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Chapter 3 – The Night before the Departure, with Edith

It was the night before I was to leave for the central, which was due tomorrow.

I was relaxing in my room when someone knocked on my door.


Along with a quick reply, I opened the door, only to find Edith and Julie, staring at me on the other side.

“-!!!! Uhm, what’s the matter?”

I don’t know why, but I suddenly felt a chill run down my spine upon seeing them. When I asked back while hiding my unease, Edith just smiled sweetly. It was not the honest princess knight smile when she was with Irene, but the devious black-hearted one when she was about to do something else.

“Since master is going to the central tomorrow, we just came to say hello.”

For now, there’s nothing strange about her behavior. They should be, though.

“I-is that true?”


I turned my face to Julie, who was standing next to the most suspicious person in the group. She has the most magical power, enough to support the city's agriculture by herself, yet she's modest and honest, so she wouldn't be reckless.

“……Yes. We came to bid good luck on your journey.”

Hmm? Just now, something is――

“Wait, why are you checking it with Julie instead of myself!?”

“Uhm, you see……”

My eyes wandered around, but still ended up with Julie, asking her for help.

“……daily routine?”

“So, you are saying I’m always doing something bad!?”

However, Julie’s reply made it even worse.

“Okay, okay. It’s no good bickering in the hallway. Come inside.”

Before it causes a commotion, I hurriedly invited the two inside.

The three of us sat on the bed as I prompt myself to listen. For some reason, they both sat right beside me, even though the bed is reasonably wide for two people to lie on, even with their arms spread. They were so close their thighs and shoulders were touching my body, and the sweet sensation coming from them is already enough to make me feel troubled. 

“So, what’s the matter, coming here in my room?”

I tried to ask, but as Edith is sitting on my right and Julie on my left, I don’t know which way to turn to ask my question. Since both of them are wearing revealing clothing, which was the norm in this world, I tried to raise my gaze a little higher so as not to draw attention to their emphasized breasts.

“We heard it, you perverted rascal……rather, Master Tomo.”

Edith gave me a menacing glare.

“W-what is it?”

“……in the plaza, we heard you and Miss Irene having sex.”

It’s not clear where it came from, but as we were so intense back there, of course, someone should have noticed us. I totally didn’t expect it to be Edith, though.

“You did that so that Lady Irene won’t be lonely when you go to the central, right?”

“Y-yeah, that’s right.”

I nodded immediately at Edith’s interrogation, but surprisingly, she just gingerly leaned to me after that.

I could smell the sweet scent of hers close by, and from there, I ――flinched.

“Then, you will also do it to us, won’t you?”

“……We will miss you as well, Tomo.”

Before I could give a reply, I was quickly grabbed by the shoulders and immediately pushed down.

Edith climbed herself on top as she peered at me, while Julie’s face interrupted in my vision in between them.

“What are you-, Hmmmmph!”

“nchu, nyururu, lero.”

Before I realized, my mouth that was about to utter something was immediately blocked by an elven pair of lips, with a familiarly sweet and soft tongue further invading in.

It entwined itself with the tongue in my mouth, licking it up and giving it stimulation inside.


After a while, Julie let go of my mouth and took a nice, deep breath.

“fufufu……Now, master, what do you want us to do? If master doesn’t like it, we will quietly go back to our rooms. However……”

Edith strokes my crotch underneath.

“-master’s cock is already this thick. I think it’s not wise to do that.”

Edith’s palm, which kept on moving as she speaks, slithered around my member as it conveyed a frustrating sense of pleasure within its every touch.

“With us, we can make you feel really, really good tonight. So, what do you want us to do? Or are we just going to end this with a palm and only one person feeling good in the end? 

Her hands started to move violently as she tried to entice me with words.

“No, it’s not. It’s two persons who will make you feel good tonight.”

“Ara, you make it sound as if I intend to make master happy all by myself even though you’re the one who hasn’t proven yourself yet. if you really want to do it, you have to ask him as well.”

Edith muttered to Julie, then proceeded downwards and lowered my pants underneath. It caused my already swollen meat pole to jump up in surprise.

“……wow, Tomo’s penis has already gotten big.”

“Hey, come on! Is this what you really want, master? Or are you willing to become a perverted bastard and move as you desire?”

Edith takes off her underwear and rubs her secret parts against my meat pole.

Along with a completely slutty look on her face, the perverted knight princess continued ranting challenges at me.

I need to make sure that I live up to her expectations, because I'm going to have to give her a proper spanking for this sultry personality.

I look up at Edith, who is rubbing her vagina against the meat pole on top of me. I reach for her tits, which are swaying through her clothes, and pinched up their apexes, the nipples.

“Nhaaa! No way, all of a sudden-“

“You said that I can do whatever I want, right?”



After waiting for the right timing, I thrust my hips in one fluid motion, reaching her immediately all the way inside.

It seemed she came lightly, caught on surprise by the sudden breach of my hardened meat stick.

“As expected of a perverted bastard, plunging it in like that! Ah, hey, wait! Ahhhn!”

Despite the fact that she’s in a cowgirl position, I’m doing the thrusting instead. Edith’s love juices overflowed through our gaps, making obscene sounds as our connecting parts wiggled and squirmed. 

“If master does it, then so am I.”

Edith, who had regained her composure, moved her hips violently to regain control.

In addition to the up and down movements, she is tightly squeezing her vagina as well.

“Fufu, Hnnn, yahhn, how is it? I could feel your dick getting bigger inside me. You’re about to cum, right?”

Edith acting tough as she was being messed on top of me is very cute.

The way he tries her best to give a dominating expression, as she held herself back from showing a delirious cumming face, all of it stimulated my hidden sadistic mind.

I have to give a reward for such a girl who does her best.

From the bottom, I pinched a nipple strongly.


To keep the balance, I pinched the other one as well.


Then I continued teasing them altogether.

“Noo, no more! My nipples-, Hnnnn!”

“What’s wrong, Edith?”

“This pervert, stop it all at-hyaaauuuu!”

Whenever I pinch and squeeze them hard, Edith immediately moans and pants. It’s like it had literally become her pleasure switch.

“Hiiiih! I’m feeling it even though I’m being squeezed on my nipples! Master teases my sensitive nipples as he pokes me, and it’s making me feel gooood!”

Edith’s vagina clenched tighter and tighter.

“Hiiii, Hnnnn, aAaaaaaaaahhh!”


Edith trembled a lot after that. Her vagina squirted violently, conveying the magnitude of the pleasure she received.

“Haaa……haaa……Hnn, Fuhaaa.”

The knight princess repeatedly took deep breaths. Apparently, she seemed satisfied by the results of the match.

Well then, let’s do Julie next. I thought as I tried to lift Edith’s body, but her thighs held my waist firmly in place.

“I’m not done yet. I haven’t gotten master to pour his cum inside me yet.”

She then starts moving her hips, but her pace is slow, perhaps because she has just cummed and is now sensitive.

“Fuuu, nnn, haaa, fuuuuhhhnn.”

Although this feels good, it’s still far insufficient to give me an ejaculation. When I looked up, Edith is staring at me with a completely enchanted eyes, as if she’s expecting something from me.

I gave a wry smile in reply, then began to thrust up.


The meat pole pierces her deeply and hits her womb entrance from below. But even though it was hit hard, it still welcomed my cock in place.

I ground deeply as I pushed my crotch. Her tits shook violently, bouncing all over as her body fluids splashed underneath.

“Hiiiguu! Ahhh, hoguuu! Nhaaa, khuuuu!”

Over her chest, I could see Edith’s face, which no longer had any trace of arrogance left. 

With this, it’s now or never!

“Ahii! Master, you’re a nasty one! No, it’s too much, it’s too intense, Ahhhhh!”

Edith’s vagina also felt the violent movement of my hips, causing it to tighten uncontrollably. The movements of my meat pole in two different directions are so intense that I feel like I’m about to cum at any moment now.

“Edith, I’m about to cum.”

“Hiuuunn, let it out! Master’s semen, fill it all up inside this perverted knight’s pussy!”

If you plead to me like that, I’ll have no other choice! 

My meat pole has already swollen to its limits, indicating it’s about to give a tremendous eruption.

“I’m coming, Edith. Take it all in!”

Byururu, byururururu!

I thrust my meat rod up the deepest point I could reach, and came from there.

Due to the pleasure being longer than I had expected, the semen that was shot was thick and voluminous.

“Ihhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! Master’s semen is flooding up my cunnnt!”

And yet, semen was kept on being squeezed out by the cunt of the slutty princess knight.

“Haaa, haaaa……fuuuhh……”

Breathing heavily, Edith gets her gears up once more, but she kept my dick inside her until it’s time to pull out.

“I’m full of master’s own cum.”

Edith says as she closed tight her vagina with one hand, so as not to spill any semen. Her appearance as she does that is very arousing.

From there, Julie comes up to me on all fours.

“……Tomo. Me too……”

“Of course.”

This time, it’s Julie’s turn to feel better. 

I got up and faced the dark elf, who’s already waiting at my side.

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