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Chapter is here! Rejoice!

Backlog is gone again! Panic!



typo--"two copies of the Hobbit—one in common, one still only partially translated into English". Presumably the languages should be switched.


μs/s ? Who writes like that? Please use scientific notation instead



Patrick camp

Yeah, but you say panic to Me while I’m a. Bit drunk and Thant’s what I do.


Thanks for the chapter


Rain using Flex Tape to fix his paling? Lol.


what do you mean exactly? do you want him to write 3.3*10^-6 s/s ? seems like an unnecessary hassle to me when the metric system has those neat prefixes that indicate the magnitude.

Jachin Nelson

Ok i have a theory of something Rain may do one day. After 'mastering' his soul, far in the future of the story. He is killed in a battle. But either just before or just after his 'death' he ejects one of this Avatar's out into the real world and his soul jumps into it


and how would he rebuild himself? i really dont want a reincarnation growing up as a child arc with delves pace.


Rain is going to turn into Red Green in his prime at this rate.

Conor McGroarty

10−6 1 microsecond µs One millionth of one second 1 µs: Time to execute one machine cycle by an Intel 80186 microprocessor 2.2 µs: Lifetime of a muon 4–16 µs: Time to execute one machine cycle by a 1960s minicomputer

Conor McGroarty

If Rain can’t close the Tear and any patch he makes will be of inferior quality, the only options available are making a patch anyway (doesn’t have to be a complete one, a full one likely wouldn’t hold, but it can make the hole smaller so the chaos is stirred up less) and focusing on converting more and more essence to expand the Bastion. I imagine something would happen if the amount of purified essence reaches 100% (though that will take time and getting his silver class is pretty important before Adamant knives show up). Although officially going silver and having a large enough exp pool to go after the tier 4 skills will make the amount of essence in his soul needing to be purified even more, it wouldn’t be a complete uphill battle as the amount of essence core passively purifies is increasing and perceived time helps too. Could also be he will hold off on opening up tier 4 trees beyond his main 5 (offensive auras, defensive auras, utility auras, magical utility and aura meta magic) before fixing his soul. Personally I think one of the things he will need to pick is elemental refinement (kata). After all, it would be his first kata thing and could have some hidden benefits like increasing aura effectiveness for the elemental ones. Of course that wouldn’t be the main reason to pick it as the ability to quickly get a lair back to 100 % (more or less) to summon an essence monster (assuming it isn’t one that takes forever like the cold lair) is imperative to Ascension’s growth. Rain can help Val speedrun his essence monster requirement with empire of will, essence well and winter. But Rain also needs prismatic intent and ethereal aura (and that’s not including what goodies he might be able to get from tier 4 in his 5 trees). Fun to think about but there are only so many things he can pick with the points he will have and priority list must be looked at with flexibility to the situation.


why would he pick a kata, when that is one of the few types of skills that can actually be taught without spending a skillpoint? especially when he has a partner that can ignore the skillpoint scarcity, who could at some point take that skill herself and train it with rain.

JC Silver

Here's me hoping that Ascension learns how to share soul space and Rain can introduce them to Earth music


#Bugreport "bolted att the rear" This thing about memory is so sad :(


Why the heck does rain have such a hard mode with his soul? Is it his scientific perspective or did him cracking his soul suck the tutorial out of it?

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Luke Scheffe

I'm kind of expecting the reason why Ameliah's father didn't actually tell her something she was supposed to know is because people aren't supposed to know anything in the first place when messing with the soul.


I think we got a hint when the "Ghost" said that ameliah is early


I thinks it's more that what he had to say was "I'm sorry" as she is still traumatized from the death of her father/ solo upbringing. And for the soul thingy to work, she needs closure more than anything


at this point, perhaps he could get a dedicated soul class


I still can’t get used to this. He flexed again. I look amazing. Another flex. I FEEL amazing. Smile :) He need to plug in in the membrane/barrier of his soul who seem to be the real "system" mechanisme and try hack it into it or studie it atleast so he discover the real base of and how the system mechanic work (guess they are some funky thing in the membrane and it have automated thing in it so = mechanisme/system = so can learn/hack and modifie it at some point) Think its better to see how the "real" system do thing that the invention he do, atleast it can inspire him and he can work on a compability his system he have invented with the "real" system mechanism who are in the membrane We have no part in the story at all about him pluging prob or wathever he can think to explore it, the material of the membrane is a thing but the mechanisme who are certain to be in are way more important/interesting, who know if he can active a self repair function in it or understand the system cant self repair because he lack some specific material he can give if he succeds to plug in in and get some acces to it


I have a feeling that Dozer will end up being the secret sauce for actually fixing his soul. Blue essence is supposed to come from monsters after all.

Jan Alexander

Rain is damn having fun while Amelia is in misery.


But how did he flex? Front Double Biceps? Side Chest? Most Muscular? This is important.


He wasn't having fun starting out. I remember a lot of collapsing bastions and being thrown out of his soul.


NGL I'm kinda sad there wasn't a small Dozer rock in Ameliah's soul.


I thought this before Dozer reincarnated. I was guessing that Soul-Dozer would basically grow so large that his outer membrane would surround Rain’s, thus blocking the tear. Now I’m thinking that Rain is never going to fix the tear, but will instead find a way to turn it into an advantage. To me, it seems like there’s got to be some advantage to being able to transform all the “chaos” into essence, which means that his essence factory should become a benefit at some point, if he’s able to build it up enough.


We haven’t seen any Soul Related skills yet have we? I forget, have we learned Rain’s Silver Class Options yet? It wouldn’t be too shocking if he gets a Hidden Soul Related Class Option (if such a thing exists) seeing as he’s probably learned to manipulate his soul more than most bronze’s.


At school I thought I did okay at maths... Reading this story makes me think I really didn't...