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Day job's being a pain right now. What is it about the end of the year and deadlines? 😅

Anyway, here's a chapter!



Pretty sure Tarny was going Logistics Beacon not Warder Beacon

Jeppe Fiig

Just one more skill to max, but i do wonder have he been unlocking tier 4 skill trees


Great chapter! I wasn't a fan of the last few, but this one is very good.


I noticed many original Ascension members listed as trusted instead of entrusted.


He doesn't has enough XP at level 25 to do so. Once he classes and levels up, he can unless he's worried about the soulstrain.


It did mention Mahria and some others not wanting to be Entrusted. I don't think we know the rules around membership levels.


I'm excited to see the build for the Tortugo! When the monolith's were being described I felt like that one was way undersold in usefulness

Conor McGroarty

Meat for my... what joke/reference did Rain stop as it isn’t worth it? Also, it seems the level caps for when someone breaks a core is 9 (Meloni is level 9 along with other people who broke core before). Whether that is due to the rank of the lair or some other reason is to be seen. Personally I think Rain is going to get the seasons at some point but probably wouldn’t be efficient to get them all right now. After all, he is a dynamo, meaning the endless and the infinite who doesn’t stop. He would need those auras when he is gold and such to outlast his opponent. After all, how do you beat someone who keeps soaking your damage, deals damage and doesn’t slow down as his health stamina and mana are capped along with nutrition (and not pooping)? If anything, mental fatigue would be Rain’s limiting factor and even then the opponent would suffer more due to bodily needs interfering.


I was surprised by how low Mlemlek’s cap was. I got the impression that he was hiding his strength, considering the value of his wagon and skipping stone, and the commentary about starting over to teach his daughter the basics. Level 7 doesn’t feel like enough to get or keep the things he has.

Connor Alexander

I was surprised at how level 7 is a reasonably strong level, but then I realised the unawakened are quite weak compared to any leveled.


Growth of speadsheet management !

Alexander Dupree

The dozer cloud interaction made me dance and giggle

Joan Estévez

I taking that it's still written as Cold Mage because Cryomancer would be more like Ice Mage?


i saw rosters rolling loots with a contribution system similar to ascension in mmorpg. it just doesn't work : you end up with the good stuff being spread, and no powerhouse could ermerge. it will be the same with level cap here

Forrest Minter

That would be true if they weren't starting from the beginning with a gold plate crafter capable of making outrageously powerful gear, who is also very selective with who he crafts for. What you're talking about is more due to a reliance on specific drops from specific monsters, often requiring an organized raid (I'm assuming) whereas the gear available to ascension is only limited by what they can dig out of the ground/harvest, and who tallheart is willing to craft for.

Michael Hughes

Between hidden skills that only show up when you have others maxed, hidden classes that only show when you have certain skills, and now skill tree recombination there is just so much you don't know when choosing a build in this world. With my indecision and FOMO I would love True Jack but even if I could get all the skills to make all the builds it wouldn't give me all the same specialization and class options. What I wouldn't give for a respec option. Just one more skill to max out before Rain can finally class up. I have been waiting years for this and it will still probably be another month before it happens. Next week can't come fast enough. Heh Phrasing. TFTC and see you next week.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


I'm glad there was a mentalist lol, was concerned. I get making rare classes expensive if it's like Val's which would require them to buy out all 8 spaces on a blue, but for cold mage, surprised that the redundancy isn't worth less than the potential power.

Jan Alexander

Nice! 54 awakened all in all. Pity they can't stay in the crack.


Considering they already have a powerful core, the main thing the needed at the moment was covering bases as a community. Once that reaches a reasonable level and singles of each stop being enough, taking efficient classes should become a higher priority.


So.. Mahria got her special Cold mage class now?


The real answer is probably that Rain's build is quite inefficient in the early levels, and if you set things up right you can quickly take a few core skills, and a bunch of power multipliers. One of Rain's problems is that several of his power multipliers are quite inefficient, while he also had to pick a lot of skills just to counter problems in his setup, and because a lot of the skills (especially combat ones) are quite redundant, in that they are just different flavours of the same and do not provide him more power. This in all puts him really far behind in terms of how many skill points he needs to solve a similar task.


I wonder what the growth in the chapter title is supposed to refer to. If it is ability growth, I would say it is a bit of a misnomer, as this just felt like the usual drip feeding, with a chapter mostly composed of slice of life. If it was supposed to be character development, then I at least did not spot anything glaring. The only two parts I could see argued for is the growth of awakened members or showing how easy those monsters were to deal with them for now. The former would not be something that is much more to this chapter than to others close to it, and the later we were already shown better a few chapters back in how Rain handled the guard duty with mass lighting.


Pure Tortugo is the best tank we know so far. I've been playing with builds for a while and after Ameliah's fight with the imperial scouting party I'm inclined to think that the best build would be Threat Attraction (5), Equipment Use (5), Heavy Armor (5), Shieldwielding (5), Physical Passives (5) and Physical Utility (1). Not getting Intrinsic Vigor hurts, but between the jumping shield block most likely in Shieldwielding T2 and Physical Synergy in Physical Passives T1, I don't see any other way than to put only a pity point in Intrinsic Strength. Physical Synergy is too vital for Tortugo, linking Endurance to their health pool, and that bodyguard shield skill is utterly amazing for protecting squishy mages. The build would need an aura mage with Spring to really function, but then it would be the ultimate tank.

Mason Bially

I laughed for a good 30 seconds at dozer playing that game. Well done, thank you for that.


Core awakenings are capped at the rank of the lair. Stint's cap is 5, awakened by the rank 5 Everdeep Fortress core, Essed Frostbarrows was rank 9 and the Sale Ancestral Lair was rank 9 as well, both cores giving caps of 9.


No, that's the class name. Like Contender of Light or True Jack.


Calling it now, Fecht's class is a platinum upgrade of the legendary Jack. With just the silver upgrade he can get any skill he wants, warrior, mage or crafting. Gold or plat might allow him to instantly switch entire builds. Accolades like the one Lerith stole would negate the lack of specs and combined with the class's monstrous stats and being platinum, would make him the best at everything. He's basically immortal, has the ressources of an empire and can do whatever he wants. Would also explain why he's not constantly on the frontline. The dude is busy unlocking every skill tree, mastering every skill creating new builds, crafting legendary equipment and probably doing soul manipulation to slowly raise his cap. Waging war is for minions, he must have been extremely annoyed that he had to crush Fel Sadanis himself.


Solid chapter again author!


I dont remember at all the difference between Entrusted and Trusted and other categorie, someone can refresh it for me? what we know of it atleast? i want author get a little resumed about it and their difference at some point


That mentalist better bloody hurry up! We've been waiting too long for rain to git the big 25 and get his mega buff!


It was implied in this chapter that Rain still has quite a bit of soul repairs to do before he can class up. So the mentalist isn't really the limiting factor here.


I’m kinda hoping having Rain unlock all of the skill trees possible, will eventually give him some advantage. At the very least, Ascension can slowly build up a library of class conditions. That’ll probably ultimately be one of their most important possessions. A large group of people sharing knowledge and applying the scientific method to Class Evolutions is going to pay big dividends. Ascension should also look into trading for system info from other groups, like the Watch. For instance, would the Watch be willing to trade info about their truth telling ability for a complete breakdown of Lightbreakers? Would knowledge of his class help them win the war? Maybe he’ll get an ultra rare Gold Level Class that lets him to view a bunch of the hidden trees or something?


Are there legendary bronze classes? I don’t think we’ve ever heard of one and all the legendary classes we know of are upgraded versions of rare classes…


There are no confirmed legendary bronze classes. Though if there were I'd wager the requirements would have something to do with mastering mana manipulation/refinement prior to the class change. Since all skill trees have hidden skills requiring them, it seems like something the system founders viewed as important. Maybe something like 'cast all cold spells using only cold element mana' for legendary cold mage.


I wonder if the skill-less elemental refinement Rain learned how to do will ever be relevant. Cuz I feel like Dozer can make some crysts if Rain feeds him an elemental mana instead of regular mana. Would be nice to secure an expanded list of esoteric materials for all the upcoming crafters.


Rain never learned how to do elemental refinement. He discussed it with Ameliah and she said she wouldn't be able to explain it. Plus she never advanced it past the first one or two. He does practice moving his mana in specific ways just for the sake of improving control, but that's it so far.


I think it should cost more credits to be awakened by the core destruction. Because it comes with an accolade. I hope Emerton got one of those spots though. He deserves one for bringing them to a lair in the first place.


Only the one awakened gets an accolade from destroying the core. The core gives a higher cap though, at least in this case, so it should be worth more due to that.


Good to see more Carten again.. I love his original friend group. Keep up the good work!!😁

Bobby B.

Did the Title of the chapter get changed??

Conor McGroarty

I just realized that Dozer is making Tel so maybe he can make crysts too if Rain feeds him stuff with elemental refinement. Also wonder if he can level (even if he can it will likely be limited to Rain’s cap)? Would Dozer have a screen too? Well best to not have him level until he is smart enough for full sentences