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And now, back to our regularly scheduled program. Enjoy!


Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Goddam stop teasing us


I understand that it is mostly up to personal preference, but adding an s after names that end in s to form the possessive is not necessary. Jamus's and Jamus' are both correct, but the additional s irritates me. It has always seemed to flow better to me without the extra letter.




Thanks for the chapter. I have no idea how you can make 23 pages seem so short..


I was so ready to read how crazy his purify can get now, bahhhhhhhh! =(

Cal Yager

Aha, I got so excited when I saw the notification on my phone just now. This series is so good. 💙

Jeppe Fiig

Seems like an evacuation might be resisted. And what an ending, i can just imagine what happens after Rain uses Purify and the results are jawdropping :D

Kendelle Trotter

The timing of the tunnel collapse feels a little artificial. Also conveniently forces them to leave the Crack and takes away the hurdle of convincing the townsfolk to leave.


The earthquake timing is contrived. I'd be glad if the tunnels actually collapsed and they had to leave - Rain hasn't been able or motivated to journey as a bronzeplate aura mage. Silver Rain will hopefully be less sedentary.


That ending is the perfect cliffhanger


Rains idea of replaceable parts is unsuitable for this world. It is useful in a industrialized trading society. But when skills come into play it's kinda useless. Tallheart or any leveled crafter won't be able to use them, because they use exotic techniques like layered metals and such. The only people that could profit would be unskilled tinkers, which there are a few in ascension. In addition it's only useful if there are other people who can use or create the standard parts. As the standards would only see use in Ascension there is no real benefit, as they have only one big shop, which would share tools like thread cutters already. And lastly the real money lies in the custom high level gear which needs a part bespoke. Therefore there is no real incentive to create a standardized industry.

Forrest Minter

I really don't agree. There's no reason you can't combine the idea of replaceable parts with skills and such. While it's true that there will always be some variation in the unique stats of things constructed by awakened craftsmen based on their build, replaceable parts as a concept doesn't require perfect uniformity of construction. It only requires that items all meet the same minimum parameters. As an example: a theoretical axle for for the mobile forge tank thing might have a 1 foot diameter, a 10 foot length, and require that it be able to carry up to 20 tons. (I'm just throwing out random numbers here) as long as it's the right size, and carries the right minimum weight in this example, it doesn't matter whether 1 copy of the axle has a multi-material composite structure boosted by smithing skills that allows it to carry 50 tons instead of 20. As long as it fits into the slot, and does the job, then it works within the paradigm of replaceable parts. It's also important to understand the context in which replaceable parts is relevant. Replaceable parts as a concept doesn't apply to things like swords or armor, because they inherently consist of mostly a single part, or in the case of armor, of gear that legitimately has to be custom-fitted in order to be fully effective. The value of replaceable parts as a concept is primarily for streamlining industrial and mechanical processes. While it might be difficult to make skills work in conjunction with that kind of industry, there are plenty of ways the concept can be applied to more mundane and/or mechanical uses to mass-produce goods that are sufficient to meet mundane needs. Not to mention how it could help make repairs and designs much easier for their mobile forge tank.


The noble tryed and acted/moved to kill them by attacking and Rain and co do nothing? allo Rain did you not get the lesson already? if they attack you trying to kill you like that, well dont do nothing and not react and be a push-over, they gonna do shit to your people or other shit in the future and well you can be damm sure they do it to other too, so self defense and eliminate them, allo they tryed to kill you and attacked and schemed again you


And it irritates me the other way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm a fan of things being consistent, so I reserve s' for plural possessive only. Changing the rule just because a noun ends in s is just damn confusing. I do my best not to encourage the English language in its bad behavior.


they entered their camp despite clear message to turn back from that noble brat + earthquake could be mistaken for an attack, given its unfortunate timing and Ameliah previous build not clear enough situation to start killing people imo


These guys are too dumb to stay alive long in this world.


So the three awakened families are Urs, Hakim and Harken? But it seems that Harken was a firemage with his sons, who are also firemages. But later we see a flash of fire where a Harken and his sons rediscover that their firemagic works as well. Do we have two families of firemages? Or is Harken a typo for Hakim? If so, what's the third awakened family?


So how come the bear shifters are named "Urs". Like wouldn't Rain notice immediately, that that's literally Latin for "bear"? Maybe he never knew this, so couldn't remember it via clarity, I suppose. I'd say that's common trivia, but perhaps something you might not necessarily have picked up, if you're monolingual? But like... didn't Rain even explain Earth astrogical formations to Ameliah once, which would include ursa minor and ursa major? Rain should have like... noticed that Latin is a thing in Delve-world...


Rain noticed the latin thing a long time ago. Some of the really, really old institutions like the Guild/Watch use latin in their names.


I don't really blame the nobles here for their ignorance in how completely outclassed they are. We as the reader have been given a ton of data and information, and most of us were way off base on how crazy powerful you get as you level. It's pretty reasonable for some weak nobles in the middle of nowhere to make the same mistake. That being said.. they were so outclassed as to be sad. Tallheart's armor alone makes them both practically invincible against low bronze awakened. Once you add on stats and skills? It's like they're naked toddlers attacking a grizzly bear. It's no wonder dictatorships and nepotism are the norm when a person is an army unto themselves, capable of killing whole towns unopposed.


I dunno...surely the nobles knew how powerful a silver plate can be. They have been living, breathing participants in this world for 30+ years, not some generic NPCs starring at a wall all day. I think it was their pride that caused them to ignore all the warnings and attack after Rain/Ameliah forced their way into the city. Though, even if they didn't respect the power differential, they should have at least recognized Rain authority as a Custodian to adjudicate these types of lawless/human rights situations. Buncha angry old dudes gunna get all those innocent townsfolk killed.


I’m enjoying your rendition of romance.


Would be pretty funny if Purify started dissolving those trash nobles and had to be manually corrected to exclude them.


Also, to those who think nobles should know better, it was described that nobles are retired adventurers who pass on their path to power to their children. The main thing that separates nobility from normal people is access to knowledge followed by access to blue monsters. These original adventurers stumbled into one path to power. Especially backwater nobles. It’s unjustified to think that they say and planned what options to unlock or how to shape up the foundation of future level 50. Rain has spent so much experience unlocking all the various information and requirements of different skill trees that he already has more knowledge on skill interaction than standard nobility but does have enough people in his organization to know as much as the republic, the watch, or the empire. Knowledge is literal power here in this world. Teamwork and rare monsters are secondary to acting on that power.


Rethinking the encounter, I notice what a complete ass Rain has been from the start. Refusing to call himself "Lord", which in Delve-world has a way different connotation. But no... he can't accept a social role he's already been given many times, because he's a solipsistic child, refusing to identify himself as "honorable person in charge", for egalitarian ideals, Egan couldn't possibly have heard of or have context for. Refusing an offered hand. Bringing up painful family history. If you interpret a smile of someone you meet for the first time as "greasy" and make a bunch of assumptions and assume it's an intentional slight, you lack the maturity required for diplomacy. But I guess, he thought diplomacy was beneath him. What a prick. Someone needs to beat some sense into him, before he gets everyone killed. And Ameliah can't do it, since she's even worse! She straight up ignored the guy, when he addressed her in a friendly way and spoke about him in third person!


Not, that I don't think this is not entertaining. Like no offense meant to the author here, flawed characters are good with me. The fact, that I didn't even notice it reading the first time, speaks either to the strength of the prose, that seduces you to go along with Rain's power trip. That or my inattentiveness :)

Conor McGroarty

If the crack collapsed, they will probably have to get a move on (author probably doesn’t want a time skip of blue farming this early). Even if they could excavate it (Ameliah would need to change her build as Corrin the novice earthshaper won’t be enough) the reason of why this happened is kind of important. Was it just a regular earthquake or could the rank shift not quite be done yet? Or was it some other reason like a very high leveled monster stirring in the depths. Of course even if a cranky monster is being heavy-footed, there shouldn’t be any worry about them directly facing it due to monster souls needing to stay in zones of their rank or lose essence, weaken and die.

matticide FOWD

Can't wait for next chappy. Nobles will be all like "WHERE'S MY SHIT THO!?" And nearby peasants will be all "So THIS is cleanliness! The legends are true!"


Maybe the Sparkscales collapsed the tunnels to prevent any further incursions.


Yea Rain definitely needs to work on his image as a isekai protagonist. When all this is said and done, the legend of the Night Cleaner stalking the streets at night in full plate mail cleaning up the trash is all people will remember about him.


Is it me or would a purification aura class be absolutely hilarious for our mad math lad. Just a legendary class could “legendary butler” it give the person a large scale purification aura passive.


rain's level of tolerance is high ... also "sword hanging *** her waist"


Styling on enemies using butler/maid cleaning magic beefed up to insane levels describes the isekai protagonist in "Cinnamon Bun"


Rain also seems to have updated his 'entities' tag to include non-living things since he was able to shield the houses with Force Ward. Previously, the 'entities' and 'environment' tags separated living/non-living things. Now he can make a macro that alternates between Winter/Force Ward and Shear/Force Ward to kill monsters and protect the Ascension camp in his sleep. Not to mention the travel options now available to him with Velocity being available for use on vehicles.


Rain didn't shield the houses. He was just worried that they'd collapse with all the people inside getting squished. At no point does it say that he was using Force Ward on them, only on the people around him.