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Chapter 12 – The Widening Crack

The next day, Lacy woke up to the morning sun coming through the window.

“Mmh, mmmm… morning?”

She rubbed her sleepy eyes and got up, and that’s when she felt a strange sensation in the lower half of her body.

The sensation was slight tingling pain, like something was churning up inside her womb.

Normally, such degree would not bother her, who trains daily to slay monsters. But this time was felt very much by Lacy.

But she dismissed it as a mere stomachache.

“I’m feeling hungry… Wait, that guy!?”

The feeling of discomfort made Lacy finally remember what had happened yesterday.

She rushed to get up, but Yuushin was already gone.

Furthermore, the bed, which should have been messed up yesterday, was fixed, and even Lacy herself was wearing her sleepwear.

It was proof that he had cleaned up the mess after the act was over.

“Ugh, it pisses me off that he was even considerate to change my clothes even after all he has done to me. What’s even more frustrating is I wasn’t able to ask if I won in the end.”

Lacy’s face turned red with anger and shame when she said that.

The shame of being easily taken along when she brought up the subject of her sister. And the shame that made her let out such vulgar words.

Fortunately or unfortunately, Lacy, who remembered the content of the conversation she had had with Yuushin, stayed writhing on the bed for a while.

But then, as if she noticed something, she stopped moving.

“Oh, it’s dripping from the inside. I have to wash myself before getting out… I just hope it will come off after I wash it once.”

With these new worries, she went out of the bedroom and headed for the bath.

◆     ◆

Around noon that day, Lacy was once again at the marquis’ castle.

After getting ready, she came again to ask for her sister’s impeachment.

This time, she opened the door after knocking, as was the custom, and entered the marquis’s office.

Inside, Marquis Krall was already sitting on the sofa.

“There you are. Sit down.”


The moment she entered, the marquis urged her to sit down on the sofa opposite him.

“So, are you here again today about Milena?”

She nodded at the Marquis’ question.

“Yes, my sister has betrayed us after all. Sanada contacted me last night.”

“What? That Sanada?”

The other party’s movements made Marquis Krall’s eyes sharp.

“Yes. This time, he came to recruit me as well. Of course, I refused.”

“So, did he say anything else to you?”

In response to the question, Lacy told him exactly what she had heard from Yuushin.

“I think it makes sense for them to break into the Count’s mansion,” she continued. “I mean, it would be impossible to get through that security without someone on the inside.”

Lacy was convinced of this.

Because the head of the family is bedridden, the security of the mansion is several levels stricter than that of other noble’s homes.

There are always close to 50 guards on duty, half of whom are on patrol.

There are also nearly a dozen specially trained guard dogs, making it impossible for even Lacy to break into the house undetected.

“If my sister had leaked the security protocols, it would be a different story. She could get someone into our father’s room without making much effort.”

But even after hearing this, the Marquis had a probing look on his face.

“…But they also have that Demon Race woman in their ranks. With her mind control magic, it is also possible to get information from the servants in the house.”

Lacy felt angry when she heard that statement.

Because the Marquis still refused to accept it, even though the other party had admitted it themselves.

It was as if he was protecting Milena.

“Which side are you on, Uncle!!”

Before she knew it, she was raising her voice.

“Calm down, Lacy. You are in a very dour mood today. When you met with Sanada, did he do something to you?”

“No, that’s…”

But when Lacy was asked a question that hit the crux of the matter, she was at a loss for words.

However, from the perspective of the Marquis of Krasland, that alone was enough to determine that something was wrong.

“Hmm. In the meantime, you should take a rest. Cool off your head, and think about it for a while.”

“But I am calm! I met him yesterday and immediately knew that he was the devil. Even though my big sis looks clever, there are times when she has a tendency to be easily swept away. He must have taken advantage of that and seduced her with his sweet words!”

Lacy, ignoring the faults about her own self, still insisted.

She was no longer calm as she stated, with her anger toward her sister and Yuushin going through the roof and overwhelming her.

Even the nonchalant Marquis was bewildered by her fiery words.

“I still find that hard to believe about Milena. I expected her to be a tough woman, but seeing you have… serious concerns about her… I shall consider it for you.”

The marquis has also used honey traps and reverse-honey traps to undermine political opponents in many cases.

But he had never experienced his own men, or women for that matter, falling for these kinds of things.

“Come to think of it. All he’s got around him are women. He looks dull, but that alone is proof of his talent for dealing with the opposite sex. That raises the possibility that Milena is really betraying us.”

He muses so, thinking it was dangerous to bring Milena and Lacy any closer to the man’s grasp.

It was because he realized that if things continued to get worse, both of them might really end up turning over.

“Lacy. From now on, you will not have any contact with Sanada without my permission. Is that clear?”

“O-okay. Loud and clear!”

Lacy flinched at the pressure and nodded.

“Uncle, may I ask you one last thing?”

“What is it? Tell me.”

“Just to be safe, I still think it would be better to isolate big sis right now, if you are not going to lock her up. I haven’t changed my mind about that idea.”

After saying this, Lacy got up from the sofa.

“If uncle has no more requests, I’ll head back now. I’ll lie low for a while to stay away from Yuushin, as per your orders.”

In one move, she turned her back to the Marquis and left the room.

But just about she reached for the door, it opened just in time.

From the other side came Milena, with a sad look on her face.

“S-sis!? Wait. If you’re here, then…”

The marquis also looked grim at Milena’s appearance.

“Yes. I heard it all. Your voice is so loud and clear that I could hear you outside.”

Hearing these words, Lacy remembered the words she had said out of emotion.

And deeply regretted that for sure, it had hurt her sister.

“Oh, um, sis, I…”

Lacy tried to defend herself with sweat on her forehead, but Milena only shook her head.

“It’s okay, Lacy, it’s the right thing to do as a servant of uncle.”

She smiled to comfort her sister, but even to Lacy, it looked like she was pushing herself too hard.

“Lacy, go home. I will talk to Milena.”

When the marquis said this, Lacy left the place as if she was running away.

The door closed, leaving the Marquis and Milena, who was suspected of betrayal.

“I may have made you hear some bad things.”

“No, don’t worry about it.”

Marquis Krall followed up, but Milena’s reaction was weak.

(Hmm, is she really overwhelmed by her sister’s accusations? Or is what Lacy saying true, that she is acting just to deceive us? The chances of them not betraying me are eight to nine out of ten, but I still can’t deny the one or two cases…)

He had never seen Milena in this condition before, so he was at a loss to judge.

Even when her father, the Count, fell ill, and she offered to do underhanded missions in exchange for his medicine, Milena was composed.

(Lacy might be able to identify this, but she is too riled up to do so now, thanks to that Yuushin interfering with us. Totally inconvenient.)

The Marquis believes that the sisters will not betray him as long as he holds the medicine.

However, he was unable to determine how things would turn out in the current situation where the sisters are not on the best of terms.

He understands that capturing Milena and placing her under house arrest, as Lacy said, is the only way to ensure that there will be no damage on his side.

(But considering that I still plan to use the two of them in the future, it could create unnecessary fissures if this is left unsolved.)

In the end, the marquis decided to put the matter on hold for the time being, considering the present.

“Milena, the achievements you have made so far are too great to make me doubt you. It’s impossible for me to arrest you, so you can rest assured and continue with your work.”

“Understood. As long as it’s uncle’s orders…”

Milena thanked him on the spot and slowly exited the room.

The Marquis saw her off. But right after, summoned his butler, whom he then told to secretly keep an eye on the sisters from now on.

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