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Chapter 2 –Outdoor Play with Irene

 I went out to the city along with Irene.

She has been doing her best to get this city, the one she poured blood and sweat the most, to be recognized by the country.

Everyone in the city gave a bright smile on their faces as they saw Irene, a proof of their affinity and respect for her, who stood with them during the hard times of their lives.

This is why she needs to be in good spirits for the city. More than anything else, I need her to be fine.

We walked out of the streets and into the plaza, leading her into a secluded grassy plain near the center, with no people in sight.


Then, I whispered in Irene’s ear, who has been curiously looking at me since earlier.

“Shall we do it here? For you to forget that loneliness you’re feeling.”


 Irene shouted in surprise. Although one can’t see us directly, we are still in an open space.

Normally, I wouldn’t say something like this either. But today, I decided to make Irene be thoroughly disturbed. This is all for her sake.

“Why are you so surprised? Isn’t it also normal to do it outdoors?”

“You are not exactly wrong, but-“

She’s hesitating, but I could see her cheeks flushing as she rubs her thighs together. 

After making sure she wasn’t rejecting me, I decided to further raise the bar on my actions.

“Nn, nnnn.”

I held her close and kissed her gently. I felt her soft lips on mine as my heart leaped by.

For me, it was something I would never do outside.

Nervously, I put my hands around Irene’s shoulder.


I tried to push her down slowly, but before I could even do that, I was pulled down at once.


“You’re doing this so that I won’t miss you anymore, don’t you?”

My beautiful mayor smiled upon successfully seizing the initiative from me.

“I-I was taken to the outside at the last minute, you know! You have no idea how impatient I was back there!”

She, who’s now in a position where I’m covering her body, caught my hands and made them stretch out towards her breasts.

Her soft mounds sank in upon being caught by my fingers.

Then, I reached in through the gaps in her clothes and rubbed the lush fruits directly.

Her boobs pushed my palms back as they change shape.

“Then, I’m gonna do it as well.”

Her hand reached for my waist and lowered my pants in one smooth motion.

“Tomo’s penis is already like this. Hey, Tomo.....me too.”

I, who couldn’t stand being stared by her glazed eyes anymore, finally reached for her lower body.

She is completely damp all the way down.

I removed her underwear, only to see a clear amount of honey already dripping out from her beautiful and tender vagina.

“Looks like someone is already rearing to go.”

“Well, it’s you, after all.”

I nodded to Irene, who’s cheeks are blushing beneath me, and moved on to my injection.

Right now, my boner is raging so hard it was painful, and when I inserted it inside Irene, it made a loud KUCHU sound inside.

Slowly, I lowered my hips, where she swallowed my entity smoothly.

“Ahhn, Tomo’s cock is entering.”


I continued inserting my member, and when it reached the end, everything underneath me was already wrapped in her flesh.

“Tomo’s cock feels as awesome as ever.”

“Your insides as well. No matter how much we had sex, it’s still squeezing me tight.”

The tip of my cock that has been gingerly advancing through her vagina, which was getting tighter and tighter by the second, finally hits the mouth of her uterus.

It seems that even with the narrowness that doesn’t allow air to pass through is no match for the overflowing love juices and lust it possessed inside.


Her vagina narrowed more to the sensation, causing me to let out a loud voice in the open square.

However, I have already succumbed to the stimulation, so instead of being embarrassed, it only made me desire for more. With this, I decided to carry out another bold action.

“Irene, I’ll be moving now.”

“Tomo, wait. Now is not the--hyaauuu!”

Unable to bear it any longer, I swayed my hips to the front before she could answer, causing her to raise a high pitch in return. Her voice urged me to go faster.

She sprawling on the grass and looking so helpless, I continued moving my hips up and down as I gazed myself on her amazing sight. After all, we’re connected to her in a different place, far from our usual bed.

It wasn’t just any place, but in the middle of a plaza where people come and go by!

The thrill of possibly being seen, as well as the feeling of superiority as if I’m showing off to everyone.

This woman here is my fiancée. And now, I’m thrusting my meat pole inside of her, up to the deepest point I could reach, carrying the feelings bubbling up inside of me.

“Aahh, hnnnn, Tomo, your cock, your cock is moving up a lot!”

“Mchu. How is that for doing it out here? Look around you. Can you see it? This is not our usual room.”

I teased her as I kissed her by her neck.

“Nnn, outside, I’m doing it with Tomo on the outside! Ahhnnn!”

She’s still having trouble digesting the situation, maybe due to the fact that she’s feeling a greater stimulation than before. However, because of this, her clamping got even tighter. 

Like a boa constricting her prey, the walls of her vagina wiggled rapidly as they squeeze my cock, making the sensation of ejaculation stronger than it was before.

“Tomo, are you about to cum? You don’t have to hold yourself back. Just cum whenever you want, okay?”

Perhaps she can now afford a bit of a leeway, she moved her hips to further increase the pleasure from her side as well.

“Uugh, damn it, I can’t……”

“Fuuh, haa, Yes, that’s it, Tomo! Give it all to me inside!”

We thrust our hips into each other, and after a while, I ejaculated hard when my meat pole was inserted into the deepest part of her vagina.

The semen that spurted out vigorously filled her insides.

However, this isn’t the end.

“Ahhm, it’s still coming out. Tomo’s seed is so much it’s coming out of my pussy!”

“Guh, it isn’t over yet!”

Ignoring the fact that my meat rod becomes sensitive right after ejaculation, I still moved my hips, all to increase the stimulation she’s receiving more than ever before.

“Oooh, Tomo. Your cock that just came recently, along with the face you’re making, it’s really handsome~.”

“Haa, haaa……How is it? Outside, being creampied in a place where someone could pass by at any moment?”

“It’s great! I never felt something like this! It makes me want to be seeded more!!”

Irene, who has already lost herself, began to thrust her hips from below.

Despite the disheveled face she’s making, her insides are clamping hard, trying to squeeze my semen, or rather, what’s left of it, from below. 

“Ahhm, inside me, Tomo, put it all inside meee! Ah.”

But out of the blue, Irene, who’s looking lively for a moment, suddenly fell down. I quickly supported her body, but because of that, it made me step on the tall grass, creating a crisp sound in the process.


At that moment, the tightness in her vagina became stronger. Still having that melted expression, Irene moved her gaze from beyond the grass.

“Hya, what are you- Tomo!?”

I moved my hips in that gap. Lowering my breath so that we couldn’t be detected, I repeated my pelvic thrusts in small increments.

“ahhn, just now, somebody is-, hnnn!”

“It’s alright, Irene.”

While keeping our voices low, I also shifted my gaze to the grass. Of course, there’s no one there. However, all of it is necessary to please her more.

“Even if they see us, they won’t be able to stop us.”

“That’s not the point, Auuu!”

I’m not sure if she has finally blown herself, but the way she’s using her hips became more intense.

I also moved my hips harder in response.

“Ooh! Ohoooo!”

She’s deliberately seeking pleasure without caring that there may be someone who would come anymore.

Her low-pitched moaning is already a proof of that.

I’m feeling a sense of superiority being the only one who knows about her wild side that she doesn’t usually show. The love I’m feeling for her as she has shown me this side overflowed, further heightening my excitement into another scale.

“Ouuuuaaaauuuu! To-Tomo, I’m gonna cum! I’’m cummmmiiiinnnnggg!!”

With a roar, she gazed at me feverishly.

“Okay. Cum as hard as you want. Show me the good view of your cumming face outside, Irene.”

I looked at her straight in the eye as I swing my hips hard.

“Ohoooo! Hiii, aaah, oouuu! I’m going to cum, I’m going to cum outside under the blue skyyyyyy!”

A wild, pleasure-seeking gyration of her hips caused her body fluids to splash from our joining parts. The love juices that flowed out was so intense that it almost created a rainbow by itself.

“Im guuummiiinnnngg!! Aaaah, Guuuuhnn! Tomo, Tomoooooo!”

Irene was almost drowned in pleasure as she calls my name. The city mayor, who always gave the feeling where you can count on her anytime, is now looking at me with an expression so disheveled it couldn’t be traced anymore from her usual image. What’s more, in the center of the city plaza where she herself governs!

“Aguu, Hhnnnn! Oggguhhh, cumming, I’m cummiiiinnnnggg! Aaaaaaaaahhhh!”

Dragged along by Irene, who was watering the ground with her fluids, to the point where it’s already a wonder where it’s coming from due to its quantity, I finally lost control of my body, causing it to drive recklessly in search of a greater stimulation.

“Ahiiii! Cumming, I’m cumming again! Tomo’s cock is piercing me all the way throouuuuggghh! Aaaahhhhh!”

Irene’s vagina contracted as her body shivered in climax, greatly squeezing everything in the process.

As I couldn’t bear the tremendous stimulation anymore, before long, I shot my semen so vigorously that I felt like I almost emptied my balls.

“Oooooooohh! Here it comes. Tomo’s semen is entering my very depths!”

Byururururu, byurururu.

I finally came. It was a long series of shots, and even after that, we remained connected for a while, basking ourselves in the lingering afterglow.

When I pulled out my meat rod, a sloppy mixture of fluids flowed out of Irene’s pussy.

Beneath us was the fluid-covered grass, reflecting a glittering light, conveying the intensity of our actions.

“That was a terrific climax, Irene. Did you like doing it outside?”

I spoke in a bit of a teasing tone, and towards that, her cheeks flushed with shame.

“Uuu. I’m so embarrassed. What should I do if I become addicted……”

“Well, if it does get into a habit, then we’ll just do something more exciting to overcome it.”

“Geez. Fufufu.”

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing. It’s just that… you had become so strong, compared to when I first met you.”

Irene’s voice echoed in my mind as she enjoyed herself under the sunshine. A gentle breeze blew her lustrous hair, and before I knew it, she became more beautiful.

Translator Notes:

Here are the characters of Book 2 (Web Novel Volumes 4-6)

From Left to Right: Mio, Edith, Marietta, Irine, Tomoaki and Nina.

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