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Chapter 4 – Onto the Next Round, with Julie

I gave a gentle kiss at Julie, who has been on all fours and watching us on the side since earlier.

“Nnn, chuuu.”

Then, I snuck around towards her rear and gently stroked her tight ass.


Julie made a slight moan as I shifted my hands under, and upon inserting a finger in her precious area, indecent honey flowed out as it made a light squish.

“I’m going to put it in now. Is it fine?”

“……Yes. It’s okay. I’m already wet from watching you do it with Edith.”

I checked just to make sure, and from there, I saw her pussy already blotting the bed with a turgid flood of her own love juices.

I seized the smooth and brown hump, and slowly, I aimed my meat stick in the middle slit.

“……Tomo’s cock is hitting me.”

Julie said softly as I pressed the tip in front of her hole. As it was already wet with love juices, the head of my meat rod was immediately stained upon dipping itself in her labia. From there, I slowly buried my rod into her vagina, which in turn opened in a big way as if it’s welcoming my cock’s arrival.

“……Ahh……Uhh, nnn……”

Julie’s mellow pussy slowly but steadily sucked my meat rod until it reached my base.

Its insides throbbed and quivered as they enveloped my cock, and because I came just recently, enduring has become even harder.

From there, I pushed my hips forward with a lot of effort, eventually reaching the deepest part after a few moments.

“……aah, so deep, hnn!”

Julie came slightly, causing her upper body to slump downward.

As she did that, the meat rod scraped a little against a spot in her vaginal walls.

“Auuu! Hiii, iiihh!”

It seemed that I hit something, and Julie, who has a constitution where she’s very easy to cum, let loose her love juices once more.

“Oh, do you like it here?”

I move my hips slowly, searching for the place I just rubbed.

“……uugh, aahh, hnn……Tomo……ahh, that place, noo……!”

Every time I poked her, Julie greatly quivers.

“Ahhn, hnn! ……Kuh, fuuuuh……Ahhn……!”

Every time she cums, her pussy walls cling to my meatrod, and for every instance she does so, her binding gets tighter and tighter. 

“……Hnn, not again, hnnn……cumming!”

Julie’s body quivers once again, bringing the tightness into another level. My cock that kept on enduring is loosing its grip on its seed.


Julie called out to me as she tries to turn her body around.

Her posture became a bit awkward due to her current position, but with the smooth lines of her body now clearly visible, her tanned skin became more glamorous to look at.

“What’s the matter, Julie?”

“……harder, you can do it harder, Tomo.”

Despite her breaths being ragged and her eyes in a trance, she still begged another naughtier request with her cheeks dyed red. She’s probably older than me, but I couldn’t help but giggle at her immature and clumsy way of enticing.

“Okay. I’ll make it harder this time, Julie.”

I returned my focus on my hands that were gripping her waist.

Her supple skin clung onto my hands as I squeeze them.

I pulled my hips all the way back until my member is on the edge of slipping out.

“Here I go, Julie.”


Then, from there, I gave a huge thrust. Along the way, the glans scraped that spot of Julie’s vagina, making her scream on the stimulation she was not expecting.

“……ahuuu, Aaaaaaaaaaaah!”

I penetrated her hard, and her body slumped forward.

But this was just the beginning.

I continued pumping my cock inside Julie, who’s almost a broken tap from her series of climaxes.

“Ahnn, hnn, fuuu, hiih! Aaaaahh, nnn, ahhh!”

She was so disoriented that even I could imagine her face going wild from behind, as her pussy made gushing sounds underneath.

“Hnn, ahh! Kuhh……fuu, hnnn!”

Lewd sounds of flesh colliding with flesh reverberated, and every time I extract my cock, some of her love juices get scooped along.

“……Aaah, Tomo! More, mooore! Ahhn, aaah! I’m, I’m gonna-!”

Julie’s moaning voice overrode every other noise in the air. She’s now become an indecent instrument that makes you feel excited just by listening to it.

“……more, cumming, I’m cummiiiiiiinnngg!”

“Ah, ugh, guh!”

Accompanied by a tremendous grip towards my cock, Julie came in a bigger wave, before collapsing towards the front, leaving her hips protruding like a mountain with her ass as its peak.

“Fuu, haaa……fuuu, haaa……”

The dark elf gasped for breaths as beads of sweat trickle all over her beautiful body. Her sweat made her brown skin glisten in wetness, it was so alluring that a stare was already enough to entice any man. Added with the sweat running down from her back and down the nape of her neck as if they are begging me to lick them all up, I eventually reached the limit of my patience.

“Hyauuuu!? Tomo, what are you……?”

Before I knew it, my body was already moving on its own. Julie gave a face with a mixture of surprise and confusion at first, but once my hips started grinding, all of it transformed into a woozy, seductive look, which only inspired me to ram myself harder.

“Ahh, ahh, Tomo……your penis, it just throbbed inside me again.”

“It’s all your fault, showing me such a naughty appearance like that.”

“Are you about to cum? Please, do it inside…… Tomo’s semen…… Ahn…… please pump it all inside of mee!”

“Ugh, guh, cumming!”

“Fuuu……Hnnn, aahh, khuuuhn! Fuuuh, come, Tomo! Ahhh! Fuuu, I’m, I’m cummiiiiinnngngg!”

With a jittery shudder that shook her entire body, Julie climaxed for the nth time. However, as I was already at my limit, the rod soon wasn’t able to handle the sensation, and it squirted its contents inside her pussy with great vigor. 

And, as if it has found a delicacy, her contracting vagina engulfed all the white stuff that came out like a dry sand that hadn’t seen rain for days. 

“AAhh……it’s coming. Tomo’s seed is coming inside of me! Oh, God! It feels so gooood!”

“Julie, if you do it right now, I’m gonna- Uugh!”

“……it’s so good I feel like I’m going to cum forever! Haaaahaaauuuhhnn! Aahh, agaiiinnn! Uuunnnn!”

Even after getting injected with a lot of my seed, Julie’s insides were still sucking up my cock, now sensitive from cumming recently. Her thirst was so strong she’s still sucking up like a vacuum as she begged for more.

“……more, Tomo, to my pusshy……”

Despite in the middle of her cumming, Julie still moved her hips towards me.

To meet her expectations, I decided to steel myself. It caused my meat rod to gain hardness as well, despite the stimulation it had upon my release.

“Haa, haaa! Uhauuuuunnn! Cumming, I’m cumming again!”

Slobbering in both above and below, Julie came once more.

“Even though……so many times……I want more.....Tomo’s penis……mooore, ahhn!”

Was it because she had waited for Edith to finish that she’s this aroused? Despite everything, Julie is still begging hard for my seed.

However, why do I feel like I’ll run out of energy first, even though she’s the one cumming continuously?

In that case, I just have to move before that happens.

And so, I moved my hips, regardless of the situation.

“Ahn, Yesh, Thomo, Hnn! It feels good……fhuunhh! Ah, ahh!”

Julie’s hips trembled on each time I thrust.

“……pierce me, yes, pierce me deep! Ahh, I’m cumming! Ahh, I’m cumming again!”

“Ugh, I’m about to cum as well!”

“Hnhaaa……do it, Tomo. Give me more of your cum!”

I grabbed Julie’s butt and penetrated her in one fell swoop.

“I’m cuuummmiiiiiiiiinnnng!”

“Ugh, guuh!”

I came as hard as I could, and she matched it with hers as well.

My load that was splurt out of my balls filled another batch into Julie’s vagina.

“……Ahh, it’s coming inside. Tomo’s cock……so intense. Ahn, nnn.”

“J-Julie? What are you- no, stop! I’m not- guuh!”

“Ahuiii, it’s not meee……cumming, can’t, stop……Aaaaahhaa!”

Julie climaxed once again as the semen was poured continuously inside her womb. it made the walls of her vagina writhe and wiggle, squeezing the remaining semen out of my almost-empty meat rod.

“Aaahnn, Tomo’s semen, nngh, inside……”

“I can’t let out anymore……”

“Mee too……also, at my limit already……”

Even though she said it with regret, Julie's vagina still kept its tightness until it was time to pull out.

All out of energy, the dark elf is now lying on the bed without support, but from her face, you can see how she was full of bliss.

“……Tomo, when you come back, can we do it again?”

“Of course.”

I quickly nodded, but after thinking a little bit, I immediately regretted, realizing that I will be in a much harder situation when I get back.

I have to keep my strength up when that time comes.

I stroked Julie’s forehead as she laid there, trying to keep her sweat-stained hair from getting into her vision.

Julie, who’s on the verge of falling asleep from being violated all over, smiled as she closed her eyes.

I once again steeled my resolve to go to the central. All of it, to get this city, these women, to be properly recognized by the country, I have to put in the best efforts I could give.

PAT. A slight touch on my back made me turn around.

‘Edith? What’s wrong?”

“You see, master……”

Edith, who inclined her head to the side, spoke in a manner as if she had just realized something.

“You gave two cumshots to Julie just earlier. That means you’ll be doing another round with me, am I right?”

“Well, uhh……”

Well, I guess I have to satisfy Edith first, before that happens.

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