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Chapter 10 – Challenge for Lacy

“You’re not inferior to Milena, huh? If that’s the case, how can you prove it?”

I crossed my arms and looked up at the slightly excited Lacy.

The hatred she felt for her sister, who betrayed her, and the rivalry she had felt for some time, has completely flared her up.

Conveniently, she has also lost her ability to make calm decisions.

Well, I was the one who set her on fire.

“How…? that’s…”

Lacy was unable to answer the question well.

After all, her words seems to have come out of momentum alone.

But now that it has led to this, she’s become easier to handle.

All I need is to prepare the bait, and she will dive right in.

The bait in this case would be something that fuels her rivalry with Milena.

“Also, even if you say that… it’s not like we can compare one’s combat and command abilities right now, can we?”

“What then?”

When she asked me this, signifying she had taken a bite of the bait, I told her with a smile.

“Well, considering our situation… we can compare your attractiveness as a woman.”

“Eh? But that’s more of sis’s area…”

Nevertheless, Lacy fidgeted when she was told that she had a chance to prove her feminine charm.

It’s true that Milena’s evaluation from those around her is overwhelmingly higher than that of Lacy.

“Don’t worry. The part we’re about to compare today has nothing to do with the outside.”

“Has nothing to do with the outside?”

“Yeah. Instead, what we are comparing is what’s on the inside. That is, the inner self. And the act of exposing one’s inner self has nothing to do with the evaluation of others.”

With that, I stood up and grabbed Lacy’s arm.

“Eh, wait a minute…!?”

Surprised by the suddenness of the situation, Lacy dropped the sword she was holding.

It was massive for a girl to hold, so when she dropped it, it pierced the floor with its weight.

“It’s a little awkward here, so let’s go into the bedroom.”

“W-what are you going to do to me?”

Although she was the one who dared to do this, she was the first to be worried about what we were about to do.

“If a man and a woman were to put in an enclosed room like this, it would only mean ‘that’, isn’t it?”

When I said this, Lacy finally seemed to realize my intentions.

At the same time, she looked anxious, as if she regretted what she had said earlier.

“Wait. You’re telling me you’re going to have sex with me this instant!? But then again, if it’s my sister, she would have done it too…”

“You want to back down from here? Go on, I won’t stip you. By the way, Milena did it with me even though it was her first time, so don’t think you can get away with it just because you’re a ‘virgin’. In fact, if we don’t do this now, you might miss our chance to best her forever.”

When I overtly put pressure like this, Lacy’s body shook a little.

But then she pulled my hand as if she was yanking it off my shoulder.

“Okay. I’ll do it. I’m going to prove that I’m better than my sister.”

She seemed to have made up her mind.

I went into the bedroom and climbed into the bed with Lacy.

“Now then, shall we start with some foreplay?”

“…Did you make my sister do this as well?”

“No, at least not at that time. In the first place, Milena wouldn’t even know the idea of ‘foreplay’. But I am kinda surprised that Lacy knows.”

Instead of answering, Lacy only reacted with a slight blush.

“I’ve been on the front lines a lot, so I have a lot of opportunities to interact with the soldiers below me, so… that kind of talk comes naturally.”

When she said that, Lacy pushed my body and knocked me down on the bed.

“Certainly, the soldiers wouldn’t be able to talk about such vulgarities in front of Milena.”

“Are you making fun of me in a roundabout way? But I guess this gives me a step ahead on my sister.”

A little frustrated, Lacy crouched at my feet, put her hands on the belt, and pulled down my trousers.

But that expression stiffened when she pulled out my meat rod like every other female who saw my thing.

“T-this is…”

“What’s the matter? You don’t want to do it after all?”

“N-No, I’m going to do it. I won’t beat my sister if I run away here.”

The moment she saw my humongous pole, she was breathing hard, but eventually she calmed down a little. Then she began running her tongue over my shaft.

“Mm, mlem, mmmh…”

While staring at my thing, Lacy sucked on my cock by licking it up from the base with her tongue sticking out as much as she could.

The lewdness, in contrast to her usual sassiness, gave me a unique sense of excitement.

Blood ran through my lower body, and soon I heard Lacy scream.

“Hauu!? It’s getting harder and bigger. It’s like having some stuffed hard bread inserted into my mouth.”

“What’s wrong? You’ve stopped moving. Go on.”

“I know that. Geez.”

Lacy remained a little bewildered, but she continued to serve with a single-minded determination not to be outdone by Milena.

“Nbuhh, fauhh, mmuh… it’s grown so big I can no longer fit it in my mouth.”

“Even if you tell me that, there’s no way I can get it smaller from here.”

“Uuu, I know… haamummhh… slhuurp!”

Soon, Lacy could no longer suck it all the way.

As if to suffice for this gap, Lacy instead went through the route of giving plenty of saliva to her fellatio.

The obscene sound of her mouth slurping stimulated my arousal. I don’t know if it’s deliberate, though.

If it is, then Lacy is quite the talent.

“I had never imagined that Lacy would be aggressive on me like this. Oh yeah, I got an idea.”

“Mmm… I have a bad feeling about this.”

“Now, now. Don’t say that. For now, turn your hips this way.”

Having understood what I wanted to do with those words, Lessy turned her body in the opposite direction. Now, we’re in the so-called sixty-nine position.

I removed the clothes from the lower half of Lacy’s body that came over my head and made her completely undressed.

“Oh? I didn’t expect you still have no hair.”

“You don’t need to tell me about that!”

“No, no, this is a high score for me, you know?”

I grabbed Lacy by the waist as she squirmed shyly, then pulled her toward me to begin my caresses.

First by touching her hidden clit with my fingertips, then by massaging and stimulating the streak of flesh that is her puss.

“Ooooh! Ahhh, hyaaauu, mmhh! No, you can’t go in there!”

Lacy, stimulated at her erogenous zone, involuntarily lifted her mouth from the cock and let out a moaning voice.

“So you can make a cute voice too.”

“No, don’t listen to it! Cover your ears!”

“Even though I went through all the pains to have you all to myself, I still can’t do that? What a waste.”

Nevertheless, I continued caressing as it was.

Eventually, Lacy’s private parts started dripping.

And as I was playing it with my fingers, I could clearly see the honey, one hundred percent pure, flowing out from the depths.

“Oh, ahhh… I’m fully wet… don’t stare at it so much!”

“It’s okay if you rest, you know? That way, I can focus more on here… ugh!!”

As soon as I said that, Lacy’s blowjob resumed.

And it was much more intense than before.

“Mmm, nggh! ipu, mmmm, mmlem, churrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp!”

It was as if the hesitation she had felt earlier had vanished.

She is now holding the meat rod in her mouth and caressing it with her slick tongue.

Apparently, she is mobilizing all the knowledge she has gleaned from her subordinates.

Or could it be that she is taking the liberty of doing this because we can’t see each other’s faces right now?

“Ugh, you’re good. Even better than I imagined!”

I couldn’t help but pause at Lacy’s bold service.

Her love juice is also leaking from her private parts, indicating that Lacy is getting aroused from my service.

“This is bad…!!”

I’ve been busy with my personal affairs and haven’t slept with anyone since I held Milena in my arms.

As such, what I am feeling is now a few days’ worths of buildup rising from deep within my loins.

“Lacy, I’m going to let it out!”

“Mm. Just cum. I’ll make you feel good until the end!”

Supporting the rod with both hands, Lacy fitted the rest of the meat stick into her mouth.

Then, she tightened that same mouth, urging me to get a good climax.

Blurt, blurt, blurt.

A huge tide of semen erupted from my meat rod.

“Mm, nmmuu!? Hhhh, auuhhh!”

And yet, though clearly still a beginner in the way she was spooked when it invaded with great force, Lacy was able to suck on the stick with great relish.

She even stimulated the rod further by clamping it shut in her mouth, together with the fluids.

“Nfuuh, ahh, nmlem! It just keeps coming out and it won’t stop!”

She commented right after.

Meanwhile, I was exhilirated, sucked to the bone by Lacy’s hard work.

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