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Have I mentioned how awesome you all are? Because you are. This story would have never made it this far without your support, so a huge thank you to each and every one of you.



Uno reverse card


I'm suspicious of your heartfelt thoughts...you're up to something

Newguy Roy

there [were] also those who’d started


So Rain jumped for a bit and TH thought about Lilly some more. Nice progress.



Alexander Dupree

He was unaware of the discomfort, just as he was [un]aware of the small form stealthily creeping toward him along the battlements.


Your welcome and thank you for what you've given us. Sadly due to financial issues this will be my last month. I intend to keep following on royal road and discord. Keep up the great work!

Conor McGroarty

Soul access granted to second ascension member. Granted it will certainly look different compared to Rain’s for various reasons, chief among them that he has to fix the tear and purify the filthy chaos into orderly essence. Then comes making his world and in Tallheart’s case the center/core seems to be his uncle’s forge (Tallheart’s first forge too most likely). I personally have a theory that Cervidian’s and any non-human race (like myth and reason should be different and physical differences should be around their covered mouths and other parts of body) were actually once regular animals until the system changed them. After all, the system has increased the intelligence of the animals to practically human levels (Dust learning how to make fire and Cloud learning tricks and such and Nibs being a cheeky and smart cat) with things like winter and they should have souls too. So whose to say that the animals cannot be awakened and in the process they will develop more humanoid features? Cervidian ancestors may have once been deer and the reason their horns grow when their levels increase is because their ancestors themselves grew and became humanoid when the awakened and became stronger. Perhaps their origin being as such may be the reason they are banned from the guild (still racist but racist with a basis in differing origin). I wonder if humans of this world had a similar thing going (I find this less likely as the system doesn’t offer any noticeable changes from level and just when sync goes up you become your ideal physical form). Evidence and such is sparse but there is enough info to infer that this could be a truth and I personally want it to be as it adds another dimension to the system, souls and such. It also means that if all cervidians die they won’t be extinct as a species unless their ancestor species is too (probably deer in this case). Of course the culture will be dead if there are none left (already damaged with the death and huntings of so many) but if there is a decent amount to guide the new young it isn’t impossible to restore things.

Conor McGroarty

What kind of smell is the ‘tang of flux mixing with the smoke of the fire.’ Specifically the ‘tang of flux’ as I thought flux was more of a movement or something than an object you can smell.


In this case flux is a powder used in smithing to make sure metal surfaces join together properly. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forge_welding#Flux if you are curious.


Ah, you're such a tease... making the second chapter in a row about things other than progression towards his class advancement... When you wrote that his bottleneck was the soul, I was ready for him to go into the soul and do stuff, but then the rest of it was about tallheart... I think if you had a line about how he probably wouldn't get time to finish his soul work until after the Vestvall business was sorted and they were on the road or just had time to relax, that would make all the Vestvall happenings feel a lot more important by emphasizing that they're on the critical path. Or something like that, maybe.


My theory is most people's "soul space" gets built over their lifetime, but because he came from outside the system his space was blank.


I also realize that in an earlier chapter I wrote a comment about wanting more character-driven plot threads. Grass always greener on the other side? Maybe what it is is that all the secondary plot threads should derive their raison d'etre from the main one so the reader has a reason to care. I don't know, just thinking out loud here. I'm planning on starting a fiction soon.


No, you're breathtaking! Skyfalling. No fucking thank you. I'm with Jamus on this one. Hulk jumping to travel might be fun, but that's just way too damn high. Logic be damned.


Liked this chap nice pacing


As someone with a slight fear of heights, I wouldn't be too eager to jump that high. But eventually you could get so strong that even terminal velocity can't kill you anymore, at which point you could get over such fears through exposure. Not sure if turning into an adrenaline junkie would be a good thing though.


No curvature of the horizon? Is this world a plane?


Regular spherical planet, and people are generally aware of that. (see chapter 35). Rain just wasn't high enough. You can only start to see it from like 10,000m or so, so like commercial jet altitude. https://www.howitworksdaily.com/how-high-do-you-have-to-go-to-see-the-curvature-of-the-earth/


Wait, Myth and Reason are not human? I thought their big secret was that they were gay. (Not sure, that was ever explicitly spelled out, 🤔)


"Cervidians aren’t trees to be climbed!" 😀


Kinda surprised he didn't get a super heavy hammer and go for the Throw-release-catch thing Thor does with Mjolnir to fly. Not quite sure how the physics on that shakes out, but it seems possible.


I don't understand why we would be shown a failed Skyfall attempt on screen? Couldn't you replace that section with the first successful scouting run and the story would just be tighter?


Unless the hammer is magic and can return to him by itself that doesn't work at all. If it could magically return Rain could throw himself up with as much force as he could throw the hammer down, which arm vs leg and with velocity vs without (Velocity doesn't work on projectiles) would be much less effective then a nova velocity jump.


Uh, stupid question: can't he just do this jump with Amelia so when he's at altitude she just uses airwalk to hold them both there?


Additionally, I have to admit I'm a bit disappointed with the fact that we didn't see in detail the Supernova Purify, especially from the point of view of one of the villagers. The hype was built excessively in the previous chapter and not satisfied sufficiently in this one.


I disagree, this makes sense to me. Show the unfinished product and discuss ideas, then do it later where it's driving the plot forward, without it stealing the show or coming out of nowhere.


We got the Purify supernova details. Blinding flash of light(previously it was bright enough see, but not read stuff with), all the monsters/poop evaporated then everyone bowed down to their new god. Also speaking of aura nova vs supernova, I wonder if Chromatic intent will allow two of the same auras active at the same time, cuz that would be the real Purify supernova.


I really liked this chapter. It sets up some nice promises to the reader, gives a bit of perspective on where the story's going from a (literally) higher perspective, and progresses the soul-delving storyline with a very touching bit about Tallheart and Lilly rather than bogging down in the mechanics of Rain stitching his rip together.

Jac Onue

I was rereading Tallheart's part of the chapter and I found something interesting. First, Lily tells him: "I said stop, you dummy. Couldn’t you tell that you’d already gotten in?” In this case, gotten into his soul. Then, before disappearing, Lily says: "I’ll see you again soon." So, my theory is that Lily is inside Tallheart's soul, and now that he can access his soul, he can see her just like Rain/dozer.


I'm super excited to see if soulspace is personalized in that everyone has their own, or if it's just a generalized, deeper level of reality that everyone's soul resides in simultaneously. We saw from the obelisk that Rain could interact with other people's soul avatars when their domain overlaps with his, so I'm guessing Rain and Tallheart will be able to visit each other's soul. Lily definitely owes Rain a big thanks since TH would have been content to just sit around for the next few hundred years, surrounded by guilt/regrets.


I don't really comment often but, like others, I have to say I also really enjoyed this chapter.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.