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2021-07-25: Chapter 164

2021-08-01: Break

2021-08-08: Chapter 165



Thanks for the chapter

Conor McGroarty

My man (or lady?)! Was worried for a bit there

Michael Hughes

So I just skimmed it and half of the chapter is a non MC POV and the rest is a time skip that does not address the boss fight or the legendary class upgrade. I am going to give it a pass this week and hope that it is resolved without a cliff next week before the break. See you all next chapter. Hopefully. I stayed up till midnight for this.

Newguy Roy

It was still fun, seeing some of the company's progress while Rain and co were away. Pretty sure the class dilemma will have 15 pages to itself next week, or in 3 weeks. Also, Tarny is best boy.


Gotta say, that last bit with Tarny made me laugh out loud. But let’s be fair…who wouldn’t right?


Thanks, I like it! The timeskip was fine, as the delve was dragging on.. Someone remind me - is the upgrade at his new cap now? Or before? I'm excited to see what level he got to and the new math


Level 25. Most likely after he ranked up all his skills to rank 10 and maybe he is going to fix his Pailing too

The 49th Khan

I mean, it was a nice chapter... not what I wanted but still nice I guess.


Nice chapter, looks like the noobs needs to get a good few lessons from Rain himself on the technology they were using, while having Winter and Essence well applied to them of course for memory enhancement. Also, something to add to the Fall tests, since it supposedly provides all the food you need, does it work on plants? And does it fill the water bill. Easy test is to put a seed in a petri dish or just on a metal contain, and then flood it with Fall for a long time and see if it grows. And also how, since the roots won’t be needed at least.

Conor McGroarty

MC isn’t silver yet so that means he is likely level 25 even and biding his time to make the class-up jump until his soul is more stable. It has to be as silver level should be quite the change and it could be bad if he doesn’t prepare. Though now that he is on the surface and out of danger, he should have a decent amount of time to do things with his soul after dealing with the work backlog he has to address

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter. Good one but I need to know what his new class will be.


A little bummed at the lack of a climax for the last chapter. This skip felt extremely out of place.


That might have been Senescents revenge on people always saying the pace is to slow xD


I will never get the love ducks thing. Male ducks are absolutely awful to the females and it has led to some very strange evolution.


meuh, the band of the hawk is still alive - yet.

Alex Flint

Thanks for the chapter! Loved it! And I don't see the problem with the lack of climax as it's obvious that the blue will not pose that much of a problem. Anyway, I think this is sort of an epilogue, before Senescents will take his vacation and start the next arc.


A binary search finds where something is in a sorted list, or whether it’s in the list, or where it should be in the list. I’m not sure what Rain’s macro could be doing- what’s the outcome of this binary search?


Well roots are technically useful for anchoring the plant too so even if the nutrients are being supplied in an unnatural manner, the plant should still develop 'normally'.

Judah Frankel

Great chapter! I get why some people are a bit disappointed, but honestly, there was no way Rain would jump into class selection without fixing his paling first. The chances of Rain’s soul bursting like an overripe tangerine under the forces of a Legendary Class upgrade are unacceptably high; we probably won’t be seeing the options until Rain has managed to stitch, weld, anneal or otherwise rejoin the tattered layers of his paling.


There are so many fun and cute moments in this chapter. Very entertaining. But balls. I am terrible with names. So many this chapter. I actually remember most of them, but can not remember who Tahir and Mereck are.


binary search = yes/no. It's doing a 'is X member in range?' check in alphabetical order of known members.

Tomer Yud

What happend to Val? He used to be one of the main characters, but for some reason the author forgot about him


Is ponce a slur?


It's either a pimp or a pretentious prick. So old slang it's not even slang anymore.


What's up with all the royal road reviews. Everyone's complaining.


Soul, I need more info on rains level and build in my life. You better not hold out on me next week as well!


People whining about stuff because it's not to their personal tastes. There's a difference between something that's good but which you don't like, and something that is genuinely bad. Too many people can't recognize that difference, though. Sucks that those people can't leave well enough alone without trying to spread their unwanted opinions around needlessly.


Anyone else give Mig and Del southern accents/drawls?


I didn't find this chapter as enjoyable as the usual ones, I think it's because of the way it skips over raising his level cap (which is ok by itself, the outcome was pretty obvious), but then ends before we get a chance to dive into the situation back on the surface. It makes both the start and end of the chapter a bit jarring.


They said that most of the OG ascension members are on patrol!


Thank you for the chapter...I like how you did it. Keep up the awesome work.😁


Glad to be back on the surface. I liked the delve but missed the other characters.


We've been waiting for silver for so long, please don't make us wait 3 more weeks for it


#bug_report “Thought you said it was lectons,” Del replied, grinning. “And I don’t think you’re saying either of them words right.” It says Del, but this should be Mig speaking

Daniel Viana Rodrigues

Great chapter, I'd love to see Rain's level 25 sheet and class options next week. The old crew's reaction to buff Rain should also be great.

Daniel Vainsencher

Enjoyed the chapter very much. I have a bad feeling about Mig, and generally the difficulty of transferring culture to the new comers. In particular, how do you avoid newcomers betraying the company's many many secrets (Cervidian, super-crafters, technology, wealth, plates, training methods...) to the powers that be?

Newguy Roy

Thing’s would get awful boring if we did that. --> things. Could be explained by the person's dialect I guess


So long term some secrets are going to get out, but long term the company should be strong enough that it won't matter. Short term you want to inundate the new people with Ascension culture, have important information only shared with those that need to know and keep them isolated from potential outside agents.


While I hoped the fight from the last chapter would continue in this, I still really enjoyed this chapter. It's good to see the other characters again, and new characters reactions to Rain are always fun to read :)

ricky jackson

I'm happy for rains sake that kids aren't running of fear or crying due to his previous leaking soul, would have deff put a damper on his mood


Could have made some wood/stone boxcars, linked them together and used levitate on them. Amelia already has the prerequisite ranks in Arcane Mysteries since she has flight. Great chapter overall. Can't see why anyone would downvote this.


I would have loved to read about the queen being exploded like a piñata, sending candy raining down on the huddled masses. On the other hand, it's kinda refreshing to see a quick and surgical execution instead of drawing the fight just for some unnecessary drama. Like....how much resistance did the queen have? How powerful was that golden shield she cast on all her troops? What other bullshit spells did she have? Nobody knows, and nobody cares since she got BTFO.


I have t read all the comments but I think it may be the abrupt change in scenery.

Mr Mouse

As ever, magnificent


Maybe we could have him at least look at the option. If I recall correctly, then he could see the option and postpone the actual selection when he got to level 5.


I suspect it might take a while for Rain to lvl. Mental ward is still lvl 1 right? Does he actually have a way to grind that? Anyone in Ascension with mental damage?


Ameliah can Mental Arrow him. It's also possible that certain soulstrains could be mitigated my mental resistance. System Manipulation, in particular, would be a good experiment to try since it's soulstrain causes extreme dizziness/headache. Other than that, he could just Discombobulate/Mental Ward himself with Prismatic Intent.


there seems to be a missing chapter between 162 and 163 :p