a single goblin with a little effort, but 500 goblins are more than any amateur can handle.

Moreover, goblins have strong reproductive power comparable to a mouse, so it is expected that their numbers will exceed 1,000 in less than a month if the situation is left unchecked.

At the moment, they are taking remedial measures, fighting off groups of 10 to 20 goblins per sortie, but at 500 goblins, a large-scale invasion could start at any time.

A town with wards is one thing, but this village, which has only a simple wooden fence, will be swallowed up in the blink of an eye if they don’t strike back.

“A strike team has already departed from Kejisa. They will arrive within the next two days, and the joint operation will begin.”

Ada said as she tapped her fingers on the simple map on the table and explained the situation to us.

Greg, Emmy, and I listened carefully.

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