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Chapter 11 – The Result of the Reckless Challenge

The ejaculation took a while. When it subsided, Lacy raised herself up.

“Gulp, phew… so bitter…”

“You drank it all up?”

“Because I was told that men would be more pleased if I did it that way.”

She said this to me with teary eyes.

When I saw that figure, my excitement instantly rekindled.

“You’ve done a good job. Shall we go for the real thing then?”

“Un… But I thought that once a guy lets it out, he won’t be able to do it for a while? Hyaau!?”

I picked Lacy up, got off the bed, and put her hands on the wall near us.

“Any man would become peerless if the woman is attractive enough.”

After saying that, I grabbed Lacy’s hips and pressed my hardening cock back into her vagina.

“I- Is it really going to fit something this big?”

She was initially anxious, but I ignored that and moved my hips slowly.

“Ah, it’s really big, it’s spreading my stomach!”

It was quite tight inside Lacy, but I managed to keep going thanks to the foreplay we had done in advance.

“I’m going to go all the way in, okay?”

I asked her one last time, where she gave a small nod.

I put my weight on my body and advanced through Lacy’s vagina, which was slightly smaller than Milena’s, pushing all the way to the back.

“Fuuh, fuuh, aahh! Kuh, nkuh!”

Lacy’s body trembled heavily, perhaps because I had ruptured her hymen just now.

But I continued to thrust forward until I reached the deepest point.

Of course, it was not only that. On the outside, once the tip reached the very back, my crotch finally clashed with Lacy’s ass.

It jiggled back in response.

“Fuu, haa, haaa… it didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would.”

Sweat was beading on Lacy’s forehead as she said this.

I wiped it off with my arms that wrapped around her body.

“I’m glad to hear that, because I’ve heard that pain varies from person to person. The less pain you have, the better.”

“Hmm, that was unexpected. I thought you’d be more pleased if it hurt a little more.”

“Oh, come on, I’m not that kind of a douche. I prefer a more casual and sweet atmosphere, like the one we are having now.”

As I continued this conversation with Lacy, I moved my hand and unfastened the chest part of her clothes.

The big tits, not as big as Milena’s, but more than big enough to fit in one hand, spilled out.

I squeezed them with both hands, and a sweet voice came out of Lacy’s mouth.

“Ooh, aah, even though I’m just being squeezed, it feels so good…!!”

“It’s so worth playing with when they’re this big.”

I rubbed my left hand gently to enjoy the generous weight of the breasts, then used my right hand to torture the nipples of the other at the apex.

“That’s… kufuuh!!”

Lacy made a bewitching moan soon after, also tightening her vagina around my meat pole inside.

“Looks like your sexual side has finally kicked in. I guess it’s about time.”

Seeing that the pain had finally faded, I moved my hips for real.

I stirred her vagina with my rod. She let out a cry that was quite different from the one she had made when I caressed her breasts.

“Hyaaaaaah! Hahhhh, Kyaaaannnnn!”

Lacy’s back arched, probably writhing with a sensation she had never felt before.

Her body was slightly flushed, evidence that she was aroused.

“You seem to be feeling good now that the pain is gone. Can I fuck you harder?”

“No, wait! I’m still not used to this!”

Lacy turned around and looked up at me.

Her expression showed clear denial, but also curiosity about the unknown pleasure she was about to feel.

I’m not sure if she’ll cry if I start to really violate her, and that’s not my intention either.

However, it was hard to maintain self-control in the face of such an attractive partner.

If I’m not allowed to move my hips, I will have to find another place to entertain myself.

Lacy was in a state where she had her hands on the wall and her ass sticking out.

I lean forward and bury my face in her neck as I hug her body.

“What… ahhh! Don’t kiss my neck. It will make me feel weird!”

“Hm? But Lacy’s insides are telling me otherwise, even your nipples are getting stiff.”

I kiss her neck again, this time also rubbing her breasts at the same time.

“Hyawa, aahhh! Like I said, don’t do that!! Auuh!!”

She moaned, and her vagina clamped around my dick.

Even though Lacy had just sucked me off, my desire to ejaculate was born again, and it was getting bigger by the minute.

Fighting the desire to move my hips and mess her up right now, I started criticizing Lacy.

“You talk about going up against Milena, but you still keep getting beat up when it comes down to it.”

“There’s no way I can get used to this immediately! If you go all out right now, I’ll go absolutely nuts somewhere!”

Lacy spoke in a lustrous tone while breathing heavily.

It is as if the sexiness hidden inside of her has been brought to the fore.

Because of this, I couldn’t help but think of something perverted, especially in each time I saw that normally energetic face now wet with lust.

That ‘something’ is the irresistible urge to taint a pure woman with my color, as well as corrupt them with my own two hands.

“It was Milena’s first time, but she really entertained me.”

To my provocation, Lacy’s lips tightened.

She became filled with this look of determination on her face, which increased my excitement to the fullest.

“B-bring it on. I won’t lose to my sister!”

“Excellent. But you don’t have to worry. I’ll make you feel so good that you’ll never be able to forget it.”

Feeling regretful that I had to part, I moved away from Lacy’s body a little to give me more space to move.

But that regret immediately vanished as I grabbed her by the waist and restarted my thrusting.

“Higuuh, uuu, it’s moving like crazy inside me!”

“Good. Just keep squeezing it like that! You’re even tighter than Milena!”

Maybe it’s because she was more agile and had strong legs and feet, but Lacy was able to tighten my meat pole all the way from the entrance to the back of her orifice.

The completely unreadable and erratic movements created a pleasant sensation that aroused my brain.

Along with the dry sound of flesh hitting flesh, and the nasty sound of the love juices being scraped out of Lacy’s vagina.

Naturally, this indicated that she was feeling that much, but it was also obvious she was holding it in so as not to show herself in an unsightly way.

“This much is… for me….”

“It’s bad for your body to endure like that. Be honest with what you feel!”

“Hiiiiii! Don’t poke me in my womb!!”

“Whoa, you’re tightening me up like never before! In that case, I’m gonna keep going like this until we reach the end!”

I put all my strength into my arms, which had been reserved up to that point, and swung my hips as hard as I could.

“Ahhh, oguuh!? Hiuu, uaaah!!”

As a result, Lacy was attacked by so much pleasure that she could no longer let out any words.

Lacy’s legs and hips trembled, and love juice dripped down to her feet.

Her vagina also tightened like crazy, and I won’t last long if I keep moving in this state.

“Good, This is the best! I’m going to let it out inside you like this!”

“Hiee!? I-inside!? Ha… kufuhh…!!”

“I won’t let go of you. I’ll keep pouring it deep inside you until the last drop…!”

I was getting near. Still, I wasn’t alone in this feeling.

Lacy, whose whole body had been aroused by the caresses she had received, was also nearing her limit.

I continued to violate this Lacy while trying to slam the rising arousal in me.

“Aaah, aaahh, cumming! I’m cumming, I’m cummmiiiinnngggg!!”

“It’s okay to come. It’ll make us feel good together in the end.”

“I can’t, can’t, I can’t take it anymore! I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming, I’m cumming!”

Lacy’s whole body convulsed with several shouts, and she climaxed deeply, probably the biggest climax she ever had.

I also hit my limit of desire and struck myself into the innermost part of her pussy.


“Hyaaaaaah! What is this!? It’s so hot! And so much is pouring into me!”

Being her first time, Lacy screamed at the sensation of her first inside ejaculation.

But even with the sensation unknown to her, she obediently accepted the invading cum while screaming in a hoarse voice.

“Haaa, haaa… I can’t take it anymore…”

She then slumps to the floor and passes out as if exhausted.

“You endured well until the end, more than I expected. This proves that your mettle is higher than Milena’s. But that rivalry, I’m sorry, for I’ll be going to use that feeling to my full advantage from here on.”

I said this as I began to nurse the collapsed younger sister back to health.

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