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2021-08-01: Break

2021-08-08: Chapter 165



Nice chapter. I hope you have a good break!


Interesting class options, though I wonder how the maxed out skills legendary class will compare to legendary dynamo.


So much tease of the new class. We all know what he'll pick with that spread but seeing it in action will be interesting. Guessing the paling was patched by the blue, then he did some surgery himself. Wondering if he's going to end up playing Factorio in there purifying it. Probably going to need to tame a lot of crystal slimes or something...


>as if it was filled with grave. *gravel


I'm wondering what the, "Personalization" effect is for L. Dynamo. That honestly seems like the biggest difference between the legendary and rare versions and it'll likely be a doozy if it comes at the cost of never investing any other stat points outside clarity


Glad for the refresher on classes, doubly glad that the number of options wasn't bloated. The effective clarity bonus for the legendary option is twice what I expected. Rain's mana regen is gonna be like the same as his mana pool at some point. Speaking of mana pool size, do we know if Magical Synergy works off of base stats or effective stats? If it's the latter, wards will be looking much more attractive as Rain's mana pool will multiply with the class clarity bonus. Nice chapter, though the tel scene was a bit exaggerated.

Adrian Gorgey

make a printing press, no more chicken scratch. Also that high level lair... that's a biggie


Good catch, I totally missed that bullet point. It's the first of them, which signifies it as the most important. Perhaps a personalized class name and special ability like Ameliah's with skill-changing? My money would be on either aura shaping or a general aura skill boost like cost-reduction, efficiency, effectiveness. Something more personalized might be "unrestricted during aura focus". Hopefully it's not a rabbit hole of exposition and experiments like "auras can be used inside the soul".


Ameliah and Rain will be necessary to actually beat the Lair, so if there's a blue inside, it's pretty likely that they'll get a few extra levels added to their cap. Rain's cap is 30 right now and I think Ameliah is 31? I honestly can't remember too well. Pretty sure Tallheart is 37 or 38 so this Lair won't hold any leveling value for him.


Thanks for the chapter, I'm sure it's like a weird mix of PTSD and astronauts returning to earth from space.


#BugReport Rain shrugged, leaning back to stretch. “I didn’t know either until I started asking questions.” He tapped his temple. I’ve got Common Knowledge: Lairs all ready to go in here. I just need to write it out. On that note, Vanna, do you have a piece of paper? I am sure that quotation mark is missing. “Huh? Doing what?” Vanna asked without looking up? Extra question mark.


Im thinking it will be like Factorio. He would have essence collectors that then pike it into condensers or compressors to the other be current into essence and stored, or the liquid poured into his core. The normal essence would then be turned into more of the entire line, repeat until his soul is completely devoid of chaos. Then recycle all of that into building a bigger hub or other projects. The. depending on if more essence just forms when having mana regen auras on, he eventually full out the entire inside with such machinery that funnels liquid essence into his cores, making it easier for him to sync his stats, and potentially other benefits, and then ramp up his stats using the ring until he has the stats of someone who should be well into the hundreds of levels. So its all very exciting.


Effective stats! Including Intrinsic Clarity. At level 30 his effective clarity without skills will be 5,440. With Intrinsic Clarity at rank 15, he multiplies that number by 400% so 5,440 becomes 27,200 points of clarity and each level adds an effective 850 stat points. Unless my math is wrong, but damn that's a big number if I'm right... Magical Synergy increases his mana pool by 37.5% of his effective clarity at rank 15 so that means it gives him an extra 10,200 mana to play with, again assuming my math is right.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Discord link: ↓ (please)


Thank you!

Vincent Sloan

If you look under the about section on the patreon there should be a link

Harley Shockley

Oh! you’re going to have a break on my birthday! Hope you get enough rest buddy.


I'm glad the story is moving along again but a bit sad that apparently Rain is going to be (well for now anyways, no way in story yet for him to fix his Paling properly) perma nerfed due to his Paling Patch being weak which limits his mana use heavily. So even now when he gets his Legendary class and Prismatic and stuff it won't matter much since he can't do much with them as his auras are all still very mana intensive. Seems like whenever Rain takes a step forward he gets forced to take 2 or 3 steps back.


So he didn’t actually need to get 5 skills from each tree or is that requirement just not listed for some reason?


5 skills at max level in a tree is the requirement to use specialization on it. It's not a must to use all the specializations, it's just a bit of a waste not to.


of course it had to end just at the good part :p


Nice chapter, I like the insight into class options. So switching classes is possible but effectively gives you the bronze bonus for that class. Terrible choice. But meta classes confirmed. We're gonna need to crunch the numbers on that one. As far as I remember, uncommon specialist classes used to require four skills in a tree, did you change that? Three skills at rank 5 for uncommon leaves the possibility of six skills in one tree at rank 10 giving a rare class at bronze. A rare specialist compared to Mahria's rare elemental generalist. The L. Dynamo's Personalization class ability probably gives a bonus to whatever the dynamo is specialized in. Endless got better fire magic, Rain gets better aura magic? Please keep giving us peeks into class options as Rain compiles his list, SS. Love that stuff! Enjoy your vacation!

Jeppe Fiig

Hmm i wonder if the class trend continues, and if you have 6 skills in a single tree all maxed with some attribute requirements along with kill, recover etc. If there is a rare class for each tree that allows for 5 extra ranks in the tree.


Damn near pissed my pants laughing at the "number one" comment rain made. Brilliant.


*I've got Common Knowledge* - missing open quote. *full of grave* - i think you meant gravel


Sorry if I haven't been paying attention, but can someone tell me what "Personalization" or "Specialization" means in this case?


Personalisation is like how Ameliah's class is Uncertain Saviour. But before she actually chose it, would've been True Jack or some such. So basically after he chooses it, it won't be called Legendary Dynamo anymore but will take a customised name. We have speculated that this will come with a personalised bonus, but this is not yet confirmed. Specialisations are the reason Rain was highly limited in skill choices in the lead-up to level 25. If you have 5 skills within one tree picked and at level 10, it is eligible for specialisation, which means it's maximum rank is raised by 5. So if he gets a Legendary class and takes the 5 specialisations that he has skills in, all his Aura Skills and Magic Utility skills will now have a base cap of 15 instead of 10. The number of specialisations that you can have varies by the tier of class you pick at silver


I really think that with a level cap of 30, Rain should go for an Equipment User specilization. Not being able to spend points in stats outside clarity means he's going to have to rely heavily on Rings/Amulets for his bonus stats.

Sean Coker

SenescentSoul, did you learn about the wick trimming by watching technology connections? I just learned about it myself haha


He would need to invest 5 skill points into an equipment skill tree before he picked his class at level 25. Unless he gets an accolade and respecs his entire build, it’s literally impossible


I feel like chapters have been very short recently..


They all say 4 skills in the tree for me so might've been a corrected mistake. The remedial classes are interesting. Especially combined with the common High classes available. If the other classes require a remedial class, wouldn't that mean the worker/warrior/mage/defender classes should also be remedial instead of skipping their original classes and jumping straight to High versions? Or is that a unique trait of the common classes? I'm trying to think of a good reason one would go with any of the uncommon aura classes besides the one based around the metamagic tree. Maybe if you take an absolute ton of skills in one tree? Well the warder beacon does let you go full clarity where the meta aura tree does some of the class bonus into focus instead. I'd have to do the math to see how different the skill trees end up against the meta one. But if your trees were magical utility, aura metamagic, wards, and utility, then none of your spells are increased with more focus. Which means the 30% boost to focus instead of clarity in the aura meta class would be completely wasted. But honestly, unless they plan to figure out the rare versions at level 5 and the legendary upgrades, the uncommon aura classes are just not worth it for people like Tarny that are considering it. They really need to figure out the rare ones first or just go with Dynamo/Animus. Cause those will have like 2x the amount of mana and mana regen and a bunch of other reasons like the guaranteed legendary upgrade at silver and all that entails. Ascension needs like all the skill and respec accolades to figure out the countless class unlocks. I imagine plenty aren't straightforward.


Not sure if this is a #BugReport or not. Okay, so Rain's class choices includes the uncommon, aura specific classes he would've qualified for at level 5 with a remedial tag. Huge jump back for anyone but fun mechanic. I dig it. But shouldn't Rain qualify for at least one of the aura focused classes that are rare instead of uncommon at level 5? Still remedial, but higher rarity. Cause he has a lot of aura skills. And the aura metamagic tree specifically only has 5 skills available for someone at level 5, and he has all 5 of those skills plus almost all the auras that would be the assumedly qualifying 6th skill. If the rare version of the meta-beacon class requires all 5 of those skills + an aura to spend them on, he should have the remedial version of that rare class available. Now obviously I could be totally wrong. Remedial might not work with rare classes. Or the rare version of the meta-beacon class might require some unintuitive 6th skill which seems hard but still possible. And/or the other rare versions of the other aura classes have odd requirements Rain still doesn't meet, or those classes don't even exist. But worth mentioning.


At level 5 you can only unlock four skills in Aura Metamagic. Aura Synergy requires 1 rank in five different auras. Prismatic Intent requires 1 rank in fifteen different auras and T3 is not available.


Remember kids, remove your armor before bedding your girlfriend mkay ?

Jeppe Fiig

But years of campaigns, ads and parentel advice, tell me to wear protection when sleeping with someone


Ah man. No Delve tonight. I'm assuming we've got some more character interactions coming up and some soul stuff given him needing to fix his paling and the impending class up. I've even started to look forward to Rain's soul explorations. What have you done to me, you monster.


Once SS started doing short time-skips on soul progress it became much more enjoyable to read about. Doubly so when it finally proved to have real effects.


Halfway to next week's chapter 😊 🥉 -> 🥈 🤞


For the love of all that is holy, please don't have rain choose Legendary Dynamo. I honestly can't imagine a worse class given how this world works. His unbalanced Clarity is already causing him mental issues and we have also confirmed that some Skills grant penetration against resistances, so if he is unable to invest in Focus his physical stats he will just be one shot by some random passerby at some point. No, scratch that, he wouldn't get that far. He will end up so lost in his own mind that they won't even need to kill him, he will be functionally dead. Rain's build is seriously messed up and I get the feeling he is about to wreck himself harder.

Tomer Yud

dude just take off the armor