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Thank you

Mike G.

Very interesting, thanks! That was an excellent fight.


Well, this is bad.


Damn, what a chapter.


Possible #bug_report: It had been obliterated, as had the others like it, raised in the Citizens’ battle with the Empire. Should that be 'razed'?

Newguy Roy

Well... shit


Well they are completely fucked


Tension at last!


At first I was like wait, wouldn't they have heard or seen hints of the destruction if it was so intense? But she even mentions this is what caused the earthquake two chapters ago. Derp. Also oh shit. Time to hoof it. Should be totally easy with a few thousand refugees tagging along.

Tim Johnson

They are so fucked.....


i know im in the minority but this sort of plot driven timing for more bad shit to happen is exhausting.


Good thing they have a super Aura specialist, I guess. Spring + Velocity + Fall + Purify (for potty breaks) means they could all march at relatively high speeds indefinitely, or at least until the soul strain becomes too much. Assuming they stay clumped close together, at least.


Nope, raised as in lifted with earth magic and explosions.

Empty Shelf

Honestly, kinda knew something like this was going to happen as soon as Ameliah went off on her own. Because for a long time now the scale and importance of events has been inversely proportional to their proximity to the main character.

Joe ?

Can't wait for rain to try to somehow peacefully resolve things with this guy lol.

Conor McGroarty

Well there is a war going on (out there somewhere). It just has mostly been in the background. Now it has come knocking and they have to go. They need time to grow and running is the way. Warden Vatrice (I forget her exact spelling but basically scary mental granny commander of the Watch) is going to be pissed when she finds out about this assuming she doesn’t already. After all, Fecht did the equivalent of breaking a coldwar by using strategic weapons (platinum). Has he gotten stronger or does he just not care (like is his lifespan going out and so is launching this war, after much preparation, and plans to bring the Warden with him?)? Also, has anyone noticed that there are only 3 platinum grade people in the world (Warden Vatrice, Pontificate Fecht and that king guy on another continent) when a party is 8? Did they solo a platinum essence monster with a special class like Val’s (requires soloing essence monsters but is very strong and specialized) or did all their team die? Or perhaps only one can get the essence (this theory is most unlikely as it contradicts too much)?

Arnon Parenti

Wow plot, good one author senpai, thank you.

Arnon Parenti

What would Rain do? He is a weapon of infinite distruction, a nuke is a pacifier, in the same sense that a gunship is a yacht, you can enjoy the peace Rain brings only as long as you obey his strange notions of good and evil.

Kendelle Trotter

I am unhappy with this development because all the things I'd hate happening most are a possibility. Rain messes up his build to speed their evacuation. Rain damages his paling in a rush to level. Ameliah dies. The Empire has regular hit squads out gunning for Tallheart. I just don't see a solution here other than running. Especially since the cast has no way to determine if that army after them has golds.


seems like some servidal will get his vengeance soon :D


Yeah. Really hate the timing on this. Super exhausting to bounce from one catastrophe to another.


Oh... Oh no. Well, time to high tail it out of there. Rain could potentially do a lot of damage to an army, but likewise, it is hard for him to get close enough to do so whilst staying safe.


Well... well. Well.

seth dauer

Everyone is saying run away, and I don't disagree. They are not ready.However, run away where? I think they need to move into the crack. Set up an encampment deep inside. It limits their paths, but there really is no running from the army. They have an excellent opportunity to get blues for their army, the narrowness of the tunnels limits the dangers of an army with narrow corridors and monster infested tunnels. On the other hand, a gold or two would ruin their day. So maybe that is a horrible idea.


Why was that squad looking for Amelia?


I don't think they were after her, I think it was just a random patrol. They're going to be hunting for Tallheart now, though. Looks like Rain will want to take Fall, to keep everyone fed. I hope they get everyone back together again before long, though.


Yes!! The plot is moving foward! I see two ways this can go: 1-Run Away. Ascencion goes full panic mode, and the evacuation is speed up. Id give 40%chance of rain taking his silver class without fixing his soul so he can get spring early. 2-Rain powerlevels. Rain's build is the best at taking large scale armies like the adamants, and him powerleveling himself despite his broken soul. A lot of trauma for rain killing all those people along with some character development. -overall a great chapter, the plot is moving forward and were getting delicious new fights,all i hope for is for rain to fix his soul before getting to silver so the god awful soul arc can finally stop haunting us, though there is a big possibility of rain classing up without fixing his soul fucking it up again(cant spell soultrain without rain after all!).


I can't see Ascensions untrained and un-awakened being able to out-march and escape from this. That leaves either outside interference in the form of a citizen and maybe the gold guild leader, or it leaves them evacuating into the crack. With how many materials they got down there, they could likely wall off the floor with some insane wall/gates (if I'm remembering correctly, the walls are extremely durable themselves), but most of the weaker people wouldn't be able to deal with being that low, no? I feel like that leaves Ascension either being annihilated with Rain + a few escaping, or them surrendering, or outside intervention from Citizen/Top-end Watch members/Guild. Might be totally wrong too, I'm curious.


The depths would be a terrible idea. You wouldn't be able to hide where you went so they'd know where you are. Then you've left yourself with no means of escape once you're in there. Then you've also saddled yourself with the population of an entire town of dulls while monsters spawn all around you. Monsters you'd have to let spawn in order to keep everyone fed. There are DKE and Watch towns/cities all over the place. We just don't know how far they are from the next one. Or even if the army would pursue them very far.


Dominus Alarus faces the demons of his past. Where once he was but powerless, he is Called now. Is he worthy of it? Laying awake at night, remembering the slaughter of his comrades, hearing the screams of his dying friends in the no-name nowhere nothing garrison (seriously?)... he often asked himself that question. Now he faces the age-old question "Man vs nature". No not that one. Man vs Superterrorist deer! But things aren't what they seem. Honestly, I'm pretty hyped about that.


"They’re turtling up. I must have got the Mentalist in time, then. They must think I’m a Citizen or something. That won’t last." Uhm... the fact that they are turtling up, implies that she didn't get the Mentalist in time, doesn't it? If she had, they'd have no idea, their patrol was KIA. Is that a typo? Maybe she prevented the Mentalist from sending out the message of "unknown high-level threat, female, not a known Citizen", but even if that additional info would have went thru, they'd still turtle up.


It's also possible that Rain takes spring and can have the lads jogging 10 hours per day if need be


I don't understand your line of thought. Getting the mentalist in time here means the enemy got info from the mentalist, but it was cut short. All they know from that is that someone(s) neutralized their team before they could say much, at most she could've relayed part of what the ranger concluded, nothing about high-level nonsense. The empire must have battled the watch and probably some citizens, since it's close to their territory. So until further notice it's best to assume a worst case scenario.


That is good! Interested to see how its going to develop. Rain will need the velocity aura to boost them enough so they could manoeuvre and actually escape! Its gonna be wild!


Velocity to the rescue! With constant winter and velocity they could escape!

J Berg

@Author: I will give you one chance, but depending on how you handle this interaction I will drop my support for this novel. I am just about done with the tragedy-jerk between Rain and Ameliah. It's fucking exhausting.


<i>He had faced it himself, emerging victorious even though he’d yet to be Called</i> Dont get that one, not a native english speaker. Truly loved the chapter. Totally unexpected.


Why would Fecht even bother? He's destroyed the city, and probably destroyed the reason the army was there in the first place- namely, the teleport pads. So... that army is now stranded and needs to turn back around because it's vastly overextended. If they don't run, the citizens can rapidly reinforce through the teleport pads in the other nearby city and wipe the army out when it can't retreat, then turn back around and be back on the front line in a matter of hours.


The Citizens are dealing with Lightbreaker and his legion waging a guerilla war on them. And when Fecht comes knocking and casually wipes out a Majistraal barrier they're gonna stay as far away as they can while violently clenching their buttholes.


Well ladies and gentlemen, shit just got real. Let's drop the slice of life and up the stakes to straight-up war and fighting for survival. Rain better figure out his soul quickly, because they're gonna have a lot of adamants marching their way. They could try evacuating to Three Cliffs (?) with aura support, but keep in mind that the Adamants have beacons as well and are much better at marching. My preferred course of action would be to go into the crack and light up the jungle. Hear me out, there's a good reason. On the surface there is a 10k damage limit. High enough to wipe out all but three people in Ascension, but too low to destroy an imperial expeditionary force possibly containing silvers and golds. Rain won't be able to fully flex his silver aura mage powers on the surface. But in the Ashen Jungle? 100k damage limit and with IFF set to 'Adamant Soldiers' he could death zone them while hiding behind some sturdy fucking trees. Ameliah could also rain some potent destruction down on them. We've calculated her max damage to be in the millions and spread out over hundreds of projectiles every second? Army marches into the crack, doesn't come out. They'll eventually give up. Lightbreaker and Fecht, as well as most of their forces, will be tied up with the DKE and Vatreece. Because she's going to be furious. In her chapter while puppeteering Lavarro she mentioned that if Fecht gets Fel Sadanis, she'd have to take extreme measures. I could definitely see her using Lavarro for hit-and-run strikes on imperial forces. Also, Fecht might be a force mage?


Considering their a bunch of fascist genocidal fucks, I don’t things they’d deserve much through fir there death beyond the pity of them being on the wrong side and wasting the talent and potential. I would hope that, once Rain fixes his paling enough and builds his soul enough so he can rapidly sync stat with essence generations and get his stats into thousands.


Wouldn't the other dudes who got exploded by fire mean it's a different archer using the same drilling shot enchantment combo all archers should be using? Surely none of the dozen reports show people exploded by fire. It has to be the same person using the bow skills since there's only one set of tracks. Also the tracks Ameliah would leave walking up to that point would be clearly different than Lily's. Da fuck am I reading here.


The arrowheads, enchantment type and enchantment strength all matched Lilly's past attacks on imperial forces. The Dominus is also relying heavily on his intuition. His conclusion is wrong, but still very close.

K Hilliard

Clearly Rain had it too easy lately. Time to up the difficulty again.


Going into the crack seems like a generally bad, last resort move. All the Empire has to do is leave some awakened to wait for you and you're trapped indefinitely, or a bunch of other scenarios that all don't end well. They might have no other choice depending on circumstances, but it would be a hail mary option. I didn't even think about how Fecht would have caused the damage this chapter. Honestly, I assume most platinums would have the ability to cause untold damage whether force mage or warrior. I can't even begin to limit his class down besides super basic stuff like it being doubtful he's a healer. I wouldn't even be surprised if he's an archer that fired an OP arrow that caused the damage at this point. Hell, we know Lightbreaker can break the damage limit, he might have been involved.


Damn… if evacuation is NOT POSSIBLE they could use TH as bait, now, rain would never abandon him, but they could go as a party of three, bait the empire to follow them with guerrilla warfare, attack than retreat witb rain’s aura, divert them from going to the crack and getting to the innocents behind, while the people retreat maybe inside the crack, maybe some watch people arrive to help them evacuate? But later what if rain’s party is followed by a gold? They retreat inside the layer! That could make it so only three more are allowed inside, make the situation more equal? The army camps outside while rain’ party just live inside, the empire stop sending people when they stop returning, and with fall and spring? They could survive indefinitely! It would be a challenge inside such a hard lair! But the arcane randomness could give them an advantage


Now that Fecht has deployed the equivalent of a nuke against the watch, how do you think Vatreece is going to react? She mentioned earlier in the story that she'd have to take extreme measures with huge collateral damage, if Fecht ever got Fel Sadanis and thereby control over Ekrustia. What did she mean by this? Is she going to mind control a bunch of goldplates and turn them into a strikeforce to wipe imperial armies and cities off the map? I could definitely see her using Lavarro as a weapon, maybe in a black-ops team with multiple guardians. Scry or scout the location of an imperial legion, send in Lavarro to overwhelm them, then retreat. The other operatives could be stealth specialists, so the watch doesn't get tied to Lavarro. Vatreece is an old woman and a mentalist. Being a chessmaster and using powerful awakened as pawns would seem more her style. She already fought Fecht once directly without much success.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Rain should explain the Brolly solution to them. In a few Dragon Ball Z movies, Brolly becomes so powerful that nobody can actually fight him. The protagonists beat him by launching him into space. For all his power, his physical form still has the mass of a human. With Laverro working together with another awakened who can fly, I see this as a legitimate strategy. Brolly typically get blasted through the sun, but they don't need to go that far with Fecht, just get him out there long enough to pass out from oxygen deprivation, then fling him at the andromeda galaxy. It also very nicely sidesteps the cataclysmic collateral damage we would see if they were to actually fight him.

luke eustace

They could all go into the crack and Amelia Geomancy's everything over so they cant even see that crack? how would they even find them they would only be looking for lilly and TH.


They can just ask TH what to do. He has been evading the empire for decades. Also on that note, the Obfuscation rune complex was specifically designed to defeat appraisal and divination effects as per chapter 159, so I guess Ameliah forgot to toggle it on.

luke eustace

I don't think they'll send low level people to fight them but they'll want to scout things out for sure and I think they only thought it was a citizen at first after looking at the fight they'll know it wasn't someone gold rank.


A single dude with a stealth/tracking build would have done better than a bunch of guys in ridiculously loud plate mail stomping through the forest. A shifter taking the form of some kind of monster bird of prey would be great. A summoner with darkness themed monsters also sounds like a great choice. This is our first real time seeing the Empire, so there's not too much info to go on. I would hope, however, that the idiot with the comically huge sword and the mage who spent his skill points on a super long cast time 'make my minions growwwww' spell were not the best scouting experts the terrifying empire has to offer.