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Edit: Rewrote a section due to an issue a few people noticed. See the patch notes if you've already read the chapter.





Days passed, each staring with Detection --> Days passed, each starting with Detection


This was good. Didn't feel like much happened, but transitory chapters are to be expected. I look forward to the next one.

Mike G.

Ah, after reading it, now I get the dots. Nice chapter, thanks. I'd like to see the specs on that accolade, did we see it in story?


I love that he's drinking poison to make the numbers go up. Finally, Delve is a proper litRPG.


I need an explanation of the dots


They're meant to represent multiple choice test answers.


Good stuff, thanks


They need some short answer questions with myltitple ways to answer them and change the test after every batch of people. Once they get set up better though.

Conor McGroarty

Heat-resistant rings are certainly a far cry from what the one ring was supposed to be capable of but still should be shiny. I suppose Rain can’t do soul stuff while using velocity just like he can’t use it when sleeping? Well in any case it doesn’t seem unlikely for the knives to attack soon. Let’s hope Tallheart has rested and they have some luck. Would be great if Rain would be able to cripple them with blindness with radiance and darkness but that would require some risk as they f they are that close to take that much damage than it is dangerous. Will Rain get his legendary dynamo class before they fight the knives? Tune in next week


Why was Rain holding off on getting the legendary class again? If it was so that he could max all of his skills, that seems pretty unlikely at this point. With so few sources of chemical damage, it seems pretty unlikely that he's going to max it in the foreseeable future

Alexander Dupree

Fun fun fun. I'm worried about the empire and what happens when they attack a camp full of normals. Even if Rain and Amelia are there the collateral damage is going to be bad.

Michael Seedorf

When he gets his class, he gets a specialization. He needs Max skills to be able to get specialization in that tree. If he doesn't Max his skills before he picks his class, he's wasted a massive amount of potential of his class.


I don’t see why he couldn’t do soul stuff, he’s got nothing else to do. I’m pretty sure he can use preset macros while he is in there. If you’re afraid of the empire attacking and not knowing Ameliah could always take Message to alert him of anything happening. It’s been said that he can hear Message when he is in his soul. Swap out sniper shot for it. You don’t need the crazy damage on the surface.


So Ascension has decided that Accolades gained from fighting people belong to the company now? It seems like the company as a whole is failing the asshole test if it's possible to vote on taking Emerton's accolades from him. Not to mention making the dude pay for a spot at a lair he's leading them to. Is this lowering of moral standards intentional?

Luke Scheffe

It literally said that the accolades belonged to Emerton and that they were buying them if they put them up for sale. Otherwise, Rain would have likely requisitioned the accolade for fair recompense or kicked out the people that decided to vote for it, as that, too, would have been their decision. And they said that it wasn't possible to straight buy access and that people had to bid on the ones put up for auction. They were unwilling to break the rules because that is the sign of a morally corrupt person. Are we even reading the same novel?

Jeppe Fiig

What skills are left to max besides chemical Ward?

tterrag rellim

Why don't they just break a Dungeon, haul the Blue outside and let everybody in Ascension stab it once. Boom, everybody contributed so they all get System access.


Only 8 ppl can awaken from a blue


Marhia is just trouble, we all know it With the shit she have done and how she acted before in multiple situation, with her "high" education and training and uprising, she just proved she is just unreliable and gonna cause trouble for sure and some can be vital/mortal for other She is self-centered to high with her previous style of life, this is her character Look at this the second something is needed for her self-interest when they still in a critikal and maybe mortal situation she cause added trouble and move for her self interest only, instead of waiting for later after the crisis is over or talking and moving the thing calmly but without risking and causing more trouble Honestly i still dont understand why they dont kicked her out of ascension and admitted her in the first place or atleast get her a leg down hard, i cant understand how it can work when she proved she unreliable to other and can cause trouble, (guess a lot of ascension grunt who grow and learn gonna see it fast and she get a reputation in the end, top member with responsability already know) (for god sake she not a kid, she 20+ and she was trained, nobody have responsability on her) if they work for reforming her i can understand taking her in, but we have see nothing on this problem and here i was hoping to see the beginning of this with a good discussion with here with this occasion (she potentially gambled and added trouble in a critikal situation and she get what she wanted in the end "free"? without added thing to it? without problem? or condition? that just reinforce what shit she gonna do later and how she act, i hope atleast she pay the thing a hight price or atleast she cant buy it already because she have not enought point now and it will be in the future or it get snatched by another member who have more point and need it too I really want a part of a chapter on the working on "problem Mariah", its irking me a little they let this "bomb" problem without doing anything about it (i know they overbooked but atleast a real discussion with her when they get occasion seem vital in the long run for me or she never gonna change if she fine doing same shit in ascension for a long time (need to work on this the second she enter in ascension and at every occasion when she cause trouble or she just gonna be used to do the same thing she done before in ascension too and its over for changing her

Jeppe Fiig

Max of 8 can get contribution. Also things taken out of a dungeon disappear over time


Yes but normally the lair have a blue and when they destroy the lair they get awaken too, so they can awaken 2 team if they dont camp it for months and just pass fast by here I dont remember the number max going on a lair (maybe it change depending of the lair) but with protector and etc they can get about a good 15 people awaken here


Eeeeh she is just doing some minor shit stirring so far. She pulls her weight on the battle field and that counts for a whole lot realistically. Now if she started scheming behind everyone's back and plotting stuff that is a different story. So far what she is doing is childish and/or greedy but she is following the rules. Lets face it, among the common Adventurer, childish and/or greedy is probably typical behavior. They might be effective killers but that doesn't make them socially well adjusted or inclined to think of other's well being.

Tycho Green

The final, durability-enchanted aluminum longwords weren’t bound. longswords


Appreciated the patch notes


Wondering whether Tarny has to bid again for the blue, considering that he bid previously and won and had the awakening deferred. Probably has the credits for it regardless but still curious.


Edit works well. I liked it before, but he really is bringing them something that'll awaken 15 members (14 besides him) so it makes sense he's getting compensated with it being made more obvious. I liked this chapter. There's comedy, emotional vulnerability tied with resolution and determination (SIMMER DOWN, KETTEL), some character growth and plot. Hits all those good buttons. Mahria is being set up as a definite possible problem. Buuuut.. she'll have everything she wanted now. She can finally get her class. Perfect time for Rain to sit her down and talk to her. If she was with them just for the accolade, she can bail out now and go be happy. Or, if she actually wants to be a part of what Ascension is becoming? She needs to get on board. There's an easy opening for some good conversation and character development between the two if we see him hand her the accolade personally before/during/after giving it to her. Whether Rain only opens up a little or a lot, whether Mahria ends up bailing or sticking around, would make for a good scene. Also. Did anyone else notice that Rain's total stat equipment tolerance is still ticking upwards? He's level 25 so his stat tolerance should be 250. But his is up to 254. Not a huge difference, but it's there and growing. Soul stuff finally paying off.


I'm assuming he's definitely next in line. If so, I'm wondering if he'll go for Logistics beacon, dynamo, or if they changed their mind since then and want something else. I posted some needlessly complicated math comparing the logistics beacon at silver to legendary dynamo at silver on the latest RR chapter. Summary being: Uncommon High Logistics Beacon has 77% (1.77x) increase to power of utility aura spells over Legendary Dynamo Legendary Dynamo has 438% (5.38x) more mana regen and larger mana pool over Uncommon High Logistics Beacon Rare Logistics beacon (if main skill tree level cap is 20) has 142% (2.42x) increase to power of utility aura spells over Legendary Dynamo Legendary Dynamo has 230% (3.3x) more mana regen and larger mana pool over Rare Logistics Beacon Considering the differences and the legendary dynamo being guaranteed versus an unknown logistics beacon progression, I just can't see it being worth it. Plus the inherent benefit of more effective clarity on lessening soulstrain. Tarny could take nothing but utility auras as a dynamo and still be extremely effective. Typically the top end of utility auras are too strong for allies and can be easily blocked by enemies so not like he's missing out on much effect. If he just needs efficiency, Dynamo has more mana and mana regen than the logistics is powerful, so can just pump more mana into the spell and still be better off. The only tantalizing part is that higher utility aura level cap might reveal more hidden skills. But we know there are accolades for that now so... screw that lol


Small typo: (...) wasn't about to let someone like Kettle wake her (...) Should be Kettel instead.


So Rain can level Chem Ward if he gets enough poison (though it looks like they should make the formulation a bit stronger). Suppression seems easy if he gets a willing mage guinea pig. How can he get Mental Ward up to 10? The possibilities I see are someone has some skill that does mental damage, or one of the newly awakened gets such a skill, or Tallheart makes him 9 rings, each for +1.12.


Who will the lair-clearing team be? Mahria, Rain, and Tarny have Cold aspect skills. Carten works well for any lair. Presumably Rain has enough heat resistance from his armor, so someone else can be ultra-protected by the heat resistance accolade. Ameliah would make clearing the lair easy, but she's probably staying outside to provide protection in case of an Empire attack.


Seems slow, if days passed, even with limited time Rain should have maxxed out his skills and hence choose new class pre lair

Jachin Nelson

Not if he's forced to be constantly refilling Ameliah's mana. He can still only use one at a time

seth dauer

I believe rain went in to clear and tie down the blue. 8 dulls will be able to get a swing in with it safe


Is there a character sheet with a summary of all character's classes/skills/level? Lots of characters that I'm forgetting/what they do, aside from the big side characters.


Would be nice if there was a brief scene with Mariah and Val talking about how to correctly sus out the required skills for the 'True' class evolution.


Yeah, I wish. SS teased us with an eventual talk with Val and Mariah for a while, back when Rain was doing his soul speculation in blue boxes during their delve. So far we got nothing.


I love how you’ve finally done some time skips! I would really love to see a time skip if/when Ascension builds a base!

Jeppe Fiig

If All fails he can beg Amelia to pick Up a mental attack skill